《The Innocent Salvatore (Niklaus, Elijah and Kol)》Chapter 5


"What do you want from me?" Angel hears an annoying voice ask waking her up from her sleep. Shaking her head softly Angel slowly opens her eyes blinking a couple of times to focus her vision.

Angel tries to move hands and feet before realizing they're tied, but surprisingly there was no vervain on the ropes. Looking around the room she notices that she was alone, but she could hear voices coming from another room.

Taking a deep breath Angel pulls at her ropes, breaking them in a couple seconds. Standing up from the chair Angel cracks her neck, stretching the rest of her body as quietly as possible. Walking around the room she looks for a way to get out without alerting the other people in the house.

She could always break a window but she assumed whoever had taken her would most likely be older, there by stronger and faster. She could also rush to the door but then she would have to go by the room where the other people were and the same problem came up. She couldn't outrun them and she couldn't outfight them so she was left with no other options.

The only thing she could do was wait, she had no idea why she was taken all she knew is that she had to find a way to get out of this alive. She had to make sure she survived, for her Mothers sake. Getting lost in her thoughts Angel didn't notice the table in front of her, bumping into it.

'Oh no,' Angel mumbles to herself backing away from the table slowly in hopes that no one noticed the sound she made.

"Look who finally woke up!" A voice says startling her and making her turn around with a jump. Looking in the direction the sound came from she noticed a man, tall with brown hair and dark eyes. Afraid Angel's eyes widen backing away from the man slowly as he walks closer.

"Please don't hurt me!" Angel shrieks holding her hands out in front of her and squeezing her eyes shut. It's silent for a moment before a loud laugh fills the air startling her for a second as she slowly opens her eyes bringing her hands down.

"She's so cute," the man yells speeding over to Angel a large childlike smile on his face. Bending down to Angels height the man removes the arms covering her face before smiling again.

"Look at her, she's so tiny!" The man exclaims to someone in the room bringing his hands up to squeeze her small cheeks. Looking at the man in front of her Angels eyes widen in surprise, this was the big, scary man who kidnapped her. He didn't look very scary.

"Trevor get off the poor girl," A woman says from the corner of the room Angel hadn't noticed before. Trevor frowns for a minute before removing his hands from her cheeks and standing up speeding over to the women a frown etched onto his face.

Trevor is just about to speak but before he can a woman enters the room, an unattractive pout on her face. Still shocked Angel looks up to see who entered the room, surprised to see her mother or at least someone who looks like her.

"Mom!" Angel yells shocked speeding over to the woman and throwing her arms around her. That's when she feels it, a heartbeat, her mother didn't have a heartbeat. Pulling away from the unknown woman Angel realizes this wasn't her mom, but if she wasn't who was she? And why did she look like her?


Looking up the clone Angel realizes subtle differences she didn't notice before, like the hair and look in her eyes.

"Who are you?" Angel asks softly, "Why do you look like my Mom?" Angel asks again angry this time at the woman.

"My names Elena Gilbert," Elena starts before Angels words settle in her mind. "Wait, Katherine is your Mom!" Elena stats in disgust backing away from the small girl like she was a virus. Angel is about to say something but before she can a knock sounds through the house.

"He's here, he's here, oh my god, he's here!" Trevor starts to chant a worried expression making its way onto his face as he starts to pace around the room.

"Trevor!" The woman yells making him stop his pacing, "what are we?" She asks him firmly.

"We're family," Trevor says, "Forever." He finishes calming down for a small moment. Walking over to the door the women opens it to see Elijah folding his cufflinks.

"We're sorry for the mess," she begins but is cut off before she can finish.

"It is quite alright Rose, what am I here for?" the man responds a heavy british accent.

"I want freedom, we're tired of running. Are you in a position to grant that?" Rose asks as Elijah walking into the house.

"I have complete authority to grant pardon to you and your little pet. What is his name these days? Trevor. If I so see fit." The man Angel now knew as Elijah responds smoothly, never loosing his composer.

"Katerina Petrova?" Rose asks, hoping he would still be interested.

"I'm listening." Elijah says interested.

"She didn't burn in the church in 1864." Rose blurts out

"Continue." Elijah says waving his hand in a motion to tell her to move on and hurry up.

"She survived." Rose continues.

"Where is she?" Elijah asks, not surprised by the news.

"You don't seem surprised by this." Rose comments noticing how unsurprised he was.

"Oh, when you called and invited me into this armpit of civilization, which is a mere three hours from the town we know as Mystic Falls, I surmised it had everything to do with Katerina. Do you have her in your possession?" Elijah explains smoothly asking her for the information he needs.

"No, but I have better. I have her doppelgänger." Rose assures. At that news Angel hits he head with the palm of her hand, how had she not thought of that before it made so much since. That was why the woman looked exactly like Katherine, she was her doppelganger.

"That's impossible, her family line ended with her. I know that for fact." Elijah says now confused about how his information might have been false.

"The facts are wrong." Rose assured knowing that it was true.

"Well, show her to me." Elijah says impatiently getting tired of the game she was playing.

"Elijah, you are a man of honor, you should be trusted but I want to hear you say it again." Rose says making sure everything was covered, she was tired of running and she wanted it to end.

"You have my word that I will pardon you." Elijah says a hidden meaning in his words that only Angel noticed. He promised to pardon Rose, but he said nothing about Trevor.

"Follow me." Rose says leading him further into the house, towards the room Angel was in. Following Rose into the room he notices the doppelganger first speeding over to her.


"Human, it's impossible. Hello there." Elijah says standing in front of Elena. Elijah is about to say something else but before he can a heavenly smell fills his nose, one smelling of fresh cut flowers and pastries.

Looking around the room Elijah looks for the source of the wonderful smell. Noticing it coming from behind Trevor. Leaving the doppelganger Elijah speeds across the room throwing Trevor out of the way to get to the source of the heavenly smell.

Looking at her, the source of the smell, he is instantly relaxed. It's her, the person he's been waiting for his whole life. His mate, his beautiful mate. He looks at her for one last moment before pulling her small frame into his arms, sticking his head into her tiny neck. Breathing in deeply he hugs her tighter loving her beautiful smell.

"Hello, Baby Girl." He whispers into her ear, not letting her go nor removing his head from her neck.

"My names Elijah." He says pulling away so he's able to look into her beautiful eyes.

"Angel," she says snuggling closer to the strange man's arms feeling safe in them. No matter how much her brain was telling her it wasn't safe to be in a strange man's arms she couldn't help it. It was like something was pulling her to be there, pulling her to feel safe.

Smiling at her adorableness he hugs her closer before deciding to pick her up. Pulling her up into his arms, like you would do a child he pulls her closer than was thought possible. Letting out a squeal at the sudden movement Angel stiffens before relaxing again digging her head into his neck.

"We have a long journey ahead of us," Elijah starts pulling his princess closer, "we should get going." He finishes walking a step towards the door getting ready to leave.

"Wait!" The doppelganger yells stopping him, "don't take me, just take her!" She says pointing at the tiny vampire in his arms, doing anything she can to save herself. Ignoring her words Elijah walks over to where Trevor is now standing.

"One last piece of business and we're done." Elijah states hiding Angels head in his head, making sure she isn't watching all while shushing Trevors apologies.

"You are the guilty one, Rose aided you because she was loyal to you, and that I will now honnor. Where is your loyalty?" Elijah asks all while keeping a smile on his handsome face.

"I beg for your forgiveness." Trevor begs praying that the forgiveness would be granted.

"So granted." Elijah states before swiping his hand and hitting Trevor's head straight off his body. Elena, who was now hiding in the corner gasps in shock covering her mouth.

"You..." Rose starts ready to yell at Elijah, forgetting everything else. Before she can Elijah stops her.

"Don't," he starts, "you are free now." He tells her before turning to look at Elena.

"Come." He says not giving her a chance to object walking out of the room Angel still safely in his arms.

"No," Elena stalls, "what about the moonstone?" She asks trying to stall him longer, until help arrived.

"What do you know about the moonstone?" He asks looking to Rose to see if she knew anything.

"It doesn't work that way," Elena says as Rose shakes her head, indicating that she didn't know anything.

"Where is it?" Elijah asks trying to compel Elena not noticing her necklace. Getting angry he's about to yell at Rose when a small hand taps his back alerting him that Angel needing something. Looking down at her he says her down on her feet softly.

"What is it Baby Girl?" He asks her softly his tone completely calming down.

"She's wearing a necklace," Angel states, "it's filled with vervain." She assures confused to how she knew that in the first place. Realization fills Elijah's face as he gives Angel a bright smile.

"Thank you Princess, you're so smart." He tells her peaking the top her head softly turning around to face Elena again.

"This shouldn't be around your neck." He says pulling it off her neck and throwing it onto the floor compelling her to tell him where the moonstone is.

"It's in the tomb," she straits robotically, "with Katherine." She adds compelled to tell him everything,

"Mom," Angel exclaims shocked. That's where she was, she could go get her now. Elijah's about to ask her another question but before he can the sound of shattered glass is heard from upstairs signaling someone else in in the house.

Angel watches afraid as blurs move all around them. Elijah throws Elena into Rose's arms before pulling Angel into his own, making sure to keep him safe.

"Rose!" Elijah yells annoyed about the interruption and worried about the safety of his mate.

"I don't know!" Rose exclaims scared as well.

"Up here!" An unknown voice yells.

"Down here!" Another voice yells from a different part of the house as Elijah receives a stake in his hand making Angel let out a small scream as Elijah pulls her behind him further. Looking around the room Angel realizes Rose and Elena are gone, nothing in there place.

"Excuse me. To whom it may concern, you're making a great mistake if you think that you can beat me. You can't. Do you hear that?" Elijah yells grabbing a coat rack from behind him, snapping it in half to use as a weapon.

"I repeat, you cannot beat me. So I want the girl, I'm gonna count to three or heads will roll. Do we understand each other?" He yells again holding the stakes out in front of him making sure Angel stays safely behind him.

Elijah is about to make another threat but before he can Elena appears at the top of the stairs holding her hands behind her back.

"I'll come with you," she yells, "just don't hurt my friends." She adds trying to act normal.

"What game are you playing?" He asks her knowing she wasn't being completely truthful.

Elena looks frightened for a moment before pulling hands out from behind her back throwing a vervane bomb at him watching it explode in his face. It hurts for a moment but he heals immediately glad the bomb didn't get to Angel.

He starts walking towards Elena but before he can get far he gets shot with a weapon although it doesn't do anything so the man just throws the weapon at him and rushes towards Elijah tackling him as Angel steps out of the way, barely missing them.

Elijah stands up immediately worried about Angel although the other man stays on the floor. Elijah goes towards the man ready to kill him. Before he can another man appears stabbing Elijah in the chest and pushing him against the door. Angel watches as Elijah's skin turns white and veins begin to appear. Dead. He's dead.

Angel watches fearfully as Rose speeds away finally looking at the other people in the room. One of the men is about to go after her but the other stops him pointing at Angel who's standing in the corner eyes filled with tears.

"Angel!" The man yells shock and surprise filling his voice. Turning around at the sound of her name Angels eyes widen at the person tears streaming down her face now.


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