《Blood Lust | Jung Jaehyun |》14


Jieun's POV

As soon as I finished getting ready. I got out of my room carrying my bag. I went downstairs and saw Jisung glaring at me.

Jisung glared

He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms



He sighed he said and left me

How can he be so annoying? Last time when someone tried forcing me to join the competition, he is acting so supportive. Now, he is acting so annoying. Argh.

our maid asked

I left the house and started walking to Stonehill University. I saw my brother walking not far from me and he is currently talking to someone on the phone.

Yoonah calling...

Where are you? Are you really not going?

You won't believe this

Jaehyun wants me to remove your name, Jungwoo came and they are arguing, but not that bad. I can't hear it well but I'm sure they are arguing. Then, Jungwoo removed your name and changed it with Hayoon's name.

Yeah, that girl. Now you are partnered with Jung Jaehyun. You are so beautiful that they kept wanting to be your partner. Jungwoo and Hayoon are next to do the photoshoot

I know right. Anyway, where are you? Jaemin and I just finished our shoot

Jaehyun is here now. He is with that Doyoung, and another three guys who's in the same class as Kun

See you, sweet blood!

I ended the call and continued walking

I saw my brother entered the University, I entered as well and saw Yoonah with Jaemin. There are also the candidates who joined the contest. They are currently having the shoot.

Doyoung shouted and waved at me

I vowed and smiled at him.

Jaemin asked as he went to me with Yoonah


I nodded

Yoonah excitedly said

We walked near the shooting place and Hayoon is currently posing awkward.


Kun whispered as he stood beside me

This is the first time he talked like that. I never heard him talking like that but it's really disappointing. He just disrespected a girl and I clearly heard it.

Jaehyun called and smiled at me

Kun said and faked a laugh

I looked at him


Yoonah angrily said to him

Kun smiled at me and started walking away

That hurts so bad. Oh my gosh. I should've not went here. I'm so mad at myself for making Kun feel like I'm trying to leave him behind.

Jisung asked

I shook my head


Jisung sighed and looked away. I walked to Jaehyun whos currently talking with his friends.

Jaehyun asked

Doyoung said

Jaehyun introduced

I did shake hands with the the two guy, Mark and Yuta. But when I shake hands with Taeyong, I felt a bad vibes and he even smiled at me creepily. I just smiled back.

the photographer shouted

Jaehyun and I went to them and I don't know if Jungwo didn't mean it. But he and Jaehyun literally glared at each other. What's this bad vibes?

the photographer said

We both held each others' hands since it's pretty easy for us. We even accidentally kissed and he even hugged me but what is this shy feeling when he held my hand and smiled at me.

the photographer said and started taking shots of me and Jaehyun

Jaehyun said

I nodded even though I don't have any idea what he was talking about.

Jaehyun smiled and pulled my waist

Our face isn't that far from each other. Damn it. Our faces are like 1 inch from each other. He is smiling at me.

the photographer said

How can I smile?! I know he kissed me two time before but this is different. He just made my heart beats faster than ever!!!

Jaehyun whispered and smiled at me

The next thing I knew, I automatically smiled as soon as I heard it from him.

Damn it.



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