《Blood Lust | Jung Jaehyun |》12


I smiled at her

She looks so shocked right now, Yoonah waved at me. Jieun suddenly looked away as I met her gaze. I caught Jungwoo glaring at me while crossing his arms.

Yoonah asked

"Sweet blood? Is what he calls Jieun? Wow"

"Kun has a crush on Jieun, Jungwoo is partnered with her and now Jaehyun wants to talk to her"

"I envy her so bad"

"Where can I find my own Jungwoo, Jaehyun and Kun?"

"Why the hell is here?! Does he really have to go here and call me that stupid whatever that is. I am not damn sweet blood. He never even tasted my blood, how can he call it sweet?! Argh! I just hope the teacher will come soon. I want him gone. He is so annoying" (Jieun's Mind)

She annoyingly stood up and walked to me

I winked and was about to drag her out of the room when Jungwoo stood up

he called while glaring at me


Jieun looked at me

I smiled and dragged her out of the room but she quickly puller her hand from me


Jieun glared at me and was about to go inside but I quickly held her hand

She rolled her eyes and removed my hands

Jieun rolled her eyes again


Jieun raised her eye brow


her adviser asked

I nodded

Jieun stopped talking when I covered her mouth

she said

I called and looked straight into her eyes, 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Jieun shouted and step on my foot

The teacher slowly nodded and went inside the classroom

Jieun looks very shocked right now and was confused

I said and quickly dragged her to the rooftop

she shouted but she can't remove my hand

Jieun shouted, I quickly looked at her


Jieun suddenly closed her mouth. I smiled and continued dragging her to the rooftop. After a couple of minutes of dragging her, we finally arrived at the rooftop. I locked the door and made her face me.


I let go of her hand



Jieun sighed

I nodded and smiled

Jieun boredly stared at me

Jieun asked

Jieun sighed

Jieun nodded

"He is so slow. Can't he just say everything I'm so tired right now" (Jieun's mind)

She looked at me

Jieun smiled and was about to go but I held her hand

Jieun glared at me, she removed my hands and started walking away

she shouted

I kneeled


I nodded.

Jieun said and walked away


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