《blackmail ↻ jung jaehyun》49


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I lazily walked towards the front door, while yawning too. I opened the door, expecting Soonyoung to be there with breakfast. But, instead I was greeted with a cat.

"Did God answered my prayers? Did Daniel leave this cat for me?" I muttered as I bent down to carry the cat. On it's butt, stuck a piece of note. I scrunched my nose, hoping there's no poop on it.

If you want me, follow me to my owner's house!

- Mochi, J.J.H's

"J.J.H? Jung Jaehyun?" I mumbled, but my thoughts died when Mochi started running. "Oh, for crying out loud!" I followed after the cat anyways.

As expected some neighbours stared at me in shock, or just simply judging. Why can't they mind their own business? "Mochi, hold on," I said helplessly, all I wanted to do was to go back to sleep. But Mochi was too cute, it's fat too. Man I want to hug a fat cat or dog.

Mochi then stopped, and started wiggling it's butt, I looked at it in confusion. Until, Mochi eventually jumped over the gates of Jaehyun's house. I knew it. Jaehyun. I grumbled.

I pressed the door bell as I waited, and as expected Jaehyun's face greeted me. "Good morning Nara," he smiled and opened his arms for a hug. "I'm here for Mochi, not you," Jaehyun's frowned and crossed his arms, "that's no way to talk to his owner."

I raised an eyebrow, "when did you adopt such a fat cat?" I paused, "a cute one, actually. Cute fat cats." I added, worried he might be offended. Jaehyun chuckled, "well, a pretty long time, actually. You never bothered to visit me at my house," He shrugged.


Mochi approached Jaehyun, and started purring at his feet, I looked in awe, Jaehyun bent down to carry it, and slowly started to stroke Mochi's head. "I heard you wanted a cat and I actually have 2 more cats in my house," he pointed towards his house.

My jaw dropped, "I... wow, you... wow." I exclaimed, imagine how impressed Daniel would be.

"Do you want Mochi?" Jaehyun offered, my already dropped jaw, remained the same, "but like, why?" I asked, "Mochi hates me anyways," he pouted, and I let out a chuckle.

"What's the catch here?" I eyed him, Jaehyun instantly put Mochi down, a huffed. "You're smart." He complimented, I scoffed, putting my hands on my hips, I rolled my eyes before saying, "excuse me, I am always smaㅡ"

Jaehyun cut me off by gentle grabbing my face as he leaned closer. My eyes widened. "What's the catch?" He repeated, smiling widely, I never had my face so close to his, my heart was beating so quickly, I could hear it. "The catch is you'll properly be mine," he chuckled lowly, and god, it might've been the hottest thing I've ever witnessed.

And then his face slowly leaned closer and closer, as we kissed. I obviously kissed him back, but it didn't last quite long since Mochi, for some reason, bit Jaehyun's ankle.

"Ow! Mochi! Bad cat!" Jaehyun hissed, Mochi gave an 'I-don't-care' look before walking over towards me. After a while he eyed me back, and I got back to my awkward position. "So, are you properly mine?" He chuckled.

"God, stop using your low voice. You're not sexy!" I laughed, pushing him away, Jaehyun laughed with me. However, it came to a long silence afterwards, and I felt awkward once again. "Okay, but seriously, I need an answer," he frowned, I shrugged, "I guess you are since I like you very much,"


Jaehyun sheepishly smiled, and then carried Mochi once again, "here! Have him." I took Mochi, despite him being very heavy, I was still very happy.

Oh, Jaehyun, throughout these years, you made me feel so much things. I wonder if I show thank you or kick your ass.

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