《blackmail ↻ jung jaehyun》46


"I'll be right back, alright?" Jaehyun pointed towards the buffet, I nodded as I remained in my seat. I watched as various students did their performances, some were singing, some were dancing. I was really surprised when I saw Ten and Taeyong going up there and did a freestyle dance. I was in awe for a moment.

But performances after performances, Jaehyun still hasn't came back, I took no worry about it, but I did felt hungry. I left my purse on the chair I was sitting and went to grab some food to eat. When I reached the buffet, Jaehyun was nowhere to be found.

I frowned, but still, remained calm. He was most likely out with Taeyong and Ten and Johnny. That's fine, I could join Lisa and Chaeyoung later. I went back to my sit and started eating.

However, Jaehyun was still absent. I was starting to feel bored and uneasy too. Did he left already? Did something happened to him?

"Your face looks like you just got stood up by your date." I heard someone saying. My head snapped towards the person's direction and I realized it was Yuta. I frowned even more. "Oh, piss off, Yuta." I sighed and chugged onto mineral water.

"Afterwards there'll be dancing, you're sure you want to dance alone?" He asked and sat next to me, I glared at him, "I don't find the need to dance if I have no partner." I answered, it made me uneasy to be close to him like this, not that anxiety kind of feeling, I felt the urge to punch him. And that made me uneasy. I didn't want to embarrass Jaehyun.

"I'm asking you to dance with me, in case you're still blur about that." I shot him a look, is he really serious? "Somehow Yuki doesn't exist?" Yuta raised an eyebrow, "I told you before, I never liked Yuki." He frowned.


I rolled my eyes at him, "go away, Yuta. I'd rather spend my time eating than dancing." Yuta chuckled or scoffed, and then took a seat next to me. "Oh come on, Nara. It's just a dance. One dance, and then I'll leave you alone."

I took his words for consideration, and then somehow my mind convinced me to go. Why not, right? It's just a dance. I took a deep breath as my eyes fell on his, "okay," my words were airy. Yuta took my hand and brought me towards the dance floor, and we just started to dance.

"You look really pretty, you know?" He smiled. I still felt a little uncomfortable, since Jaehyun might be somewhere, and he's going to get angry. "Thank you," I replied softly, I didn't even want to look at him in the eye. I was slowly starting to regret my decision.

There were a few more couples dancing, but I felt like everyone was looking at me? I don't know, but the chances of that happening is like... 80%? Because everyone knows Yuta and I broke up already.

When the song was coming to an end, Yuta leaned forward, his forehead almost touching mine as he grinned widely. "Thank yoㅡ"

"Nara?" Yuta didn't finish his sentence as we both turned, Jaehyun was standing there, and I just couldn't make out his facial expression, it was a mix of a lot of things; angry? Sad? Disappointed?

Without saying anything else, Jaehyun grabbed my wrist, and dragged me outside. "What is wrong with you?" He sounded calm but his voice had a hint of anger in it, so did his facial. "You can't even be left for one minute, and you're already crawling back to that jerk? Are you for real?!" He yelled on the last part.

My eyebrows twitched, "One minute?!" I yelled back, my index finger landed on his chest as I kept tapping it harshly, "it felt like you fucking ditched me for god knows why, and you're saying it's my fault that I was dancing with Yuta? It was just one dance! It'll be a fucking waste to go to prom and end up doing nothing!" Jaehyun pushed my hand away harshly.


"You know what I was doing when I was gone? I was preparingto confess to you, but seeing how easy you took Yuta back into your life, you can go fuck yourself with him. I'm so done with you."

I watched him walk back into the hall, and I was left in shock, and I was also sad. Was I wrong for having one, harmless, dance with Yuta? We did nothing, we barely talk during the dance, too. And like he promised, he wanted to say "thank you" before escorting me back to my table, but instead Jaehyun came, and was outrageous.

I wanted to cry, but I don't know for what reason. And I didn't want to cry alone, outside during night.


hello my glazed doughnut

pick me up please

tf why

what happened to jaehyun

just hurry up i'll talk

in the car

is mum and dad still home

no they went back

to their house because

they wanted to sleep

okay good

but i have jihoon with me


no seokmin because he's

out with yuju

that's fine

i'm on my way okay

be careful, it's kinda

dangerous when you're

outside at night

i'll be fine, don't worry

I ran back inside the prom room, and I saw Jaehyun sitting next to my seat, of course there was no one. I walked towards our table, and Jaehyun just stared at me. I didn't dare to do a staring contest with him, I just grabbed my purse and went back outside.

As always, Soonyoung always arrive early when it comes to picking me up, and I'm always grateful for that. "Get in loser!" Jihoon yelled. I laughed a little as I got into the car. Jihoon was also sitting at the back seat with me.

"So speak, why isn't Jaehyun sending you home?" Soonyoung asked. "Well," I paused, trying to get myself together. "It's okay if you're gonna cry, it's the reason why I'm sitting at the back seat with you," Jihoon added and pat my back softly.

I started telling them what happened, and as I expected, I cried a little. And thank god Jihoon wiped my tears, or else I would be a crying mess. "I knew we shouldn't trust hot blonds!" Jihoon said as he punched his other palm.

"First Yuta, now Jaehyun. The guys at your school are a fucking mess!" Soonyoung said loudly, he was angry, obviously. "Calm down, dude, we're gonna end up dead if you keep this temper of yours," Jihoon exclaimed, and I laughed a little.

"Jihoon 1, Soonyoung 0." He added after seeing me laugh. "So he wanted to confess his undying love for you, but when he saw you dancing with Yuta, he got jealous? It's not like you guys were fucking or anything. He needs to chill his balls." Jihoon casually said as he munched on his ramen.

I shrugged, it was probably around 2 AM or so, and us three was chilling at the kitchen, eating and just simply talking. Although Soonyoung was already asleep, his ramen remained unfinished. "It's alright, Nara. Park Jihoon saved you in his heart already!" He giggled.

"I wish that was true." I frowned, and Jihoon pat my head. "Hey, look at the bright side! You can eat as many chocolates you want and Soonyoung won't complain!" I nodded my head, I guess he was true.

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