《blackmail ↻ jung jaehyun》36


is my woogie woogie

yoogie yoogie snoogie

snoogie girl finally cheered



bi tch

cheer up

it's time

i miss yuta

that japanese looking ass

utah can go suck his own

dick man stop missing him

u don't know what it's

like to fall in love so


you know what'll cheer you





lets go, my treat

fjksmwk noooo

i want to bury my head in

my pillow and scream and

cry not socialize

i'm on my way buttercup

djsksksjjq noooo

unless you want to go

to everland looking like

shit. geez, go clean yourself

up. i can smell you from here

mean :((


As I was in the middle of showering, the doorbell kept ringing, we all know it's Jaehyunㅡhe's really annoying these few daysㅡgeez. "I'll get it!" Soonyoung yelled, I could literally hear him from the bathroom, he's that loud.

I left the shower, put on something nice to wear, and then I was stuck. Should I tie my hair? Or should I leave it like how it's already is? Or should I braid it? Why am I even wondering what to look like? Who am I looking good for anyways?

"Hey!" Jaehyun yelled as he rudely barged into my room, he stared at me, knowing that I was lowkey procrastinating. "So... are we set?" He asked, putting his hands on my shoulders and resting his chin on my head.

"No." I sighed, still wondering what to do with my hair. "What do I style my hair? should I pin my bangs? Or tie it into a ponytail? What?" I bombarded him with questions, Jaehyun chuckled. "You know what? Just go bald." He let out a hearty laugh. I elbowed him and smiled in satisfaction when his eyebrows furrowed in pain.


"Hm, just tie it into a ponytail, I mean, I wouldn't want my hair to get in the way, it'll be a bothersome." He suggested, I gave him and nod and grabbed my comb, and did my hair.

I still looked ugly, but that, I can't change, I have to live with this face until I die anyways, so why bother feeling uneasy about it? "Are we set?" Jaehyun asked again, I smiled and nodded, and he grabbed my hand, excited to leave.

"Bye hyung!" Jaehyun waved at Soonyoung, "bye scumbag, take good care of Nara!" He yelled at us, wow, he really likes yelling, doesn't he? I sighed. We entered the car, Jaehyun was really excited somehow.

"Let's eat lots and lots of cotton candies and let's die!" He exclaimed, I had to admit, that was pretty funny. "Okay," I agreed, and he sped up to our destination.

"Hey, if we see Yuta anywhere in Everland, let's throw ice creams at him." I suggested, Jaehyun shook his head thoroughly. "No, if we see Yuta there, act normal. Let him know you're an independent woman and you need no man to stand in your way." He puffed his chest, I rolled my eyes playfully.

"You're a man, though?" Jaehyun nodded, "well I guess you need me, at least. A man with great hair." He said, getting narcissistic. "You sure do have great locks." I decided to play along, in hopes he would've guessed that it was sarcasm.

"Glad you realizㅡ"

"I was being sarcastic, Jae," I deadpanned, Jaehyun frowned at me, "you can't be sarcastic if you don't say it in a sarcastic tone," he said, and then grabbed my hand to take me to the roller coaster.


"Wouldn't it be funny if we can't ride it because you're too short for it?" He joked, I gave him a dirty look for it. "Awe~ is my snoogie woogie sad because she can't fire back?" He teased, nudging me again and again. I brushed him off, acting hurt that he called me short.

"Hey, at least I used to be taller than you when we were ten!" I exclaimed, crossing my hands. "Yeah, well, that was like, a decade ago," he exaggerated by saying 'decade' instead of 'ten years'. "You're making it sound so ancient by saying decade!" I yelled and hit his arm lightly. "It wouldn't make any difference if I say 'ten years'!" Jaehyun yelled back.

"Plus," he paused, giving me that annoying smirk of his. "You managed to like me even though I was shorter than you. That just show how incredibly irresistible I am since 1997." He wriggled his eyebrows, and kept nudging me once again.

"That was a decade ago." I snapped, glaring at him and his annoyingly handsome looksㅡwait. no, forget that 'handsome' part. what the heck, Nara?

Soon enough, we reached the roller coaster station, we already had seatbelts on and Jaehyun was clutching onto my hand, "it's okay hon! If you're scared, hold me tightly, I'm here!" He convinced me, although clearly, I wasn't the pale-looking one here.

"You sure, Jae? Shouldn't it be the other way around?" I sarcastically remarked, but he denied. "Shush! You'll get even more scared if you keep talking, just breathe in and out." He instructed, I was starting to think he was just monologue-ing.

The ride started to move, "don't be scared, Nara, calm down," I'm not even the scared one!!! I wanted to yell that at him, but I kept quiet, letting him look manlierㅡalthough really, his knuckles were white for clenching on it too hardㅡoh well, more material for me to blackmail him.

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