《blackmail ↻ jung jaehyun》31


are you ready for the date



i hope i don't see you

wearing something too

revealing >:(


JSJDUDJS bc i will think

of stuffs


like what

that's not the point just

wear sweatpants or smth



drive safely!

why would i

i love to speed lol

jesus christ

like jaehyun would always

say, "why are you testing

death like he's sum kind of a


don't speed while driving smh

i don't want you dead, yET

oh so eventually you want

me to die?

well sometimes i do bc you

can be very bitchy

but i'm never bitchy with

you fam i love u

ngl you're a softer bitch

when you're with me :^)

okie das gud

anyways see u laterz narawr


okie okie

"hey, where are you going?" her brother asked, dropping his book and crossing his arms. nara eyed her brother, and then smiled. "with yuta," his brother's eyes widened, "yuta? is that your boyfriend?"

nara shrugged, "kinda," she grinned. "anyways, don't forget to leave some food for me tonight okay?" she reminded, her brother was still in shock, how the hell did his little sister managed to get a lover before he does?

"soonyoung?" nara said as she was about to exit their house, soonyoung nodded, signalling nara to continue. "i'm gonna wait outside, wanna join?" she asked, knowing her brother would definitely want to meet yuta.

soonyoung and nara waited outside, with him still in daze. "does mum and dad knows about this?" he asked, but his eyes were locked in front of their house, waiting for yuta to come.

nara shook her head, "soonyoung, please, we're not dating yet. he's ready, but i'm not, chill." she sighed, soonyoung let out a chuckle. he tjen stared at nara's outfit, it was just a simple floral dress, he remember buying it for her on her birthday.

"how long have you been 'not ready'?"

nara shrugged and turned her head to face soonyoung, "for about 3 months?" soonyoung's eyes widened, "3 months?!" he yelled, standing up. "that's so long! holy crap this yuta guys has got to have an incredible patience!" he exclaimed.


"oh my gosh, shut up! the neighbours can hear you." nara hussed, looking around. and that was when yuta's car pulled up. and yuta got out of the car, too. which made nara nervous.

soonyoung and nara approached yuta, "holy buddha, your boyfriend's so hot," he whispered, which made nara giggle. "i know," she whispered back later.

yuta gave soonyoung a bow, "h-hello, uh,"

"soonyoung, or hyung, if you're younger." soonyoung helped, bowing back at yuta. yuta cleared his throat, "well i'm a 95 liner."

soonyoung's eyes widened, and then laughed. "you're older than me oh my gosh!" he exclaimed. he didn't expect nara to find a boyfriend that's older than him.

he wonders what his parents would say. "so you and nara are like, 2 years apart?" soonyoung asked, yuta nodded, although soonyoung was younger than him, he still felt nervous.

yuta didn't notice nara until he saw her behind soonyoung, and he was in daze, nara was really beautiful, he wondered which lucky star he should thank.

"yuta?" nara called, noticing that he was daydreaming about something. "oh, yes?" yuta answered smiling, honestly he wanted to kiss nara's forehead so badly at the moment for being so cute and beautiful and the same time, but soonyoung was there.

"shall we go?" yuta asked, nara nodded. nara went to soonyoung and gave him a bear hug, "bye bye." nara mumbled, "take care, okay, if anything happens, call me," soonyoung eyed yuta.

yuta awkwardly smiled at him, he whished nara saw this. "yeah, and i called jihoon and seokmin to come over," she giggled. soonyoung's eyes widened, "why would you do that?" he hissed.

"because you've been doing nothing but study! take a day off!"

"anyways, i'm off now, bye!" nara waved soonyoung and followed by yuta bowing once again at him. soonyoung watched as yuta opened the car door for nara, he is a good person, soonyoung though. for now, he is. he added.

"this is actually a nice frappe," nara said as she took another sip of the unicorn frappe. while yuta, he feels the complete opposite. "it's too sweet oh my god!" he said, his eyes squinted a little.


"it's nice! i love it," nara exclaimed, still sipping. while yuta, he shook his head. "opposite attracts." he winked, nara rolled her eyes playfully.

"hey where should we go next?" she asked, "let's go to han river!" he said grinning. nara nodded as a response as she took another sip on the frappe.

yuta watched nara's drink slowly finishes, and shivered. how the hell did she managed to tolerate with all those sweets? he thought. and then giggled to himself, no wonder she's the sweetest girl ever.

nara eyed yuta, but dismissed it later.

"are you gonna finish that?" she asked, pointing at the frappe. yuta shook his head, "can i have it?" yuta nodded.

the two exited starbucks and got into yuta's car, again, yuta opened the door for her.

han river was nice, the day was just perfect. there wasn't a lot of people there, so it wasn't occupied. yuta held nara's hand as they walked around han river.

"did you know that i like to travel?" he asked suddenly. nara nodded, "i do, you're a mountain man!" she giggled. yuta giggled, too. "well, i'd love to travel around with you," he said, and stopped walking.

"nara, i really love you, i love you so much, and i'm so lucky to have you," he said, holding nara's hands tightly. nara blushed, and just smiled at yuta.

"that's okay if you can answeㅡ"

"i love you too, yuta, i love you just as much as you do," nara replied, but she didn't looked at him in the eyes, she was too shy.

yuta was shocked of course, he had never imagined nara to say those words, and with the cold weather, his face turned pink easily.

"do you know what i want to do, right now?" yuta asked, nara eyed him, "what?"

and with that, yuta held nara's face and leaned his' closer to nara's. "i love you," he whispered, and kissed nara. nara was very, very, shocked. and overwhelmed.

"holy shit they're really kissing!" jihoon almost screamed, but soonyoung hit him, and automatically it calmed jihoon. "i really think this isn't right, why would you stalk your sister?" seokmin asked.

"that doesn't matter, why are they still kissing?" soonyoung asked through gritted teeth, "dude! let your sister be in love!"

nara and yuta pulled away, their faces were both pink, and just simply giggling with each other. "i should send you back home," yuta said, nara said nothing to stop him, she was just really happy that she got to confess to yuta.

soonyoung and his friends got home earlier, afraid that nara would find something fishy going on if they went out, because soonyoung was an indoor person, he doesn't like to go out at all.

"oh, hello!" he said as he saw nara and yuta enter the house. yuta guloed as he saw jihoon and seokmin, and then he bowed to both of them. "stay over, yuta," seokmin welcomed.

yuta was startled at the sudden invitation, "oh, well, i need to inform my friends if i wanted toㅡ"

"oh c'mon, we're both staying over, why don't you join us?" jihoon added, followed by soonyoung and seokmin nodding, "w-well, sure i guess? nara, you're okay with that?"

nara gave him a nod, "as long as none of you trash the house, i'm okay."

"why the sudden invitation, though?" yuta asked as he sat down next to soonyoung, still feeling a little awkward. "to get to know each other." soonyoung replied.

"oh, sure i guess."

"we're going to have a great night, besides, i do have a few questions to ask you," soonyoung said, smiling. yuta gulped once again, the small price i have to pay for having the best girlfriend ever. he thought.


tada! lol so nara's name is kwon nara and her bro is revealed!!! should i do a sequel hmmm

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