《blackmail ↻ jung jaehyun》30




i want to thank you

for what?

you're always here for me

when i was sad, angry, confused

thank you for doing so

and even though i indirectly

rejected you by having feelings

for yuta, you never stopped

cheering me up, your warm

hands always comforted me and

i'm really thankful for that.

every night, i think to myself,

how did i get so lucky to have you?

you're the best friend i've ever had

maybe we can't be more than

friends but that doesn't stop me

from cherishing you as much as i

cherish yuta

so once again, thank you, i hope

you're not sad that i don't like you.

i hope you'll still be here for me


i couldn't care less about my

feelingd for you, all i want

from you is your smiles and

laughters and happiness

as long as you're happy, i'm

fine, i'll learn to move on, and

i'll always be there for you,

i promise :) ♥

you're so nice! i seriously

can't thank you enough

i really do hope you find someone

nice, because anyone nice

deserves to be with a sweet heart

like you

hehe thank you

are you still not ready for

a relationship though?

no i think i'm ready


yunara :')


btw jaehyun and i are okay

now, i'm not hurting when i

see or hear him

he explained everything, and i

forgive him

awwe that's great

now we're all happy! that's





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