《Astral Mage》Nicole's Secret and the Damned Church


Three older men then came inside the church. They closed their umbrellas and approached us.

"Ooh, what's this? You have adopted more children now miss nun?" the old man with a bald head and a long beard laughed. "Do you really think having more children here will change my mind?"

"No, they're not with us," Nicole gave me a sad look. "They're just about to leave, right?"

I felt like Nicole wanted us to stay out of what seemed to be their problem.

"Miss nun, please understand," one of the men which had short hair explained. "This is already a bought territory. No matter how much you look at it, Mr. Noore here has all the right to kick you all out."

"Now now, why are you bring so nice Eclair? They're just bratty kids," this Mr. Noore person sneered at us, which got on my nerves. "Simply kicking them out is fine."

"Please wait!" Nicole surprisingly knelt down on the ground. "I fully understand that we no longer have any right to stay here but please, give me a little bit more time, I'll be able to find a new home for us to stay. Just a little more time, maybe a week."

"Haah?! I can't wait that long!" the filth then lowered his face down to Nicole in an insulting manner. "While you're busy feeding these worthless scumbags, I have to feed some thirsty rich royals my high graded wine. That's why I need this property as soon as possible. You get that?!! So I need your filthy faces out of here right now!"

"The fool..." Felgard wanted to get to him but I held his hand. "Friesha, why?"

"It's a bother to explain for now, " I looked at the poor children behind Nicole. "But we have no authority here. If they really own this land, then only their mercy can help them."

"Fatty!" an angry kid voice was heard.

"Huh?!!" Noore looked behind the children and saw Destroyer sticking his tongue out. "What did you say?!!"

"Fat-hmm!" Shamili managed to cover Destroyer's mouth shut.

"Please, forgive him. He is but a child," Nicole stood up, begging with her hands still clasped together. "He knows not what he just di-aahh!"

Noore pushed her away, wanting to get to Destroyer, "How dare you insult me on my property!!"

At that moment, I let go of Felgard's hand, allowing him to do as he pleased. However, as he was about to give a good slam on the bald head of that Noore...

"Please forgive us!!" The children bowed down their heads in fear.

"I beg of you," Dave was trembling as he spoke. "Please give us a little more time..."

I then went to Nicole and helped her stand up, "Are you alright?"


"Yes, thank you..." she then went walked towards them again and gave another bow. "Please, spare us a little more time. We'll soon be out of here..."

Looking at the situation, I believe all I could do was watch. Their not even close to me, plus I hate churches. I could just let them be and continue on my way... Still, it's just a bother since I'm already here now.

"What's the harm? I mean your wine farm doesn't appear out of nowhere in a complete state at this very moment, right?" and thus, I ended up butting in. "While you prepare your men for the deconstruction and stuff, the children could stay here while Nicole finds them a new place. As far I see, you only have two men with you, which is clearly not enough to start construction."

"Are you telling me what to do?.." Noore looked at me menacingly. "Who do you think you are?"

"I'm just an outsider after all, so I'm only giving friendly suggestions," if things get worse, I might end up using magic. "So, how about having them leave just when your going to start. Before that, they must be done packing and are already out of the place. But if they aren't, then you'll have all the right to do whatever you want with them, since their in your property."

"Oh... So you're saying, I could do whatever I want with them?.." Noore gave a very evil smile.

"Of course, you could even do it right now if you want to," I think I'm starting to convince him. "However you only have three people. Whatever you want to do to them, definitely some will be able to run away and escape towards town and tell on what you did."

"Hmmpph!! Who cares if they'll tell anything to anyone?!! They're just filthy kids after all. No one will believe them anyway, " Noore then looked towards the exit. "Tomorrow then, I'll be back at the exact same time. If any of you are still here, I'll be very happy to do things to you... Hehehe!! You better not complain, well, that is if you lot are still here in the first place..!"

All three of them left as they opened up their umbrellas and walked away. As soon as they were out of sight, Felgard began talking, "Oi, what did you just do? Nicole asked a week now they have to leave tomorrow."

"Seriously, do you really think that fat booger will agree?" I asked Felgard while closing my eyes and raising my brows.

"We had no other choice," Nicole came to us. "Thank you Friesha. Now we could at least prepare in peace. If you didn't talk, they would've wanted us to leave right now. Mr. Noore is not a very good person. He's so selfish and self-centered."


"When were you given notice to leave here?" I asked Nicole.

"Two days ago. The first time they came here, I begged them to not disturb us and leave the church alone but..." she looked down with teary eyes.

"Anyway, who was the previous owner of this land? And are you the only nun here? Isn't there supposed to be a priest??" I believed every church has a priest at least.

"There's no longer a priest here, nor any followers..." she clenched her fists. "This is an abandoned church, and it's all because of me..."

"Your fault?" Felgard asked. "How so?"

Nicole went to the children, "Dave, Gloria, will you please take the other kids with you and prepare for lunch? Make it extra delicious okay?"

Dave and Gloria looked at each other before agreeing and left towards the kitchen with the rest of the children.

"This church was named the Damned Church. Nobody comes to pray here anymore," Nicole sat down on one of the old church's long seat. "It has been so for the past three months.

"The damned church? That sounds pretty bad," I whispered (not really, I'm just not into churches.) "Still, what gave it the menacing name?"

"...Me," Nicole meekly replied.

"Huh? You?" I asked to clarify what I just heard.

"Yes, because of me..." she was looking at the ceiling before looking at us with a sad smile. "It's all my fault, for being me."

"What do you mean? What did you do?" I asked, wondering for she seemed to be too innocent.

"I mean look at me, I completely fooled you..." she spread her arms wide and smiled. "I'm actually... a boy."




Both me and Felgard reacted the same way. We were both in complete shock of what we just heard. This gentle beautiful lady in front of us, is a boy!

"A-ahh.. I see now, so the curse was that you became a boy?" I asked.

"No, I'm born a boy and-uehh?!!" without warning, Felgard shamelessly placed his hands between Nicole's legs.

"Ah, it's here! The same as mine." was his shameless proclamation after the embarrassment he just did. "So you really are a guy like me after all."

"Didn't she just say that?!!" I then gave him a smack on the head. "Don't make me feel uncomfortable you stupid fool!!"

"Ahahaha.. He is quite lively," Nicole just chuckled gently while trying to hide her-ehh, his, uhh... (I don't really know how to identify him-err ehh her) embarrassment.

"So, the people abandoned this church just for that reason? I mean they could just kick you out if they think you're the problem, " I believed that would be the most logical way of solving this kind of problem for them.

"The devotees of Jhurai here were not that dedicated," Nicole explained. "Actually, there were already complaints in relating to the church; like it's distance from the town, rise in offering demands, and the priest's methods of forgiveness, especially to women."

"Then, what made you the reason?" Felgard tilted his head with his left brow risen.

"Well, you could say I was the final straw," Nicole looked down. "They believed the great Jhurai has abandoned this church which has allowed filth like me to be a nun... I just felt like being more honest with myself. If it wasn't for Mother Ashia, I wouldn't have been accepted as a nun. I just want to devote myself to the great god the way I am, yet this..."

Felgard then whispered to me, "What's so bad of being a guy as a nun?"

"I don't know, I'm not really into religion, but," I looked at the crying Nicole covering her/his face. "In this world, there are just the so-called right ways to become a person..."

"Forgive me," Nicole stood up while wiping her/his tears(I still don't know how to address her, him). "I believe we should prepare to leave."

"Where will you go?" I asked.

"I don't know," Nicole faced the direction to where the children went. "My priority is the children. I know leaving this place might hurt me. But I shouldn't prioritize my own emotion, and focus on their safety."

"Can we not ask anybody for help?" I suggested. "Like the first owner of this land before the Noore fellow bought it?"

"We can't," Nicole faced me with a solemn look. "We can never..."

That look on his, her (Ahhh!) face made me ask, "Do you know the first owner of this land?"

"Not really the first person, more like the first to have bought this land..." Nicole went silent for a few seconds before replying with a meek voice. "He is the current mayor of the town... My father..."

"You're father?" Felgard looked happy for while. "That's great! Wait..."

"Does your father know, about all this?" despite having a hunch, I still asked the question, expecting an obvious answer based from her previous expression.

Nicole went silent... It was like she doesn't want to talk about something sensitive.

"I see," I closed my eyes, understanding the situation. "So your father is involved in all this."

"....Yes," Nicole replied while looking down. "My father... He hates me..."

"How could he? What does he hate about you?" Felgard clenched his fists, a sign of rage. I understand, for I too felt angry.

"...Everything..." with tears streaming down Nicole's eyes, she sobbed. "He hates me, from birth until now..."

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