《Astral Mage》Astral Beginning Told


This was the legend of how the world came to be.

A long time ago, before the existence of the known, there was nothing but realea all over the vast nothingness of space, and a terrifying beast which lived by its unlimited ambiance. This beast was so great, it shook the very nothingness in every move. This beast had no form, nor shape, nor a face. It was merely something out of nothing. Its size was immeasurable to the standard eye as it devoured unlimited amount of realea it encountered upon every tiny movement. Alone, it ventured into the void with nothing for it to see, to hear, to touch, nor to feel. All it ever known was it had existed.

Then, out of nowhere, from a place unknown, without a known beginning, came five great beings clad in light. They shone so bright; the lights extended up to the ends of nowhere. These beings of existences held holy staffs on each of their left hands, and golden books with seals on the other. Their faces unknown and their hair purely of gold, their robes swaying from the force of their glory, and their enormous wisdom, so enormous light could be seen shining from on top of their foreheads. They were known as the Great Astral Mages.

These five great beings, whom said to had no purpose of arriving to this vast nothingness, came in contact with the beast. As if curious of where and what the new source of realea was coming from, the beast came closer devouring realea being released from their very presences. The five Great Astral Mages, too, were curious of the beast and tried making good relations with it. However, as it has no mind, it merely attacked them with the purpose of devouring the seemingly unlimited amount of realea they were producing. The five Great Astral Mages, in return, fought back against the beast.

The battle lasted for a very long time with both sides on equal footing. The beast releasing its terror and destructive power while the five Great Astral Mages striking with their immeasurable knowledge of mage craft, shook the vast nothingness in every clash of power. However, as all beginnings will always lead to their endings, the eternity-like battle finally closed its curtains. The five Great Astral Mages triumphed over the beast with might and glory.

As a result of the battle, the beast, which was supposed to be formless, was left as a massive lump of flesh as a result of limitless realea clashing at each other. This lump of flesh which once was endlessly devouring realea, now float in nothingness completely lifeless. The five Great Astral Mages, instead of leaving, stayed and observed the lifeless beast's body as it rotated on its own without destination.

Just then, after the five observed the remains of the beast for countless of times, they noticed something moved and exited out from its flesh. It was so small and fragile; the Great Astral Mages took it on their palm and witnessed how this creature moved. With two feet planted on holy palm, the creature stood up like how the five Great Astral Mages did. It had the same features the five had, only it was smaller, powerless, and faceless. When they placed it back, countless more began emerging from the beast's flesh. The creatures encountered each other and began fighting on their own. Without eyes to see, nor ears to hear, nor nose to breathe, nor mouth to speak, the creatures would simply battle each other upon contact until one will be left lifeless.


Seeing how these creatures interacted, the five Great Astral Mages felt pity on their existence and decided to help them live. All five of them temporarily let go of their might, glory, and power, and shrank down to the same size as the creatures. When they did, the light emanating from their glory shrank down as well, making the creatures from the other side of the beast's flesh cower in fear of the dark and nothingness. Those creatures, who were able to feel the presence of the five Great Astral Mages, came closer to them, but not close enough, as if they knew who the five were. Wherever they go, the creatures would follow them. Those which will be left to not sense their presence would only cower in fear. After a long time of walking alongside these creatures, the five agreed to provide them the elements of existence and make this huge mass of flesh into a world for them to live.

Therefore, the five flew up in the air in different directions covering the entire beast's flesh. One of them removed the robe being worn and threw it across the vast nothingness which then became the realm of the heavens. Another one removed the robe being worn as well and slammed it down to the flesh covering most of it which then became the realm of waters. The other removed the cloak being worn and molded it into the shape of a ball, burned with golden flames and threw it across the darkness which then became the light. The other removed the robe being worn and gently covered the remaining part of the flesh which then became the greenery of grasses and trees. The other one removed the belt being worn and connected the edges together as it spun around endlessly which then became time and aging. The result of the five's work became a paradise for the creatures as everything was covered in massive amounts of realea.

However, as the creatures were remnants of the beast, they felt the need to devour realea which resulted to them fighting at each other again, yet due to having nothing to devour with, they could only keep on mercilessly pummeling each other to the ground. That was when one Great Astral Mage decided to give the creatures the same features they had, in which the other four then agreed to. One covered their faces with mud which then became their face. The other planted a seed inside them which then became the mind. The other poured water on them which molded their bodies and gave them form, gender, and appearance. The other one sparked fire within their chests which gave them free will. The other one, whom had doubts of the creatures after given free will, blew time into their noses which gave them aging.

The creatures were then given a name. They were given the name Imania.

After living with these creatures for a long time, for an unknown reason to this day, the five great Astral Mages vanished from the world. Some thought they left the world out of hatred. Some thought they left to leave the world to the Imanias. While some, although impossible, thought they were destroyed, by the Imanias themselves.

Then, from somewhere far, away from the imania's reach, grew a gigantic tree. The tree stood strong and tall all alone in a place without other lifeforms. It stood with only the roots, the trunk, and branches. It bore no leaves, nor flowers, nor fruits. Until one day, from the roots, came out the form that of the Astral Mages. It was said that they bore the entire appearance of the great Astral Mages. First came a man, next came a woman, until a total of ten beings were out from the roots. As soon as they did, the tree slowly withered and died.


They were given the capability to do miracles and control the elements and realea. Although, they cannot do things as great as the Astral Mages, they lived their lives entirely on these miracles. These beings called themselves Mahikas.

Soon after, the Mahikas secretly lived in prosperity amongst themselves. They never had any doubts amongst each other and were peacefully living their lives.Until one day, an Imania discovered their village.

He was warmly accepted by the Mahikas and was treated very dearly. The imania too lived in peace with them and shared it's knowledge. It told about huge civilizations far from the Mahikas village and how these civilizations have prospered. The imania added that they too could grow into a huge civilization like theirs. The Mahika leader at that time was entirely enticed by the Imania's words and began following his instructions in ruling. Soon after, the Mahikas slowly became a huge civilization and opened themselves to the world.

They were welcomed by the Imanias from different places across the world. They were interested in how the Mahikas are able to control the elements. Still, they were treated well by the leaders, Kings, and rich men. That was, what they made them believe.

Soon after, Mahikas began living in other places as some have paired themselves with Imanias. The Mahikas have spread across the globe in numbers. This soon gave some Imanias fear. They feared the people might find the Imanias a threat in terms of politics and power. And so, they tainted the minds of the people and did everything they can, to make the Mahikas look evil. Reports suddenly rose about Mahikas abusing their powers to gain selfishness. It wasn't long that they were discriminated by the people. This made the Mahikas to flee back to their homeland.

Despite how they were treated, the king of the Mahikas at that time, got greedy over money, and continued his trade towards other countries. He continued even though his boats would return with almost untouched goods. He then began ruling with an iron fist to make sure trade would continue with other countries. This led to the Kings and leaders using him like a puppet for their own desires. Eventually, they demanded slaves from the Mahikas because of their powers. Drunk on money, the king agreed to send women in pretense that they will only be given opportunities to work for a larger income. The women never returned afterwards, except for one.

She told her people about how they were merely maltreated and abused. Their powers were weak and the Imanias have numbers. This lead a revolt over all the Mahika kingdom. With this, the king was dethroned and the Mahikas selected a new leader. This new leader closed all trades and connections from the Mahika kingdom to the rest of the world. He then made the rule that whoever would try to make contact with the outside be considered treason. Using the powers they no longer trained, he cast a barrier made of trees and mountains around the kingdom, that no one may leave nor enter. The Mahikas were no longer heard of after years and years that passed.

Soon after, conflict leading to war broke out amongst the Imanias. The Kings and leaders of different kingdoms became afraid that the Mahikas might be up to no good. They believed that the Mahikas might be growing in power and might overpower them if they decided to join the war. Therefore, they joined forces to attack the Mahika kingdom first before they fight amongst themselves. Using their overwhelming numbers and weaponry, they easily toppled the barrier of trees and over the mountains to attack the Mahika kingdom.

Already have forgotten their true strength, with only little knowledge of magic, the Mahikas were raided mercilessly by countless Imanias. They were surrounded by fifteen kingdoms. Within only two days, the glorious Mahika kingdom fell into dust, fire, and blood. Plenty were enslaved, children were left to die. By night, only sorrowful wailing can be heard echoing within the abandoned ruins of the Mahika kingdom.

However, this didn't stop the Mahika from retaliation. Some of those who were enslaved were able to break free together with their brethren, and were able to hide from the wrath of the Imanias. Eventually, different hiding places were made by escapees as they were scattered around the world. They were able to help those who were still enslaved and hid amongst themselves. They soon grew in number and honed their magical capabilities to control the elements. Using a piece of nature's blessings, a wood or even a twig, they mastered the elements to fight for themselves against any hurdles.They were then called by the Imanias, mages.

"Ah, so that's how it goes," Felgard said after gulping down his food.

"Humph! I bet you're human books said something else," I huffed while staring at the campfire with a lizard kebab (not Flamebelly though). "Like, and the devilish mages reign havoc upon the world! Or, Jhurai was so full of wisdom, he prayed and saved all humanity."

"I don't know," he just threw away the stick. "I don't read books. It's boring."

"Of course it's boring," I sighed. "Important stuff are always boring."

"i see you agree with me," he gave that irritating half smirk.

I scoffed at him before turning away. Suddenly, I remembered something.

"Hey, airhead."

"Felgard..." he laid down on the ground while crossing his arms behind his head as a pillow.

"That one time, you said you tried reading my magic book," I asked. "Although it's thoroughly impossible but... Were you able to read it?"




I could only sigh. Maybe I'll ask him next time. Well, not that it mattered anyway.

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