《Exiled Kingdom》Chapter IX


As the sun began to set, the soldiers began to pack their gear.

They donned chest armor, which was made of layers of hardened linen glued together. It is about 5-6 cm thick and very hard and strong, but not heavy. The bottom hem reaches the thighs and is cut for easy movement.

He is equipping greaves to protect his shins and calves. They tied the kopis to their waists – this is a kind of sword, the sword is 65 cm long, it is a single-edged blade and it is curved.

This time they were unable to wear their helmets, due to poor visibility during the night march, and this type of helmet that only exposes the eyes will narrow their vision. (Corinthian helmet)

The spear is the main weapon of the hoplites. The shaft of the spear is made of ash while the flat, leaf-shaped spearhead was made of iron and the end of the spear was inlaid with copper tips.

Demarcus then took the shield with his left hand. It is shaped like a shallow bowl, the interior is made of wood, while the outer face is covered with copper and is about 90 cm in diameter, the shield is decorated with the painted face of a Minotaur. In the center there is a leather forearm holder, so that the soldier can rest his entire left arm on the round shield, which not only saves effort, but also facilitates defense and shielding. There is another small metal hook mounted on the inner and outer edge of the shield, used to hang it from their shoulders for easy carrying while marching.

Demarcus, shield in his left hand and spear in his right, couldn't help but smile bitterly, he had gone from being a modern man to an ancient armored warrior. However, the cells of his body began to boil with joy and he realized that it was the muscle memory of this body that he was working on.

He tried to walk a few steps and felt very comfortable. In addition to the tension, there was also some excitement. Every man dreamed of being a warrior in his heart! It is the blood that runs through our veins since our ancestors ate the raw meat of animals and drank their blood. Modern people in times of peace can no longer feel the courage to fight head-on and by traveling to this world, Demarcus had such an opportunity!

While Demarcus was still getting used to his team, Laurenz reminded him, "There's still something you've forgotten."


He saw two javelins on the ground and a string of sausages. He smiled bitterly, he really only has himself to blame!

He carefully placed the sausage on his chest, afraid that the grease would stain his armor.

At that moment, Antonio came over and said to Laurenz, "We have to go work with Lucious." Then he also nodded to Demarcus, Demarcus's reputation had even spread to his ears and he didn't dare to ignore it.

“Who gave the order? Is Metor not yet with Arieus? Laurenz asked curiously. He was reluctant to move along with the supply unit due to how slow they are and also the danger.

“Under Adjutant Phillit's orders, he temporarily took command on Metor's behalf. The last time the Aserai broke into our camp, most of the slaves escaped. They are short-handed now and Lucious appointed our unit to help.” Having said that, he looked at Demarcus again.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Demarcus, I didn't expect us to meet again!" Lucious laughed, walked straight through the officers and soldiers, and gave Demarcus a hug.

Then he realized that this fat guy is the one causing trouble! Demarcus has no choice but to smile.

“Everyone else go take the animals. Demarcus is with me." he he ordered he.

This chubby guy is strict and ruthless if he is not familiar with you, but once the relationship improves, he will get overly excited. Isn't this just drawing everyone's hatred to himself? Demarcus quickly refused.

There are hundreds of animals and dozens of carts full of merchandise, as well as many slaves and women.

In the meantime. The lines formed can be up to 2 miles long. It's just one unit, imagine how much it would expand if it was the entire Vladian mercenary supply unit. Demarcus watched as he watched.

At that moment, a long trumpet sound echoed over the bustling camp.

It's time to go. Demarcus was a bit flustered and unconsciously tugged on the cattle rope.

The team started moving forward. His supply unit is on the right side, while the troops are on the left and the officers are holding torches. Under the cold illumination of the moon. All the Vladian troops were like a slowly crawling snake.

After about an hour, he heard the sound of rushing water at the front. Demarcus realized that they were approaching the river.

At night, the river is dark and it seems that it is infinitely wide and deep, which is very scary. Therefore, the troops kept silent for fear of disturbing the river god.


At that time, the formation naturally became the supply unit marching along the left bank of the river, while the troops were on the outside protecting the supply unit. The leaders clearly have experience marching at night. Demarcus watched as he studied in silence.

Metor's troops are at the end of the formation. Of course, this is not ordered by Metor, in fact, he sent people back to ask his men to walk in the middle of the formation. But the other mercenary leaders were not satisfied with Metor. It's because at the beginning of Razid's march to Babylon, Metor, to please Derfeck, had volunteered to be the vanguard and made a lot of profit by killing, looting, and burning. Now that they have to retreat, he wants his soldiers to stand in the middle so they won't be attacked and their losses will be reduced. How can they let him have all the good things for himself! So it was unanimously decided to let his troops be last. This is what Metor's confidant Lucious told Demarcus and it made him have some understanding of Metor.

At this time, the messenger of the entire army, Tormi, finally reached the Metor troops and relayed the order: “The vanguard has converged with the Artenus troops. The leaders are currently discussing with Artenus. Stand down, stay alert and await orders!”

The quiet troops suddenly became noisy: "We can finally rest!"

“We have been walking for two hours, I am exhausted!”

"Me too. It's so tiring to drive the oxcart! We shouldn't follow the supply unit tomorrow!"

"That's right! We have to talk to the commander tomorrow.

"Let's tell him now!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Looking at the noisy warriors, Demarcus stood up and shouted, “Brothers, please shut up! Brothers! I am Demarcus!”

He did not expect his shouts to be more effective than those of Commander Antonio, the warriors of the supply unit stopped making noises and wanted to hear what the 'Favored One of God' was going to say.

"Let me tell a story to help resolve everyone's fatigue, okay?"

"what story?"

"It's called A... Aris and the Forty Thieves."

"Sounds good! Tell us the story!"

Then Demarcus cleared his throat and began to speak out loud: “There was a family that lived in a small town…”.

Gradually the supply unit became completely silent and even the animals had stopped making noise. The warriors, as well as the slaves and women, listened intently. They admired Aris for not acquiring the thieves' wealth, laughed at Aris's brother for shouting the password to the cave, nervous that the thieves found Aris's house, and praised the slave's wisdom.

Once the story is over, everyone continues to discuss it:

"Aris is so lucky!"

"He is lucky because he has a smart and beautiful slave!"

"Yeah! I think it's pretty good that he gave the slave her freedom back! After all, she saved Aris!"

"Fool! He should have married the slave as a concubine. This way the slave can continue to help him!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Everyone was arguing about it endlessly.

"Demarcus, is there really a cave full of gold and silver treasures?" Even Lucious couldn't help but ask Demarcus.

Antonio looked at the back of Demarcus who is in front of him and can't help but sigh: "Laurenz, there's a talent in your town!"

“Are you talking about Demarcus? Of course, he is the 'favored one of God'! I even want to give him my position as squad leader.”

"Squad Leader?" Antony's lip twitched. A mercenary leader often replaces and replaces his soldiers, while most of the senior and middle officers in charge of his troops are his confidant, who is not easily replaced, as it is convenient for him to control the troops. . Antonio and Metor have also been working for 5-6 years and because they have also met many Vladian and Aserai dignitaries, they have some experience in evaluating people.

After observing for a day, he discovered that Demarcus was calm and completely different from a 19-year-old boy. He is very disciplined in his work, he is modest and courteous in dealing with people, and with good eloquence, the soldiers were willing to approach him. And he often had clever ideas to solve problems that others couldn't solve. During the march, he too witnessed Demarcus carrying a shield or pushing carts for others. He can be trusted in such a person, even if he is young.

If his ability to command in combat is not weak, then the future of such a charming and capable person is immeasurable. If he had enough financial resources, he could be a qualified mercenary leader! Antonio thought about it and thought about Metor, what would he do when he realized that such a character had suddenly appeared in his troops?

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