《Exiled Kingdom》Chapter VI


After a moment of silence in the marquee, Olivors said: “It's a shame Derfeck was killed in battle. Although he is an Aserai prince, but he is polite and likes to help people, and he is also handsome and very popular with the ladies, even the queen of Ortysia became his mistress. If he hadn't died, he would have been a good king!"

Being handsome and able to flirt with the ladies, is he a good king? What rubbish of logic is that! Demarcus secretly criticized.

"Yes! Derfeck doesn't look down on us like the other Aserai, he is sincerely kind to us Vladians! If he were the king, we Vladians would have a better relationship with the Aserai!" Giorgris said.

"And he's a warrior, not weak like the other Aserai!" Mace intervened.

“The most important thing is that he is very generous! Giving us lots of gold coins!” Olivors emphasized another phrase that led everyone to agree.

Is this a memorial service for Derfeck? Demarcus was amused, according to his body's memory, he couldn't help but say, “Is Derfeck generous? He doesn't look like me! You see, first of all, he owed us more than 3 months' salary, but he didn't give it to us until the king of Ortysia inspected the troops and paid us 4 months' salary.”

“When we suspected that Derfeck was going to fight King Aserai and refused to go through with it, he tried to persuade us by raising our salary from one gold coin to one and a half gold coins, only then did we agree. For the next 2 months, did he give us the money? Don't forget that he once ordered us to threaten the Ortysian king and the timid king gave him a lot of money. When we learned of Derfeck's plan, there was a great outcry in the assembly, Derfeck promised afterward that upon capturing Husn Fulq, he would give each of us five silver coins. But he gave it to us?

After a while, Olivors replied bitterly, "He's dead!"

“You see, Derfeck did not spend his own silver coin and took us to a place about 1,500 km from Caraldia, in a hostile land full of dangerous enemies. If he had told us from the beginning that he was going to fight King Aserai, would we have agreed?


The three of them shook their heads like a puppet.

“He hid the truth. Giving little benefit at a time, just like using pasture to lure sheep forward, and in the end, we have no choice but to agree.” Demarcus exclaimed: “Derfeck is a clever swindler! Without paying any price, he let more than 10,000 Vladians fight to the death for his conspiracy.”

There was another silence in the store, and soon Olivors began to curse, “Bloody Derfeck! Damn Aserai! and that idiot Metor! Every damn time he actively let us be the vanguard, he kept saying that Derfeck would appreciate us and give us more in return. Meter is a fool. His mouth is not only rotten, but even his head is rotten. Sooner or later, we will be killed by him!...Fuck...my stomach...I'm going to starve!

Demarcus was amused to see Olivors making a scene. Not to mention the collusion in the old governments, including the emperor of the British Empire in the 18th century and the emerging emperor of Germany, both conspiring with each other to be the hegemon of Europe.

Derfeck, was born in the center of the conspiracy of mankind - the court and getting the post of military commander in western Aserai is not simple. Just by looking at him while he plays with the Vladians, you can see how strong his hands are. As for Metor, he's probably no fool, as a mercenary leader, he may have known of Derfeck's plan to push his compatriots into the pit of fire a long time ago, but he was only interested in profit.

“Demarcus, you could not say such a comment in the past. Really…really…” Mace asked cautiously.

Demarcus knew that Mace and “himself” had a good relationship due to their similar personalities. So, he said, “Mace, I'm still me no matter what, I'll always be your good brother! Thank you for taking care of me all this time! I hope you can continue to help me!” With the repeatedly veiled reference to the "god-favored" thing, Demarcus is now considering it, having experienced society for the last 30 years and playing as a simple-minded 19-year-old Vladian, he didn't want to pretend, nor could he. , he might as well let others think that way, that should be... good enough. Therefore, he neither denied nor acknowledged and gave a vague answer.


He didn't expect his words to make Mace perk up more: “You can rest easy! With me here, no one will dare to bully you!”

"Demarcus, can we go home?" Giogris's voice is full of concern.

Evidently, Demarcus' revelation of Derfeck made them begin to doubt his abilities.

Demarcus smiled bitterly. Although he was unaware of the development of this fact of the game, history told him that the emperor of a feudal dynasty hated nothing more than rebellion. Unless King Aserai has a mental illness, he will definitely wipe them out completely, to dissuade all those harboring different ideas!

As for attacking the Aserai army and capturing Husn Fulq. Demarcus is not optimistic, otherwise the name of this event should be called "Great March of the Vladians" instead of "Great Retreat". However, he said, “Don't worry! We will return home safely."

He tilted his head and looked at the others who now had a much more relaxed expression, and sighed in his heart: it's good to be a simple guy. Not even thinking about how the current situation is completely dangerous and putting her life on an "Oracle" is also a blessing.

Demarcus was thinking about it, when his mind jolted, he suddenly remembered a movie he had seen in his previous life 《20022》, when the calamity of the world came, the rich and powerful can easily sit in one of the 7 arks, while that ordinary civilians can only depend on luck, a chess piece can only be at the mercy of others; Only by becoming a chess player can he take his fate into his own hands! But how to become one?

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

In the afternoon, Laurenz's squad was assigned half a sack of wheat flour and more than a dozen dates.

They all fought and began to make bread. Demarcus asked as he actively helped, because he has nothing to reference in memory of him.

The making of bread in ancient Caraldia is similar to that of noodles, and the most important thing is fermentation. Bread was the staple food of the Vladians and they carried yeast when they march during war, and it is well preserved.

After kneading the flour, they put it on the iron plate and bake it with the firewood they collected. At night, only then did they eat the raw bread. They filled their stomachs and quickly went to sleep.

In the early hours of the next day, Laurenz woke everyone up and told them: “The messenger from Artenus arrived and said: 'He is going to lead his troops back to his hometown of Razid. The leaders are unwilling to return empty handed and promised him that 'if Artenus is willing to continue attacking Husn Fulq with them, they would like to make him king of Aserai'. and they sent Krivkris Astindric and Metor together with the messenger to persuade Artenus."

"Why did they send Metor?" Mace asked puzzled.

"Don't you know that Metor has a good relationship with Artenus?" Olivors smiled ambiguously.

“Can you persuade Artenus?” Giorgris said concerned.

They all turned their attention to Demarcus, overnight, he had become his spiritual backbone. Demarcus felt a lot of pressure, but he didn't evade and pondered for a moment, then shook his head: “Artenus is an Aserai aristocrat, who as Derfeck's aide was forced to participate in the rebellion. Now, if there is another rebellion with the Vladians, if he fails, not only will he die, but his family will be involved as well. If he is really ambitious, as soon as he learned of Derfeck's death, he should have immediately seized everything Derfeck had and quickly joined the Vladian mercenaries. It's only today that he wanted to go home. Obviously, after much consideration, he made up his mind."

There was disappointment on everyone's face when they received a negative response.

“Brothers, these are the things that the mercenary leaders should be concerned about. Let's do what we have to do." Laurenz said hastily, "Metor told us to slaughter all the excess cattle in the squad and prepare more to eat."

We can finally have enough to eat! This news temporarily dispelled the fog in everyone's mind.

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