《Exiled Kingdom》Chapter IV


"Yes, your Highness!" Tilinius couldn't help but look at Meznja and thought: 'No wonder this guy looks ugly, if the queen mother knew that her most beloved son was beheaded and had his hands cut off, then she absolutely won't give up. '

Tilinius, do you think the Vladians will surrender?

“His highness of him!… With my knowledge of the top leaders of the Vladian mercenaries, I'm afraid… it would be difficult. However, there may be a small number of people who are willing to obey the will of his majesty! Tilinius said cautiously.

"It's also good to cause internal conflicts between them." Dernotack ran his finger across his jaw. Yesterday, the swift impact of the Vladian hoplites caused him to have a lingering fear, “…If they don't want to surrender, then they must be… expelled. This rebellion has already killed too many Aserai! Don't let these rough and savage Vladians continue to plunder our property on my land! and killing my people!” Dernotack sighed. He has a kind nature and does not like to argue with others. Otherwise, he wouldn't tolerate Derfeck until now, which led to this big chaos. Even when Derfeck had started his army, he still hesitated and wanted to retreat to the east. Had it not been for the vigorous deterrence and full support of his ministers, yesterday's battle would not even have taken place.

“His highness of him, he loves the people of the empire like his own children! It is a great joy for the empire to have such a kind monarch like you!” Tilinius's words came from his heart. In fact, this Dernotack character has won the support of the vast majority of ministers and nobles, which meant that Derfeck's rebellion did not have great turbulence in the central zone of the empire.

"His highness of him, this one has an idea!... It is better to drive the Vladians to the east..." Tilinius said.

Dernotack pondered this because he knew that Tilinius did not want the Vladians to once again trample on his jurisdiction: Razid.

"To the east..." His eyes lit up, and he thought of unyielding and unruly hill tribes, like the Khuzai.

Let them fight those barbarians! He thought, with a smile on his lips.

“You are entirely responsible for this matter! I look forward to your good news in Naasha!” After saying that, he couldn't wait to go home due to yesterday's news that another riot had occurred in East Naasha. Therefore, he must return to the capital city as soon as possible. Furthermore, he also began to miss Queen Stateira from him.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Early in the morning, fog covered the Cuntaxa area and the entire Vladian military camp was silent as most of the people were still sleeping.


Demarcus came out of the shop and looked curiously at the strange place.

Yes, he is no longer the same Demarcus; his soul is from 21st century Greece. As a government official, he struggled for more than ten years before being promoted to director of the city's high-tech development zone. His friends threw a party to celebrate his promotion, which caused him to be very drunk. But when he woke up, he found himself in a strange place and became a different person.

He had pinched his thighs several times just to show that he was dreaming and, to this day, his thighs still hurt.

After a long night of adaptation and his strong adaptability, he no longer wondered why he was here. When he joined the government office, he was the first in the civil service exam in the whole city. However, he was sent to a remote and impoverished mountainous area as a civil servant and remained there for several years. Still, he persevered and won the favor of county leaders with a sterling performance, and was called upon to take on an important assignment.

…Only his parents and his girlfriend, whom he is about to marry… now they are separated by time and space, and will never see each other again… he took a deep breath and tried to dispel his sadness .

He slowly walked a short distance to calm his mood a bit. After he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and warned himself: 'Now that I have arrived in a new world, let us live tenaciously.'

According to this body's memory, he knew "he" was a Vladian. Two years ago, at the age of 17, he went out to work as a mercenary with his friends from the village to earn money for a living. A year ago, Pravend and Sargot clashed. With Pravend's cavalry attacking his hometown, killing his parents and capturing his relatives; now he is alone. Currently, he was following the mercenary leader Metor to fight for Prince Derfeck of Aserai.

Last night, his classmates thought that he was asleep, but in reality, he had been listening to his conversation, which allowed him to learn more about the situation. As a promising young man of the 21st century, he hardly counts as an impatient young man. And when he was a civil servant, he spent most of his time surfing the net and playing games and to survive the long and lonely night he spent time on some military forums, and it had almost become his sideline. Thus he got to know a lot about history and military knowledge, from what he knew and listening to the description of the names of some places he was undoubtedly in Caraldia but not the Caraldia that he knew if not one after the fall of the empire.


As for the Vladian mercenaries who helped Prince Aserai usurp the throne, what part of history is involved? As someone who just liked to play didn't pay much attention to the story, he can't really think about it because the requirements are too high. So it was not until someone said the phrase "We are the ten thousand Vladian infantrymen", that he evoked the memory of him that was hidden.

Those forums once advocated that one must read some books to understand the ancient history of Caraldia. And one of the books listed is 《The Founding of Caraldia》, which piqued his curiosity, 'Did the old west also have a long march?' Since the author happens to be a person who worked on the creation of the game, he conveniently searched the net for the information. Only then did he find out that it originated from the famous ancient Caraldic historical event "The Long March of the Vladians".

As Demarcus vaguely remembered that the rebel prince died in the incident due to his recklessness, he ended up releasing him in a time of urgency. But he didn't think the others would have more or less expected Derfeck to be victorious and everyone's desire to make a fortune together, so they couldn't accept his assumption completely.

Facing the interrogations one after another, he didn't want to have a conflict with his classmates after his arrival and maybe he also had a little fantasy in his heart, 'maybe this isn't that historical event'. So he was silent.

As a result, everyone was left unhappy. That night, he did not sleep well as the strange environment and fear of the future made him toss and turn, making it difficult for him to fall asleep.

Early the next day, he left the store and faced this strange new world for the first time. He saw tents one after another, which seemed endless to the naked eye.

Breathing in the cool, moist air, he mustered the courage to press on. From time to time, he would see some people come out of the store and come to greet him, to which he responded with a smile. While the warriors who knew he was injured will ask him about his injury with concern for him, he will stop to express his thanks and take the opportunity to chat a few words to get information from the others. Obviously, it's not because he's an important person that people will treat him kindly; it's because the mercenaries under Metor, some of whom are Sargotians, and many of whom even fought alongside him for over two years, know each other. And as he continued his walk, the strangeness he felt gradually dissipated.

Not far away came the neighing of horses and the bleating of sheep, enticing him onward. In Demarcus's memory, this vast area enclosed by wooden fences and located in the center of his military camp was the mercenary camp led by Metor. In addition to the numerous loaded horses and mules, there are also some cattle and sheep that were pillaged along the way and a batch of food distributed to Metor by Derfeck. In addition, there are merchants stationed inside, and when passing through the big cities, there will even be people nearby who will come here to earn money.

But when he reached the entrance, a guard with spears stopped him.

"No one can enter without Metor's orders!" An angry fat man yelled from behind the guard.

Demarcus looked at him and turned away because he didn't want to get in trouble. Behind him, he could hear the fat man berating the guards: “The next time someone comes, they have to be more ferocious. Otherwise, you would not suppress the thieves! From last night until now, we have already lost five sheep. So before Metor can punish me, I'll punish you first!

'It seems that the mercenaries have a severe food shortage!' He doesn't know how much food the Aserai troops looted yesterday, so he started thinking about it as he walked. Before he knew it, a simple wall with branches and sticks inserted loosely into the ground blocked his progress. Although there were still dense tents ahead, he realized that they were the camps of the other mercenary groups.

By this time, the sun had risen high and the dense mist gradually dispersed, allowing him to see far into the distance. With the sky high and vast, Demarcus indulged in the refreshing wind for a while... Listening to his companions, the city ahead should be Husn Fulq and not far away is the river Eubtes: one is the capital of one of the six ancient civilizations, which makes one yearn, and the other is the famous mother river of Nahsa (A river that crosses the entire bronze desert). But he doesn't know if he'll get a chance to see it.

However, the sudden boiling camp alarmed him. An uneasy feeling arose in his mind and he quickly returned.

At that moment, the soldiers rushed out of the tent one after another and started talking to each other with a nervous and restless look. And the words that reached his ears became three words: Derfeck is dead!

His heart sank: This really is The Long March of the Vladians! Then, they were going to spend the next few days running around!

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