《Exiled Kingdom》Chapter I


“The king's army is coming! The king's army is coming!!…” A scouting cavalry galloped from afar, shouting repeatedly at Aserai and Vladian.

The soldiers, who were about to stop to rest, stirred.

“Plautus, are you telling the truth? Is Dernotack really coming?!” Seeing the cavalry that had just jumped off the horse, Derfeck immediately asked.

“Yes, the Royal Highness of him. Dernotack is coming! Artagas are here too! And that… bloody Tilinius is here too!!” Plautus gasped and said it hoarsely.

“Very good my friend! Very good! He is here at last!!” Derfeck jumped off the horse excitedly, and as he let his servant don her breastplate, he yelled at his attendant Artenus, "Send the entire army and prepare for battle!!"

"Yes, the Highness of him!" Artenus hastily called the messenger: “Notify the Vladians immediately and quickly line up on our right flank! Prepare to fight!"

The messenger sped away.

Artenus also called all the Aserai generals. Derfeck allowed them to lead soldiers on his left flank, while he would lead 800 cavalry in the center.

Arttus carefully asked, "How many enemies are there?"

“Around 60,000… to 80,000…” There was a bit of fear on his face as Plautus remembered what he had seen.

"So many soldiers!!" The attendees exclaimed in fear.

"Ha ha! Are you scared? My friend." Derfeck stepped forward and gave Plautus a powerful hug, and he didn't care at all for Plautus' dusty, sweaty body. Then he turned around, got on the horse and shouted, "Friends, are you afraid?"

Of course, Derfeck's supporters expressed their bravery one after another.

“Even if Dernotack had more soldiers, he is still the shy Dernotack! Don't forget, a small hound could scare him into peeing! Derfeck's vulgar words made the people around him laugh.


“And I have you! And my army! Together we defeat the mighty Pendric! The Pendric who had repeatedly defeated us in Aserai!” Derfeck's eyes swept over each person and the men straightened their chests.

“We still have the brave Vladians! They fought side by side with us!” Derfeck looked to the right, where the Vladian heavy infantry began their slow formation. Seeing this, he felt confident: “We are unstoppable! We are invincible!!"

"For victory," Arttus shouted first, then they all shouted one after another, "For victory!"

In high spirits, Derfeck raised his right hand, “Friends! Warriors! After this victory, I swear to Carnotad, the supreme god, that I will do my best to repay his friendship and dedication!

"Derfeck the Great!!" No one knows who screamed. Immediately, like a flash flood, a loud scream broke out.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Hello Mace. Something happens? Demarcus Isconir couldn't help but punch the shoulder of a soldier in front of him.

“How many times have you asked? Nope! No!" Mace wiped his sweaty neck with his left hand and yelled irritably, "Why hasn't the enemy arrived yet? The sun has already reached the middle of the sky! If we wait any longer, we'll be burned by their fire!" call!"

“Mace, even though your meat is roasted, I don't want to smell it. One of these days, I'm going to throw up from eating meat." The glib comment from a soldier next to him elicited a laugh from the soldiers.

"Shut the fuck up! Olivors, you lecher, if you want me to put my hand in your mouth and let you taste your own flesh, then keep talking!" Mace threatened fiercely as he waved his beefy arm.

"Oh, I'm so scared!" Olivors looked startled and elicited another laugh.


“Everyone get up and stop making noises! Metor is coming!” As soon as Laurenz's voice fell, he heard a sharp voice coming: “Children, what do you think this place is! Is it your family's dinner spot?

A well-proportioned soldier with a red feather on his helmet stood in front of the soldiers, pointing at them and scolding, “This is the battlefield! If you don't go all out, Wahdarr will be happy to visit!

"Metor rotten mouth!" Someone in the troops yelled.

“Who said that?! Come out so I can see you!!!” They all laughed and were glad to see Metor jumping in front of them and yelling angrily.

Then someone shouted loudly: "Look ahead!!!"

The soldiers then looked ahead. Soon, the smile on his face was quickly replaced by panic.

Smoke and dust rose everywhere in sight, covering the hills, the trees, and the houses, all of which were gray.

After a while, a thin black line pierced through the smoke and dust, began to stretch to both sides, and gradually grew thicker...

A moment later, when the soldiers could barely see the outline of the enemy, countless lights began to shine under the dazzling sunlight.

The cold light emitted from the armor, spear, and shield… seemed to be like the stars in the night sky; The sound of footsteps, shouts, and the whinnying of horses came together in an undulating wave, shaking the ground, not to mention the sounds of the soldiers.

Just as Olivors felt he was about to go down, he heard Laurenz yell, "Ready to fight!"

"Ready to fight!!"

"Ready to fight!!!"

The Vladian mercenary soldiers put on their helmets, removed the shield that hung from their left shoulder, wielded their spears, and began banging on their shields.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!…” The loud noise made Olivors realize that he was also in a powerful army, and his mood gradually calmed down.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

King Aserai's army continued to advance slowly and orderly. The chariots led the way, followed by the unarmoured archers, then came the light cavalry, and finally the long shield and spear infantry, the Giantshield. The heavy cavalry was divided into two parts, some of them were to protect King Aserai; some others are deployed on the far left of the army...

The vast Aserai army is like the thick clouds in the sky before a storm, slowly pressing in and suffocating.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

At that moment, Derfeck, with several followers, galloped from left to right, giving instructions to all the Vladian mercenary leaders...

With constant cheers, he had reached the extreme right of the Vladian army formation, and could even see the roaring Miridsa River not far away.

"Honor to you, Your Majesty!" Clechus gave a military salute.

Derfeck looked at the Vladian he trusted the most, then pointed to the central location of King Aserai's army and said, “When the battle begins, I want you to lead your men directly into the center of the enemy. Kill Dernotack, the victory of this battle must be ours!

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