《Spike Hellsing Autobiography: The Chosen》Chapter Three - The Kingdom of the Chosen
We found ourselves in a forest near a river, Cletis explored the area as Gwendalyn collected lumber; and Thwisp hunted animals for leathers, hides, and pelts. So we began our camp, Cletus found a mountain nearby, a large slab of bedrock and cliffs to the east and south (we eventually found we were on the plateau of a gargantuan mountain and the rest of the planet was covered in desert.) We started farming, building houses, and mining rare metals and gems.
I started to upgrade my katana, cutting diamonds into small interlocking razors to reinforce the edge of the blade and onyx to reinforce the back of the blade. I designed it with channels leading to the hilt that would allow blood to drain into the hilt of the blade for storage or consumption. When inserted into my pocket dimension sheath, the blood would be forced into the hilt. And before I knew it, I was holding the blade that would serve me for millennia. I had developed quite a style for myself with my cloak of shadows, the black goggles, the long silver hair and slender build. Rocking a full suit of magically enchanted black plate armour.
Fate would teleport us to the worlds we have previously travelled to so we hired stone masons, blacksmiths, enchanters, mages, and carpenters from Calderia, Denisea, and Misteira. we also got Jack from the zombie infested Earth. They helped develop our village into a town. I believe this was when Cletis decided to create his new currency, a rectangular gold & silver coin known as the Humperdink.
Around this time I spent one month in a lucid dream making blueprints for an airship and writing computer codes. When I woke up I was in a complete bloodlust I went outside and Fate was there talking to Cletis. Fate could see the hunger in my eyes so she summoned a dragon. The dragon flew over our heads so I chased it. Even a single pint of dragon's blood can satisfy my bloodthirst for months.
I got to the dragon first and jumped on its back and started to slash at its wings with my katana, not much longer after that Mergel and Cletis showed up. Murgil was attacking it with fierce magic from a distance and Cletis jumped onto the dragon's back with me and helped attack the wings. I was still in a blood lust so I decided to dive down the dragon's throat, once inside I started to bite and feed on the dragon’s soft insides. My symbiotes tendrils burst out of my hands to feed directly from the dragon. Before long my sword slashed an opening in the dragon's soft underbelly and I spilled out along with gallons of blood, organs, chunks of meat, and other fluids. The dragon was nearly dead and I could not fight because I was vomiting up some of the blood I had gorged on so the guys finished the mythical creature off.
After the battle (and after the most intense blood-drunk I’d ever had experienced wore off) Murgil told us he saved us from a massive fireball but we never saw it because I was inside the dragon and Cletus blinded himself... Fate bestowed us with gifts once again, this time I was given powerful gauntlets that allowed me to wield a two-handed weapon with a single hand. We decided to use the remains of the dragon to improve the quality of our ship, allowing us to imbue the ship with more powerful magical enchants, shields, levitation, and durability. So we started to build the ship, it was four floors, on the first was the engine room and cargo bay, the second was sick bay, crew bunks, and a mess hall, the third floor had our quarters, and the fourth floor was the deck of the ship and the bridge.
The airship was incomplete but it was seaworthy so we convinced Fate to teleport it to the massive lake at Calderia (the world that had outlawed magic) We got to land and started our search for magic users and open minded people to join our town.
After a few hours of walking we noticed we were being trailed. We stopped and the stranger introduced himself as Emalft, a vampire with a monkey's tail. Apparently the woman I had sired (turned into a vampire) was feeding on animals because she did not want to kill any more humans. But Emalft was a druid and spent his time as a monkey in the forest so when she fed on him he started to turn back into a human and died. She gave him her blood and he was reborn as a vampire elf, but with a monkey's tail. So I then decided that we had to stop the vampires of this world, starting by finding the woman I had turned.
I had no problem tracking her down with hundreds of years of experience as a vampire. Her name was Nena, she told us that in her first bloodlust she had killed her husband (the man who was abusing her) and left town so she would not hurt anyone else. She told us that aside from Emalft she had turned one more person into a vampire.
The man she turned also infected his gang with vampirism; there were five of them. We decided to stop them, Nena showed us their hideout so we entered, they were in no mood for talking and attacked us but with their limited experience they were no match for me, let alone the group of us. We quickly reduced their numbers to one but the survivor refused to surrender and continued to attack us so without a choice we finished him off. With the last of them dead this world was safe from my curse and we could return to the ship.
I then taught Nena and Emalft to read and write in the Vampiric language; the language... of vampires. Due to the telepathic nature of the vampiric symbiote: it is very easy for them to learn this language and nearly impossible for non vampires to.
We could see a tower off to the coast so we decided to explore. Once we got to land we came to find there was a giant maze with 20 foot walls leading to the tower. So we walked in, no idea what was in store for us. We walked toward the tower for hours before we noticed we were not getting any closer so we left markings on the walls with arrows pointing the way we came from but as we did we noticed markings we had not made appear with arrows pointing both ways. Eventually we discovered we could progress through the maze but only with our eyes closed. As we got closer to the tower we triggered a trap and fell into a labyrinth. We could tell a lot of mining had taken place here and eventually found our way to some stairs leading up the tower. At the base of the tower we found a fountain with healing properties, so we started to climb the stairs to the top of the tower. Once we reached the top we saw a massive crystal teeming with magical power and a wizard who split into multiple copies and attacked us. So we fought him in 1v1 battles and he put up quite a fight. We managed to weaken him enough to force him back into his original form but he was still not done. He used powerful magic to continue the fight and eventually split again but only into three copies. Although tired from the battle, we greatly outnumbered him and he succumbed to our assault. After the battle we found his book and learned that this world was rich with magic and magical crystals, he had used the magical crystals to divert all the ley lines of the world into his tower stealing the world's magic to fuel his own magical enchantments and spells. We eventually came to call the magical crystals magi-tech crystals but never knew there were more types than just this yellow "focus" magi-tech.
I do believe this was when the Demi-God Karma; a male trickster god, had been observing our actions. Unfortunately I don’t have access to the memory right now. But I think Fate appeared and granted us with more rewards. I will have to reclaim that memory or ask the other chosen and modify this entry.
Magi-tech crystals constantly create energy and with [focus magi-tech] we could use that power to create electricity and eventually to harness other types of magi-tech and to interface it with our computers.
Once we returned to our town we used the magi-tech to empower our airship, granting it flight and powerful shields. So as a test flight I took it around our mountain to survey the land. I saw that there was a smaller mountain in the centre of our platu but found some disturbing news. The sand blowing through the deserts far below had eroded the mountain supporting our entire kingdom, so much that it could crack off at any time. It looked like a eaten apple with just a core holding the entire plateau above. It was going to take a lot of magi-tech to cast enough levitation enchants to save our new found land.
On a relatively slow day we were relaxing in the town and to our surprise a man we never knew approached us. He introduced himself as Quin, a demigod in training who needed our help on a quest his master had entrusted to him. We accepted, so he gave us 24 hours to prepare but we all lived in the air ship, so I told him if he sent the ship with us we could be ready in an hour. He warned us about the vacuum of space but I was confident the ships barrier enchants would hold. We appeared in space near a large space station one-thousand years in the future. I used my [Magi-tech tome] to contact the station and get cleared to dock. Once aboard we were given ID cards that also managed our credits (the currency of this colony).
We found a market aboard the space station and luckily Cletis convinced them to accept the Humperdink (fortunately Cletus had been mass producing this currency and trading among our chosen townsfolk) so we were rich! We started by buying information. They had these beds that could upload any knowledge you wanted directly into your brain, for a cost. So I learned everything I could about computers, spaceships, electricity, and astronomy. Then we started to buy just about everything, wrist computers, drone orbs, communicators, computer cores, learning beds, beam swords, and then we found the space ship upgrades, and started to get our ship improved with everything we could find, weapons, transporters, force fields, computers, automatic doors, tractor beams, communicators, and even cryogenic tubes.
We rented some building space and set up a workshop to pass the time while the people we hired upgraded the ship. I bought some medical nanobots that are only active for about 20 minutes and managed to reprogram them using my magi-tech tablet. I instructed them to build new nanobots powered by magi-tech crystals that would never run out of energy. With these new nano bots I could reforge almost anything, even my own brain. As my nanobots replicated, their intelligence grew with their numbers. After that not much was ever the same. I created nano refractive armour that made me nearly indestructible and I transferred my magical enchantments to it, empowered my beam sword with Magi-Tech, set up my wrist computer with communication watches for all of the chosen, and then I started my greatest creation; Halina.
Halina or H.A.L.I.N.A. Holographically Attuned Living Intelligent Nano Assistant. I started with a drone orb (basically a floating orb with a camera) and used nanobots to integrate holographic tech, force field tech, and A.I. tech granting it the power to appear with its own avatar. So I made her appear as a sexy little lady. (... Well not that little, I mean, she was human sized hahah) Then connected a live feed of my synapsis using nanobots so that she could read my thoughts and do tasks without my having to ask. So she could monitor the status of every nano bot and only inform me of the events she knew I would be interested in. This way I could avoid knowing every single detail about everything from a atomic level to a galactic level (once my nanobots had more time to replicate of course). but still have the protection of someone who did.
Halina could take the form of anything she wanted and often spent her time as a raven who would accompany me. She also used her abilities to censor my incredibly vulgar vocabulary. As her abilities improved she would be able to learn things about me, reverse the interactions and retain the knowledge. Granting her the ability to instantly generate entirely personalized items.
I was quite powerful but I could still be killed, I had defeated the passage of time but my body could still be destroyed so I used nanobots to rebuild my bones many times more powerful than my original bones but also fire proof and containing enough nanobots each to completely repair or rebuild my body. Even with all that I could still die if I were to fall into a black hole for example but if I had enough nanobots spread around the universe Halina could copy my synapses from my last instant of life and build me a new body, if worse came to worse. (of course this ignores a few things, but we’ll get to that.)
Once we returned to our town we used some of our new tech to start building a magi-tech portal system (Jack called them Star Gates or “gates” for short), setting up gates on Denisea, Calderia, Misteira, and Earth (after securing an area from the zombies.) and the gate control room we build inside the mountain that centred our plateau. This was the point when our population started to grow but we had jobs and space for everyone.
The town eventually grew into a city we called The Kingdom of the Chosen. With a steady workforce we could pay them in humperdinks and train them with the learning beds. So we could really start to develop the city, among other things I commissioned the construction of a castle atop the central mountain with the gate control centre inside and a wall around the mountain outside the city with more than enough farmland outside the wall, between the wall and the edge of the plateau. We set up electricity for lights and computers and I used nano bots to build computers for the population out of raw materials. we set up a information exchange (Jack called the internet or “net”). We used magi-tech crystals for our power generators which we placed all around the kingdom and enchanted each one with levitation magic to reduce the weight of the kingdom in hopes it would give us more time before the entire kingdom collapsed. Little did we know Cletus was making profits on every single Humperdink created.
Emalft used the beds to learn extensive knowledge on plants, and proceeded to assimilate magi-tech with the use of living plant armour he created for himself.
Once we were fully prepared to battle chaos we travelled back to Denisea. Fate had frozen Chaos and the entire volcano in time but her power was getting weaker. Some of us including myself waited on the ground while most of the ranged and casters attacked from the air ship. I used my tablet PC to control the ship and fire upon chaos. The ship's shields held against chaos's attacks and after a few moments of aerial combat chaos headed for the ground. I moved with our landing party to intercept Chaos. We entered a clearing that we believed Chaos was heading for and sure enough he landed directly next to us. I immediately drew my diamond blade and activated my beam sword and charged at chaos. I leaped toward his head and just as I was going to slash he chomped at me grabbing me in his mouth, my entire upper body past his teeth. My nano refractive armour reinforced my waist to try to stop him from damaging me too badly so I started to slash away at his tongue and throat with my katana and beam sword. After a moment I guess I was actually hurting him and he could not chew through me so he decided to swallow me whole. So for the second time I had been swallowed whole by a dragon. Of course I continued to slash at his insides the whole time and my symbiote's tendrils burst from my arms to feed. I was really not enjoying the inside of this behemoth creature so I modified my nano-refractive armour to create spikes and blades all over to maximise the internal damage I was dealing. Before long I was just swimming around in a bloody mess of small chunks of sinew & flesh and I burst out of chaos's belly. By now Chaos was looking quite injured on the outside as well. So I decided to complete my original attack, leaping to the back of chaos's neck I stabbed my mighty swords into him and ran all the way down his back and tail nearly severing his entire spine from his body. The behemoth beast turned toward me as I affixed my magi-tech beam-sword to my blood-drinking katana and activated the beam, empowering the blades as one. I chopped it directly into Chaos's skull and he fell lifeless to the ground.
When we started to chop up chaos and bring the materials through the gate back to our kingdom we noticed some black scales that we could not damage so we collected some along with gallons of dragon's blood, tons of flanks, and a pile of dragon bones. We also collected his stomach that he used to digest entire universes. I discovered that each one of his black scales was created from the essence of an entire universe and could not be destroyed. I used four of these scales to craft an indestructible heart guard and left pauldron.
Fate appeared once again thanking us for saving the universe and gave us gifts once more. This time she gave me a few million terabytes of data containing everything from music and pictures to schematics for space ships and weapons.
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