《please notice [chris sturniolo]》033.



"Chris, honey?" His mom said once they were in their house. "Would you come to my room for a second?"

The triplets and Sadie looked at each other with worry.

"Can you guys show her around?" Chris turns to his brothers.

"Sure." Matt says. "Go see what she wants." He nods towards a room.

Chris sighs and gives Sadie one last reassuring look before walking to his mom. When he enters, Mary Lou is taking off her jacket.

"How was L.A.?"

"Fun." He says. "It always is."

"But this time was different." She comments as she turns around to face him.


"I'm not mad about Sadie, Chris. I'm just worried." She pinches the bridge of her nose. "It seems like you got a girlfriend out of nowhere."

"It was kind of sudden." He admits.

"Look, she seems nice, but I think you rushed into this. I mean, when she goes back to the whole acting thing she won't have time and-"

"Mom, hold on, please. I already know she won't have a lot of time for me, that's the main reason she's here." Chris says. "Just... don't judge her... or us, for that matter."


"Mom, please!" He clapped his hands together. "I swear she's not what you think."

"And what is she like exactly?"

"Well, she's stunning, for starters. She never makes me feel dumb the way you guys make me feel sometimes, Sadie is the type of girl that waits for you to tie your shoes and... she's funny, nice and... they really like her, you know?" He points towards the door. "Matt and Nick. Nick actually talks to her about boys and—" Mary Lou opens her mouth surprised." Yeah, I know. And Matt feels really comfortable around her... Sadie even notices when he starts to get anxious and helps him with his breathing exercises."



"Yeah. Uhm, one time we went over for breakfast at her place." He omits the part where he slept there. "And she cooked everyone's favorite. French toast, waffles and pancakes."

"Did she put in chocolate chips?" She asked half-joking.

"Yeah." He smiles. "She's real wife material."


"You'll love her, I promise."

"And you?"


"Do you love her?" She asks, but the answer is obvious.

"Yeah. I do." He sighs. "So much."


The next morning, as Mary Lous was getting out of the shower, she heard laughter coming from the kitchen.

Was she getting robbed?

There was no way her son's were already up at 9 a.m. Plus, everyone crashed in Nick's room, they probably had stayed up pretty late.

The woman dressed herself and walked put of her room towards the kitchen. Sadie was what she saw first. She was sitting on a stool, her hand cupped her chin and she watched Chris with a lovesick expression. Her youngest son was cooking with a grin.

"Good morning." She said.

Sadie jumped a little on her seat, but smiled happily nonetheless.

"Hi. Good morning! Would you like some coffee?" Her voice was high pitched and it almost came out Valley girl-ish.

Mary Lou couldn't help but think how she didn't looked like someone Chris would like. Blonde, tall, real skinny and irradiating golden retriever energy.

"Sure!" She finally said, sliding on the stool next to her.

Sadie got up to pour the woman some fresh coffee. The blonde girl handed her a cup with a dark liquid and placed milk, sugar and creamer beside it.

"I'm not sure how you like it." She explained.

"Thank you." Mary Lou nodded, satisfied. At least the girl had manners. "So, why are you guys up so early?"


"I went for a run and when I came back, Chris was already making me breakfast." She blushed.

"He usually sleeps till noon."

"I'm a changed man, mom. I drink water and just three Pepsi's now. Oh and I tried a salad once too." He said proudly as he fixed Sadie's plate. "You want some?" His mother shakes her head, grateful and moved. Who was this kid in front of her? Just three Pepsi's?

"I've been sneaking vegetables into his life without him noticing." Sadie says with a smile. "I'll chop 'em really tiny so when he's eating a burger or whatever he won't notice them."

Okay, Mary Lous was absolutely wrong about this girl. Her princess (let's be honest, bitch) outside looks, didn't match the inside.

"Wait, really?" Chris asked. "When?"

"See?" She turns to his mom. "He doesn't even know."

Despite overcoming her initial bad judgment of Sadie. Mary Lou notices the distance between the couple. How she will barely touch him, how he's hesitant around her. When two days go by, the older woman watches them interact, as if something was broken between them.

She asks Nick about it and he shrugs it off.

"Chris fucked up in L.A." Was all he said about it.

But Mary Lou can tell they're trying and it melts her heart to see them make eye hearts to each other and their little smiles when they think no one can see them.

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