《The Collections (Short Stories)》Dear Journal II


October 13th, 2017

Dear Journal,

I mistakenly thought the creature that haunted my dream world had faded away to the back of my consciousness completely; I was wrong. There he sat, pointing at me once more in the dullness of the night. The only source of light I had was from the moon that shone through the cracks of the trees that encircled us. The trees rose higher than mountains, and I could see them sway violently from the wind, ready to be knocked down with just one tap.

This time, he did not keep pointing. Animals of all kinds rushed out of the woods. I remember wolves, cats, lions, even an elephant was present. He let his slender finger fall for them, bringing his hands behind his back slowly to draw out a sharp object. A knife with a brown handle. I once again was unable to move when I locked my eyes on him. I was forced to stand and look as he sliced every last animals neck open. He did not show mercy. Their cries ring through my ears as I lay awake writing.

That was not all. When all the animals lay lifeless, even the strongest lion, he dipped his finger into their blood one by one, circling around them like a predator, and pointed at me once more. His finger dropped the dark red liquid onto the dirt beneath his feet, and his heartbeat was faster with eagerness. I awoke when he darted at me, his finger hitting my chest caused my eyes to open in fear.

I wish I did not have to dream through such things. I hope that sunrise comes quicker, but I cannot go back to sleep just yet. I pray this will be my last entry about him, but my mind whispers to me that it is just the start.


October 15th, 2017

Dear Journal,

I had one blissful night of slumber, and then he came to say hello again. This time he came to my home. I was dreaming about my own bedroom, and I gazed out my window as the rain fell down the gutters, knocking with its fist on the glass ever so slightly. It was daylight, but the black clouds casted an evil atmosphere over the land. Droplets soaked the soil outside, and there he was pointing at me from beyond a tree that danced by the sidewalk. Water slid off the leaves onto his raccoon fur that laid on his head.

I was incapable of believing my dream when I witnessed what he did next. A bystander, with a face I could not put a name to, walked by at the wrong time. The creature's finger fell from its resting position of pointing, and he wrapped his hand around their neck. He pulled out the same knife from the previous nightmare. The knife already had blood trickling off of it, and he used it to cut open the neck of the human that was held captive. Blood spilled onto the human's brown t-shirt, and dripped down to the earth.

Their limp body collapsed to the ground, blood continued to seep out of their neck, staining the pathway. He dug his finger into the cut on their throat before pointing at me again. I was terrified. It was then that I noted the importance of finding a way to put an end to his tormenting. I'm going to brainstorm ideas before I muster the courage to drift back asleep.

October 27th, 2017

Dear Journal,

Over a week of slumbered nights have passed, and each one was followed by a night terror. He did the same thing, within different locations. Slicing the victims' neck and using their blood to point in my direction.


Sometimes we were back at the park, me dangling from the monkey bars till my eyes took him in. Other times he was standing behind a tree that typically had rain pouring off of it. Oh, how I used to admire nature and the drops of rain, but his presence in their environment had made me physically sick. I will never savor the smell of rain like I used to. He truly knows what he is doing.

I have been partaking in the act of meditation in an attempt to lead it into the dream world. It seems to be working, because I no longer stand powerless and shocked. I have been able to move slightly in directions of my choosing. This process has guided me closer to my goal of ending him once and for all.

It has grown into a pattern for me to wake paralyzed in an area that is not my own bed. I must be sleepwalking due to being mobile within my dream. I have woken on the couch, in the bathtub, and once outside in the dew that lingered on the tips of the fresh grass.

Nonetheless, I am not going to let this tiny inconvenience forfeit me from doing what I know needs to be done. I can manage awaking in random areas, but I cannot handle his finger pointing into my soul much longer.

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