《A Fungal Dream》Side Story. 6


King POV:

“Cursed Water Blast”

I created a barrier of purple water around me, blocking the blows from that thing, but it didn’t do anything to it.

The paws of that mass of heads broke through the barrier and slammed me up in the air.

As I was vomiting out blood from the shock, the small knight was right next to me with the sword over his shoulder.

“Slam Slash!”

“Air Barrier!”

With my remaining force, I created a barrier of compressed air between us, Blocking his attack.

The magic was strong enough to not let his blade cut me in two, but there was so much force behind the blow that I was slammed back to the ground, making me vomit more blood.

“Wake up! There are still things to do!”

Without me noticing them, tentacles warped around my legs, and I was pulled away.

The general laughed like a madman as he pulled me closer.

“Do it now!”

At that monster’s command, several deformed beasts jumped out from the ruined buildings, each with razor-sharp claws.

“Shit… Cursed Flame Curtain!”

By using up almost all mana I had, I created a purple 5-meter radius wide flame tornado around me, burning the vines and most of the monsters into black ash.

“F-Finally… Some ti-time… to breathe.”

Ever since the battle started, I have been flying around from these guys' blows.

The giant monster is super strong and can grow additional heads in such a way that any harm done to it is pointless.

The midget with the sword is fast, and his blade doesn’t even cut, it was a bloody blunt weapon.

And as for the general, he would use his wisp to destabilize me when I tried to fight back.

“They are perfectly synchronized. If I stay here longer, I will die. “

Not having another choice I flipped the book open and started to look for something that could help me.

“Prayer of strength, a prayer of protection, a prayer of good grades, a prayer of perfect denture… Damn it, why is there so much useless stuff in it!”


A few inches away from me, a creature fell to the ground, its body burning hot with my flames.


Accompanied by the voice of the general, several more monsters fell out of the flames.

“Damn it, damn it, I need something.”

After going through some of the pages, I finally found something. A prayer that could save me or doom me, whatever it was I had no other choice.


Per the instruction in the book, I got on my knees and put my head on the ground.

“ Great Brothers of the skies and earth hear my prayer. Your insignificant follower pleads your attention. I besiege you, fathers of the earth, listen to my plea. I pleased the- “

When the prayer was finished, I saw something in my mind. I saw darkness and from the darkness, I saw something. In this void was a being that should have ever existed. it was something that could destroy the earth with only a single word.

The being, the god, lifted his finger and spoke, in a voice that was extremely familiar yet alien to me.

“I shall give you what your heart desires. But you shall listen to me.”

Immediately words formed in my mind, burning themselves into my brain so that I never forget them.

At first, there was only chaos. In this chaos, order slowly started to form, and this order gave birth to two giants. The order, loving his children, taught them to control the chaos and shape it at their will so that one day they may control it as he did. But chaos, the first being to exist was infuriated to see that its children sought to control them.

In retribution, it tempted the younger brother, awakening the flames of avarice in its heart. The brother started to grow bigger and bigger, so that he may control more over their realm.

The elder brother at first didn’t understand what was happening, but the chaos started to whisper in his ear.

The brother suddenly became afraid of his brother and started to shape the chaos around it, creating its territory separate from all creation.

Fueled by greed and jealousy, the younger brother created his domain and extended it so much that it began to encroach on his elder brother's territory.

Seeing a chance to get rid of both of them, the chaos started to whisper again in the ears of the younger brother.

Corrupted by chaos, the brother started to create beings of his own, fashioned from the emotions in his heart.

Now in terror, the elder brother did a desperate move.

He left his territory and went to his brother who was too busy with his children.

Then, when he least expected it, he expanded his body and pounced on his sibling. He enveloped his brother, determined to prevent him from expanding in size again. He rolled the younger brother into a small ball, locking him in this new form.


Unable to move, the younger brother became the earth. The elder brother, weighing down oppressively on his younger sibling, became the sky. And so, the earth and sky were created.

The sun rose and fell, and so time was created; snow, rain, and storms were each given their place, and so the seasons were born.

The younger brother, now the earth, could only look on with jealousy as all of this took place. His silent greed and anger grew, enormous, within him. At the center of the earth, there was a sea of molten, swirling mess of emotions. Soon these emotions were pushed to the surface, manifesting themselves as lumps that disfigured the land - these lumps became the first demons.

The elder brother, afraid that his sibling’s creations would free him, made his own, pouring his fears and remaining love of his sibling into them, creating the first angels.

After witnessing this, their parent order gave his support.

Combining the brothers' creation, it created man so that it may rule the world.

Chaos, seeing this as a chance to keep the brother locked away, gave his gifts to the world as well.

Animals started roaming the land, the most powerful amongst them becoming monsters.


Like me.


“FINALLY!” The sound of explosions and screaming woke me up from my trans, seeing what could possibly be hell on earth.

The flames that protected me have extinguished, with an entire sea of monsters surrounding me, with the small knight standing before me.

The general was standing on the shoulders of two beasts, flaring his wipes at me, tightly grabbing my infected left arm that held the book.



The tentacles buried themselves deeper into my flesh. taking over the disease in them, twisting, breaking, and reforming my arm into something unnatural.

Fighting the pain, I grabbed this infected limb and pulled.

It was disgusting, feeling the bones parting as the muscles and skin tore not to mention the pain.

With a roar of pain and anguish, I tore the arm off and threw it away, not caring about the blood that was spraying everywhere.

“My god! That’s so gruesome. “

Not even giving me the time to cope with the thing, the small knight pushed me to the ground, its ridiculously big blade lifted in the air.

“You had a good run, but this is the end.”

The wind started to flow around the blade, making a shrieking noise.

“This technique isn’t quite ready, but it should be enough for nobody like you!”

The wind around the weapon turned black as he

“Rotting Slam Slash!”

The blade fell towards me, cutting the air with a sound that resembled the sound of a woman screaming.

Not even having the strength to move, I lay there and closed my eyes.

I am sorry everyone… I failed.



When the blade didn’t make contact with me, I opened my eyes.

The giant sword of the small knight was stopped by someone.


It was my wife, the granite golem, who was supposed to be dead when this whole thing happened.

Yet, she was standing in front of me, holding the sword away from me.

“Don’t you… dare… touch him!”

With a burst of strength, she pushed the attacker away, who landed on the ground doing several black flips.

As I was watching the scene, someone gently lifted me off the ground and they tightly embraced me.

“I am so happy to find you, Gyuuu!

“Sue? Is that you?”

The mud slime smiled down at me, as tears flowed out of her eyes.

As I cried with her, I could hear the voice of that being talking to me.

‘Spread the truth. Spread my bible.’




King States:


Name: Elizabeth Morgum ‘The She King’

Race: [Royal High Amphibian] LV: 345/ 100,000 (66,587/ 100,000)

Main Class: [Monster King]

Sub Class: [Magic Weapon Master] [Master Magician]

HP(Health Points): 445/ 57,345

SP(Stamina Points): 230/ 57,000

MP(Magic Points): 70/ 75, 000

Blessings: [Blessing of Artemis] [Blessing of Anubis] [Blessing of Hephaistos] [ Blessing of Freya] [Blessing of the Devil] [Blessing of Macha] [Blessing of Poseidon] [Blessing of Echidna] [Blessing of Osiris]

Curses: [Curse of Aphrodite] [ Curse of Buddha] [ Curse of Athena]

Unique Skills: [Ultimate Survivor] [EXP Share]

Active Skills: [Universal Advanced Magic] [Skill Fusion] [Demonic Weapon Summon] [ Demonic Armor Summon] [Perfect Appraisal] [Status Display] [Dimensional Magic] [Inbreeding] [Gender Bending] [Weaponry Morphing] [Architectural Design] [Berserker Rage] [Basic Life Creation] [EXP Siphon] [Evolution Control] [Domination Magic] [Alchemical Knowledge]

Passive Skills: [Water Breathing] [Enhanced Swimming] [Dark Vision] [Bottomless Stomach]

Affinities: [Cursed Weapon Affinity] [Death Affinity] [Fire Affinity] [Archery Affinity] [War Affinity] [Riding Affinity]

Titles: [Possessor of Otherworldly Memories][Blessing Stealer] [Unique Skill Stealer] [Kin Eater] [Bloody King] [Enemy of Humanity] [Parent of Calamities]


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