《Dreaming (BWWM)》AM I DREAMING?💭


We pulled up to her house and waited for her to answer her phone.

My phone vibrated.

"Hello?" Taylor sounded confused.

"Can you open the door now?" I said.

"All right I'm on my way down"

I gave Leo a nod and he walks up to the door.

I don't know what's gonna go down cause she thinks she's opening the door for me.

The door finally opens.

At this point I have no idea what's going on.

Taylor's quiet as fuck right now.

They're still talking.

I don't know why he had to bring her card now. Like why not do it tomorrow?

Taylor is heading back into her house. Leo gently grabs her. I think he forgot to give her library card back. He's pulling her close to him. I could not believe my fucking eyes. They really kissing right now!

My mouth dropped.

Leo you smooth muthafucka!

Leo walked back into the car like he didn't just tongue Taylor down. I pull out phone and pretended like I didn't see what just happened.

"I know you saw us Amiyah" he chuckled as he pulled out the driveway.

"What the fuck happened?" I smiled.

"I kissed her"

"Uh yeah I could see that"

"You gonna ask Taylor later anyway. She'll tell you"

"You right."


"Girl he kissed me!" She screamed.

I busted out laughing when she said this.

"How did it happen though?"

"So he basically caught me off guard and shit when he came to my house."


"So I asked him what he doing here. He showed me my card that we used earlier today. Bitch...when I tell you my stomach dropped and hit my booty hole."

"Girl I'm done with you!" I snorted.

"I almost shit myself not even gonna lie. So he hands me the card and I don't even know what to say. I said thanks and turned my ass around back to my house cause I was so embarrassed."



"Then as I leave he grabs me by my waist, which I was thrown off by, but I liked it. He pulls me closer to him. My heart was beating so fast. His tall ass leans forward and kisses me."

"Wow. Like something out a movie Tay"

"I know. I never saw him in that light, but I swear he was so sexy to me. Like I keep replaying that moment in my mind. His lips—his lips are so soft! Anyways so after we kissed he told me how much he always liked me and stuff. He told me he was gonna call me tonight to talk more"

"I'm shook. It's about damn time y'all got together."

"Girl what!?" She chuckled.

"He been liked you. You were to obsessed with Mr. JT"

"You right. Leo definitely changed my view about him. Whew Chile!

"Somebody bout to have a wet dream tonight" I joked.

"Honestly" she giggled.

Aw. I can tell she's blushing just thinking about him. I'm glad he kissed her tonight.

"Let me let you talk to your man I'll see you tomorrow"

She laughed. "Alright. I'll talk to you later" she hung up the phone.

10 seconds my phone started buzzing with notifications.

Of course it's Evan's corny ass.

I clicked on the picture he commented on.

I smiled and liked his comment.

Two minutes later he texts me before I went to sleep. The text read "Can't wait for our date on Saturday"


It was finally Friday. These teacher had me stressed out.

I only had more class left. AP Lit. I started walking down the hallway and I see Evan talking to Leo.

I walked up up to them.

"Hey Evan. Leo." I smirked.

"Hey" they both smiled.

"So Amiyah, is it true this man kissed Taylor?"

"Yeah. I seen it with my own eyes" I smiled.

"Whoa. Bout damn time man" Evan chuckled.

"So what happens now?" I asked.

"That part is up to Taylor." Leo smiled.


"Okay." I nodded.

"I'll talk to y'all later I got to get to class before Ms.Brown marks me as tardy. If I get one more I'm spending my Friday afternoon in detention." Leo said before he started jogging in the hallway.

"Anyways, I'll pick you up at 4:00 tomorrow"

"Alright. What we doing?" I asked.

"I told you it's a surprise." He smirked.

"You not letting up huh? That's cute.I'm excited." I smiled.

Technically this is my first date. I don't consider RJ Kamden as my first date because one: That was Saraya was tryna to set me up with her boyfriend's friend and two: We were at their house the entire time and he was just trying to hit—how romantic. So yes I'm geeked as fuck right now for this date with Evan.

"It's our first date. Of course I wanna pop out" he laughed.

"Alright Mr. Lexington. I see you." I said giving him a lil wink.

Evan looked at his phone and sucked his teeth.


"They want me to work night shift tonight. I'm not working tonight. I'll tell em my dog died for the fifth time in a row." He smiled.

I laughed.

"I'll catch with you later after school, okay?" He gave me a hug before he left for class.

"Alright see ya"


It was finally lunch and I was ready to eat. One thing about the food here is that its not your regular cafeteria food! Girl we eat good here. No frozen food. All the shit here is organic and came from Old McDonald's farm.

I saw Taylor and Noelle at our usual table. I walked up to them.

"What's up y'all?"

"Nothing much. Miss T Swift keep talking about Leo not DiCaprio" Noelle laughed.

"Oh really?..." I smirked.

"I was thrown for loop y'all. Leo and I have been friends, but NEVER have I seen him in a way like I did last night. I'm also scared to take a chance with him. I do appreciate him and our friendship I don't want that to ruin our dynamic." Taylor shrugged.

You can tell she cares about him.

"It will work itself out in the end"

"Since we on the topic of boys. I finally decided to go public with Eric." Noelle smiled.

"Ahh! I'm so happy for you guys! It's about damn time" Taylor squealed.

I had to take a moment for what Noelle just said.

"I'm sorry—public? I thought you didn't like Eric. Am I missing something?" I asked.

"No.... Eric and I have been dating for over a year now. We just kept it low key" Noelle said nonchalantly.

"YOU kept it low key. That boy wanted everybody and they mama to know that you were with him." Taylor shook her head.

"Amiyah where did you get the idea that I didn't like Eric?" Noelle asked.

"Every time he made a move on you, you would shut that shit down. Oh!—-and you told him his lips were chapped as hell." I laughed.

"One: I shut it down because I didn't want everyone to know we were dating. Two: His lips were chapped that day what type of girlfriend would I be if I let my baby walk around with ashy lips"

"That makes sense. So wait, do Evan and Leo know about y'all relationship?"

"They know about our relationship."

"So I'm the only one who didn't know." I gasped.

"Yep. In my defense I didn't know you like that so......"

"That's fair." I nodded.

"I guess we all tied up now" Taylor chuckled.

"I guess so." I smiled.


This chapter was long overdue. College life is catching up with me right now. Anyways, I'm so grateful for all you guys!!! Vote, share,comment!!! Y'all are so funny in the comments

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