
"I stayed up until 1 writing that paper" Taylor scoffed.

"That's whatcha lazy ass gets for procrastinating" Noelle laughed.

Leo walked into the room with Evan and Eric.

"Thanks for the APUSH notes" Taylor looked at Leo.

"Yeah. No problem" he said quietly.

"So what y'all doing after school? Y'all trying to go hang out?" Taylor looked at the boys.

" I got an appointment after school," Eric said.

"I've been taking shifts at Walmart right after school. Sorry" Evan chimed in.

"What about you Leo?" Taylor asked.

"Uhh... I got something going on after school" he gave her a strained smile.

"Like what?" I chuckled.

"Yeah. Like what?" Taylor asked again.

"Stuff." He said bluntly.

Ms.Pixly walked back into the classroom and all of us continued taking notes.

Soon after the bell finally rung.

I made sure my ass get out as soon as I can. I had late lunch and I was not gonna let these greedy ass kids finish all the damn food.

As I was leaving I heard Evan call out my name.

"Damn Amiyah. You in a hurry huh?" He panted.

"Sorry. I got late lunch today and I didn't eat breakfast." I chuckled.

"Ah okay. Well I was thinking about our first date."

"Oh really? And when is that?" I smirked.

"This Friday."

"What we doing?"

"That I can't tell you. It's top secret." He smiled.

"Oh. Please don't tell me this date is gonna be at McDonald's cause if so I think your secret's been revealed."

"McDonald's is a great place for date. What are you talking about? They got slides and everything." He laughed.

"Yeah no. I've has my fair share of slides at McDonald's"

"Don't worry. It's not gonna be at McDonald's"

"Good." I shook my head.

Honestly, I'm excited for our date on Friday. I don't give a fuck where we go at this point I just wanna get out of the house.

"Okay I'll talk to you later"




After lunch I got a call from Taylor.

"Hey what's up Taylor."

"Get cha brotha." She said fast

"Why what he do?" I laughed.

"He acting so weird." She sighed.

I was deciding on if I should be tell her about Leo. I told him that she rejected JT and he still acting a fool.

"How so?"

"Remember when I asked him what he's doing after school?"


"Guess what."

Before I could even open my mouth Taylor already went on.

"Jennifer Parks told me he's tutoring Mailee—with two e's at the end."

"What?" I chuckled.

"Yeah. We got two people in our grade with the same name. Miley H and Mailee O. Miley H is quiet she don't bother anybody but Mailee O..... that girl irritates my soul. Mailee Olson and I always competing with each other. She's like my nemesis."

"Oh...... and it bothers you that he's tutoring her."

"I don't even think she needs tutoring she's just tryna to get at Leo"

"She likes Leo?"

I'm so confused at this point.

"Yes. Always tryna get with him. I guess it finally worked cause he tutoring her tonight."

"Mhm. I don't know maybe it's just innocent tutoring"

"I trust Leo. I don't trust that girl."

Taylor was quiet for a second and then she started screaming in my ear.

"Amiyah I got an idea. We gonna spy on them. Like be on some double 007— James Bond type stuff!" She screamed.

Taylor is crazy.

"Uh— I don't know about spying on Leo."

"Come on. He tutors her right after school. It's like an hour and a half."

I can't believe I let this girl pull me into doing this.

"Fine. If nothing is going on I'm leaving." I said sternly.

"If nothing is going on— which I DOUBT will happen. You can leave"

"Okay Taylor I'll see you after school"

"Operation Catch That Bobble-Head Bitch is in motion!"


"Girl bye!" I laughed.

I hung up the phone.


School was finally over. All these papers and tests have a girl stressed out! I gotta get through it cause I really want that scholarship.

I put half my books in my bag and the other half in my locker. I closed my locker and headed to Taylor's locker.

"We got to head down to the library quick cause he tutors her at 2:30" she said frantically.

" I don't understand why Noelle can't help you with this" I sighed.

"Cause she gonna tell me how crazy I am every two seconds and I'm not here for that"

"Right. Cause you're completely sane." I said sarcastically.

"Enough wit the chitchat. Let's go!"

We walked quickly all the way to library. Once we got there we hid behind the books near the tables.

"How long are we gonna stay back here?!" I whispered.

"Til I catch Lil miss Hannah Montana Slippin" Taylor smiled.

"Girl I-"

"Hush up. They're here"

I shut my mouth and watched them interact.

"Hey Leo" Mailee said in a flirtatious tone.

Taylor shook her head.

"Ay, What's up Mailee."

"Nothing. Oh! Good news."

"Yeah what?" He smiled.

"I got a 94 on my test!" She squealed.

"Okay, I see you. Give me some." He dapped Mailee up.

Taylor and I exchanged looks.

"They got a whole handshake." Taylor shook her head.

"I just wanted to say thank you. Because of you I'm actually doing well in Calc."

"It's no problem. Really." He smiled.

"How about a movie this weekend as a token of my appreciation." She smiled.

"I knew it! She ain't smooth." She scolded.

"Uh.." Leo chuckled.

"Leo better not say yes" Taylor whispered.

"Sure. Let's celebrate." He said.

"Okay, how about Friday?"

"Friday works."

Taylor and I left the library after that.

"I can't believe he said yes. I didn't expect that"

"Well, it's not like it means anything. Right?"

"I guess." She sighed.

I think this whole thing bothered her more than she thought.

"I gotta go home. I have a presentation"

"Alright, well I'll talk to you later. Evan's driving me home. FaceTime me."

"Okay see ya"

After Taylor left Evan pulled up in front of the school. He parked the car and opened the passenger door for me.

"Oh so you got it like that?" I chuckled.

"You too fine to be opening doors." He smiled.

"Thank you."

I hopped in that car blushing like a muthafucka.

"So how was school?"

"Good. What about you?" I asked

"Good." He said mocking me.

"Don't do that" I chuckled.

"What you doing this Saturday?"


"Wrong. You are doing something. This Saturday is our date"

"Oh really?" My eyes shot up.

I'm so excited my heart beating really fast.

"Yeah" he chuckled.

"What we doing?"

He chuckled. "I'm not gonna tell you."


He pulled up in front of the house and parked the car. He came around and opened the door.

"I'm excited."

"Good. As you should be"

"Don't disappoint me." I chuckled.

He paused for a second.

"I'm just fucking with you. It will be good lil date. Relax" he chuckled.

"Okay. See ya tomorrow" I smiled.

"See ya" he waved.

I walked in to meet Leo.

"Soo...Did you and Taylor leave after I said I would hang out with Mailee?"

Uh... I-

He cut me off

"Look you don't gotta lie to me."

"How did you know?"

He chuckled.

"Taylor forgot something" he threw her library card.

This bitch. Double 007 never left any trace behind.

"It was all her idea."

"You don't think I know she's crazy."

I chuckled.

"Come on, let's go" He said grabbing his keys

"Where are we going?"

"To Taylor's house."


A/N: Thanks guys for supporting this book. I know I've been MIA, but college life ain't no joke😭😭😭 Since this book getting more reads I'm gonna try to push more chapters out.

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