
"So do you have any siblings?" I asked.

"Ooh. You tryna know my family life?" He chuckled.

"I just wanna know more about you, that's all" I smiled.

He looked at me and smiled back.

"I have one sister, her name is Marilynn. She's thirteen."

"Marilynn. Awww, that's cute"

"What about you? Any siblings?" He asked.

"Yeah, I have an older brother Elias." I said missing estactic Elias.

"Oh, that's right Mr.Hayes has another son. He never mentions him."

"Not surprised considering that all Elias does it stay in the streets."

"Damn." He shook his head.

"Yeah....We have a great family dynamic" I said sarcastically.

He a gave a slight chuckle. "Me too"

"You? Really? It just seems like you and mom are put together so I'd assume—

"That my family was perfect. Yeah the complete opposite" he interrupted.

"Oh." I whispered.

"My mom and dad got a divorce after she cheated on my dad. My dad got custody of Marilynn and now they live in North Carolina. " he said all in one breath.

I could tell that his mom's actions really affected him and he's still not over it. I've accepted my dad and my mom's faults. I've accepted Larsa and Leo and baby Mena, who have become apart of my life. I've accepted my parent's divorce. Evan hasn't.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered.

"It's fine. It is what it is." He grinned at me.

We finally pulled up to the house.

I sighed. " I had a good time tonight Evan"

"Me too. We should do this again next time, Y'know without the crew"

"Yeah, we should" I smiled.

I opened the passenger door and got out. He backed out of the driveway as I waved at him.


"See ya tomorrow Amiyah" he winked at me.

"Drive safe!"

I headed toward the front door to see Mena smiling.

"Hiiii Miyah." She giggled.

" Heyyyy Mena what's up going on girl?" I smiled back at her.

"Nothing." She started laughing.

I was kinda scared at first, but then I realized kids be laughing over the most dumbest things.

"What's so funny? What got you laughing like that?"

"Is Evan your boyfriend?" She asked.

I was caught off guard for second. Then I was thinking about what I say to her. Cause... little kids like to run their mouths.

"No. Evan is just a friend. Why did you ask that question?"

"Leo said it."

Leo. It's always Leo.

"What else did he say?" I asked.

"He's moving from Taylor."

Moving? Where the hell he gonna go?

"Moving?" I whispered.

She nodded.

"Because she left with JT"

It started to make sense. He's moving ON from Taylor. Meaning he had feelings for her all this time! My face hurts from grinning so damn much. Damn I hope she don't fall JT's fast ass cause she and Leo vibe well together.

"How did you hear all of this Mena?"

"Leo was on the phone with big bird. I was in the living room and Leo was right there." Mena pointed to the dining room.

"Big bird?"

She giggled and ran off into her room.


I knocked gently onto Leo's door.

"Come in!" He yelled from the other side of the door.

"Heyyyy" I said quietly.

"Heyyyy what's up?" He mocked me.

"Oh nothing much. Just chillin'" I smiled.

"Same" he nodded.

I wasted no time trying to be awkward.

"So Taylor......" I whispered.

He was quiet for a second before whispering back.


"You know." He scoffed.

"Uh yeah." I gave him a strained smile.

"Well there's nothing much to say. We're just gonna keep it platonic. It's better for the both of us anyway"

I felt bad for Leo.

"You don't know that!".

"Look, she's been feeling JT for a while and I don't wanna get in the way of that. If putting my feelings aside and seeing her with somebody makes her happy, then so be it. She deserves that."

I wish Leo would step up and tell her how he feels. I also know that because Taylor has liked JT and he doesn't want to get in the way of her happiness.

"Amiyah, I really gotta finish this paper for Ms. Brown. We'll talk about this later." He sighed.

"Okay.....Oh Leo?"


"Who's big bird?"


"Mena said you were talking to big bird earlier" I chuckled.

"Ohhh. Big bird is Garrett. That's her nickname for him. Y'know cause he tall as hell." he chuckled.

"Aww that's cute. Alright good night" I said on the other side of the door.

"Good Night."


After that talk with Leo I had to talk to Taylor about JT. I just want to see if there is something with JT and Taylor. I hope she sees right through his bullshit and doesn't entertain him. I texted her as soon as I got into my room.

At this point I was worried as hell. I mean the guy she had a crush on for so long asked her out on a date. I would be ecstatic. Also I'm rooting for Taylor and Leo to be together. A minute later she texts back.

Of course Evan would call Taylor. I'm glad he did call her. I called her on FaceTime to talk more cause I didn't feel like texting.

"Damn, I'm sorry I know how much you liked him."

"It's fine. At least I can focus more on myself now."

"This is all for the best anyways. You'll find someone better" I said trying to foreshadow Taylor and Leo's relationship.

"Yeah. You right"

"Enough about me, miss thang. How bout you and Evannnnnn?" she said in high pitched voice.

"All we did was talk on the ride home" I chuckled.

"Oh y'all TALKED???!!!" She screamed.

"Not that type of talking ya nasty" I said doing my best Raven Baxter impression.

Taylor busted out laughing.

"Okay, okay, okay. What did y'all talk about?" She asked.

"Life. Family life" I said bluntly.

"Okay that's a good start."


"Aww I'm happy for you Amiyah."

"Thanks" I smiled.

A few moments later Taylor cursed under her breath.

"Damn— it's 7:30 already?!!! Girl I gotta finish this essay for Ms.Brown tomorrow."

"You and Leo just the same." I chuckled.

"Shut up. Oh- can you tell Leo to send me AP History notes?"

"Why can't you just tell him yourself?"

"Cause lately he been ignoring me and I don't like it. I've been texting him he barely texts back and when he does it's a dry ass text."

Leo's in his feelings so of course he's not gonna talk to Taylor.

"Okay. I'll tell him. You need to start on that paper"

"For real. Okay I'll see ya tomorrow."

"See ya."

After the call ended I was happy. I don't know if it was because me and Evan got closer tonight or that the thought of Leo and Taylor being together might actually happen.

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