《Dreaming (BWWM)》DREAM💭


"Girl you ready?"

"Hold up, lemme grab my lip gloss real quick before we go" Noelle said rummaging through her backpack.

"If I see him I don't know what I'm even going to say." I shook my head.

I felt bad that I lied. Now that I know that everybody is going I'm taging along. He's gonna think that I don't like him. Which isn't the case it's just that I don't know his intentions right now.

"Say surprise muthafucka, my plans changed" Noelle chuckled.

"Yeah, he's gonna be happy you even there in the first place.

"Yeah maybe" I shrugged.

"Alright, let's go!" Taylor said while she swung her keys around her finger.

We grabbed our shit and headed to the parking lot. We kept walking until we stumbled upon a clean black Lexus.

"Wow. This is a nice car" I said.

"Girl, please. This is nothing compared to what kids be driving round here" Taylor chuckled.

"Yea, but at least you bought your own car. Lot kids here can't say that" Noelle said.

"I wanna be like you Taylor when I grow up." I said in a little kid voice.

"Girl bye!" Taylor laughed.

We all hopped in the car and Taylor started playing Bryson Tiller.

"Thinking bout us. Baby I seen you around" she started singing along.

"You betta turn it up" Noelle shouted

Taylor blasts the song up.

"You da baddest in yo crew, you da baddest I done seen. How you fit yo ass in those jeans" we all sang along.

We finally arrived at Five Guys and there I saw Leo's car and Jt's car.

"Did dumber and dumbest not get an invite" Taylor scoffed.

"I guess it's just us" Noelle shrugged.

We all jumped out the car and walked toward the guys.

"Taylor I didn't know you were comin" Leo looked surprised.

"I thought I would pop by and see wassup" Taylor said.

"Cool" Leo nodded his head.

Evan looked at me for a while and then gave me a strained smile. I knew it. I knew it would be awkward.


"Hey Noelle" Eric gave Noelle a corny ass smile.

"Hey Eric" Noelle said in a aggravated tone.

"So we just gonna stand here or we gonna eat?" JT asked.

"I'm hungry as fuck so let's go" I said.



Everybody walked inside, except for JT and Taylor. JT pulled Taylor aside.

Once we got in we found a table and started talking.

"So how's everybody's day going?" Noelle asked.


"It's okay"

"Pretty good"

Leo looked around the room and then he looked at Evan.

"Where's Taylor?" Evan asked.

"She's outside talking to JT" Noelle said.

"Oh" Evan nodded his head.

I'm the type of person who can feel weird energy. Saraya always use to clown me on it, but it's helped me out in so many cases. There's something going on with Leo and Evan the way they're acting is weird as hell. Especially in regards to Taylor.

"Why you guys acting so weird? What's going on?" I asked.

Leo and Evan looked at me like I was crazy.

"What?" They both said.

"Yeah why are you guys acting so weird? Why is Evan asking bout Taylor?" Noelle smiled.

Evan nervously chuckled

"I just wanna know the well being of my friends that's all" he smiled.

"Oh" I whispered.

Noelle nodded her head.

After that whole awkward moment, JT and Taylor finally walk through the door and sit with us.

"What did y'all order?" Taylor asked

"We were waiting for you guys" Garrett gave a fake smile.

"Oh shit, let's get to it then" JT said.

We all ordered our food and started talking some more. I got up from my seat to use the restroom.

I walked inside and tidied up because after school I be looking a hot ass mess and I'm not tryna disgrace myself. As I walked out the bathroom Evan pulled me in another direction.

"Hey! I don't know how girls do it here but—"

I was interrupted by his soft, calm voice.

"Amiyah, listen. I'm sorry. I didn't really wanna talk to you like this. I wanted to talk to you alone. It's hard with a group of people plus it felt a little awkward back there." He chuckled.


I don't know what, but there's something about him that I like. He's stimulating to the brain. The way he talks—whew! Jesus take the wheel.

"Yeah, it was a little awkward" I agreed.

"Yeah. Earlier today, when I asked you if you wanted to hang out... I didn't mean it in a group setting. I meant it like the two of us." He chuckled.

I knew it!

"Oh. Okay" I nodded.

"I wanna be upfront with you, cause I really like you. I want to get to know you on another level, outside of school. I wanted to pull you aside to see if you felt the same way" He stared at me deep into my eyes.

Before I could even think about what I was gonna say. I opened my mouth and I said:

"I feel the same way" I stared in his eyes.

He looked at me and smiled.

"I hope you not playin with me" he chuckled.

"I'm not. I like you too." I chuckled.

"We should probably head back"

"Yeah, we should"

We walked back to our table. As we're walking back I'm thinking about what the hell just happened. He walked over expressed his true feelings—like what? When he said all those things, it didn't feel rehearsed. Like he said that shit to another girl. It felt like he was being honest with me and I had to be honest with him—hell myself.

"Damn where were you guys? Narnia?" Eric said.

"Y'all didn't miss much. Garrett here is acting a fool." Taylor smiled.

"Garrett out here stealing everybody's food" Noelle shook her head.

"I told you I was checking your food. They put all sort of stuff in people's food. You never know. Just wanted make sure it was safe." Garrett nodded

"Boy you ate half of my fries!" Noelle yelled.

"I had to make sure it was safe to eat, and it was. You're welcome." Garrett smiled.

"I'm about to punch you in your damn throat." Noelle laughed.

We all laughed.

After everybody was done eating we all walked to the parking lot.

"Shit," Taylor swore under her breath.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm gotta head home, my mom gets home at 4:30 and if the kitchen isn't clean it's gon be world war 3 tonight."

"Oh shit, you suppose to give me a ride home" Noelle gasped.

"That's what I'm sayin, we gotta go. Amiyah you coming?"

"No it's fine I'll ride with Leo."

"Okay I'll see ya tomorrow" Taylor waved bye as she walked away.

Noelle waved and followed Taylor back to her black Lexus.

"Bye" I waved back.

"I can give you a ride home with you want" Evan smiled.

"You sure?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yeah, Leo needs a break from driving you around all the time. I'll be your chauffeur for the night" he winked at me.

"Alright, sounds good to me" I chuckled.

"Ay Leo! I'm heading out man,"

"Leo, I'm leaving with Evan!" I yelled.

"Alright I'll see ya at home" Leo walked back to his car and drove away.

Evan and I walked back to his car. Let me tell you I don't know much about cars, but I know for a fact that his car was very much expensive.

"Nice car" I said unimpressed.

"Something tells me you've been in cars nicer than mine" He chuckled.

"Maybe" I chuckled.

"Here, let me help you" Evan opened the car door for me.

It's little shit like this that make me feel some type of way. I couldn't help but blush.

"Why thank you. We love a good gentlemen" I chuckled.

"We do." He smiled at me.

He walked over to the other side and got in the car.

"You ready?" He looked over to me and smiled.

I nodded.


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