《Dreaming (BWWM)》DREAM NO.2💭


After I got out of the shower I called Taylor and Noelle.

"Guess who decided to follow me on Instagram after two weeks" I said all in one breath.

"Evan" Noelle shook her head

"Girl what?" Taylor laughed.

"That's not all he slid in my dms" I laughed with her.

"What he say?" Taylor asked.

"He said he after tonight he wanted to get to know me more"

"Ooh. What happened tonight?" Noelle asked.

"I have no idea"

"Yeah. He sprung sprung" Taylor chuckled.

"Yeah, I never seen him on a girl like this. He don't even reach out to girls like that." Noelle chimed in.

"He must really like you, Amiyah"

"I don't know. Maybe he was taking about how he wants to get to know me more like on some friendship type shit" I shrugged.

"Nah, what type of person says that to somebody they want to be friends with?" Noelle said.

"You acting like you don't like him. What's up?" Taylor chuckled.

"It's not that... he just caught me off guard. I have trust issues. I just don't wanna get played, that's all."

"Trust me, he's one of the decent boys at Lexington. Give him a chance." Noelle

"Yeah you right" I agreed.

"Oh, I almost forgot. We were taking pictures and I forgot to send you the pics on my phone"

My phone went dead for a while when were at the diner and I couldn't take any pictures on my phone so I asked Taylor.

"I just sent it to you"

"I look bomb in this!" I gasped.

"No wonder Evan creepy self keep sliding in your dms" Noelle laughed.

We all busted out laughing.

"Y'all I'm tired I'm about to go to bed" I yawned.

"Yeah, its getting late and I gotta get some beauty sleep."


"All that sleep and still no beauty. Damn shame" Noelle snickered.

"Noelle I know you ain't talking. You need your beauty sleep more than I need mine. Matter of fact your ass should've been sleep a long time ago. It's not too late to catch up." Taylor said in one breath.

Their banter reminded me of how Saraya and I use to be. We close that's why we use to flame the hell outta each other and not be offended by it. At the end of the day it's all love between us.

"Girl bye!" Noelle chuckled.

"Goodnight, y'all"

"Night Amiyah, ill see y'all tomorrow" Noelle yawned.

"Goodnight crusty and dusty hoes" Taylor chuckled.

We all hung up.


"Alright shut up" Mr. P yelled to the class.

While he was teaching I was reading the email Ms.Lexington sent earlier this morning.

I felt a breathe of relief as I read the email. I fit the criteria for most of it. All I had to was write a three page essay. Not too shabby. Now my only worry is what it's gonna be about.

"Damn Ms. Lexington really set the bar for this one" Leo sucked his teeth.

"Leo, they giving us a FULL ride. She not gonna give it to someone with a 1.3 gpa. She gonna give to someone who shown consistency and dedication in school." Taylor said.

"For real. She wants to know that you ain't fucking around." Noelle laughed.

Ding, ding, ding,

The bell rung.

Everybody got out of their seats and headed for their next class.

I headed straight for my locker. I placed my books beside me to open my locker. As I'm opening my locker I see two legs beside my books. I looked up. Of course it's this wigga Evan.


"What's going on Amiyah?" He smiled.

He has a nice ass smile. When he smiles his eyes smile too. Like them shits sparkle. Speaking of eyes his eyes are like almost green—-

"Amiyah?" Evan looked at me confused.

"Uh, yeah sorry. I'm good how about you?"

"Yea I'm good. I was wondering if you wanted to get some food after school" he smiled.

There he go with his cheesy ass smile. Cheesy, cute ass smile.

"Oh, I don't know... I'll see what I got going on cause I have plans after school." I smiled back.

Lie. I don't have any plans after school, but he doesn't know that. It's not that he's not fine cause he is. I just feel awkward being alone with him.

"Alright, that's cool. Maybe next time." He smiled as he walked away.

I know I'm suppose to be giving him a chance, but I find my self questioning everything he does. Like last night he said he wanted to know me better. Does he really wanna know me or does he wanna know these panties? Does do you wanna get some food after school code for get dicked down in the school parking lot? Cause I heard lots of stories about that back at Brooklyn Heights. I don't know man! The innocent ones be the most freaky.

I shut my locker and headed to my last period of the day. I walked all the way over to the back halls of the school for Ms. Brown's English Class. As soon as I got in class I made my way to my seat and told Noelle what happened early.

"Why you told him that? I'm going." She chuckled.

"Wait-what? What you mean you're going?" I asked.

"All of us are going to Five Guys after school."

Here I thought it was just gonna be us two. If Noelle going then everybody else must be going too.

"I thought it was just gonna be me and him. Alone. I didn't know it was a group thing.

"Well now you know all of us are going. Are you gonna go?"

"Yeah, I'll go"


A/N: I know this chapter is short asf. The next one will be longer.

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