
1 hour later

"I can't believe the server gave you his number!" I screamed.

"I was shook" Noelle laughed.

"And you thought he was just being nice. He wanted some of that Tay magic" I laughed.

"Okay, I will admit he caught me off guard. He was sweet" Taylor blushed.

"So are you gonna call him? or...."

"Maybe. I mean it can't hurt to call him. Besides he was cute"

"Girl what about JT?" I smirked.

"What about him?"

"Ooop." Noelle laughed.

"I mean he all up on Imani. He got options, but I got options too." Taylor said confidently.

"That's on what?"

"Period." We all said together.

When we all came out of the restaurant we saw JT wait for Imani.

"Leo I know you're the one who took Evan's IG pics." JT smiled.

"Yessir" Leo said.

"Man I'm tryna post some pics for the gram"

"Oh now everybody wanna piece of the kid to take their pics" Leo smiled.

"Man come on!" JT handed his phone to Leo.

"Alright. Here" Leo snapped one photo and handed JT his phone right back.

"You lucky this a good pic" JT smiled.

"So everybody comin down to my house or what?" Eric interrupted.

"Eric's house?" I asked.

"Yeah the plan was to go the movies, eat dinner then go to Eric's house to chill. I thought you knew that you were sitting by us when we talked about it." Leo laughed.

"Yeah, you still down?" Evan asked.

"Yeah, I'm down"


20 minutes later

Eric's house was nice. It was smaller than Leo's and Evan's, which makes sense considering that there is only three people living there. It's very modern and colorful.

"What y'all got planed for us?" Taylor asked.


"We didn't really plan anything cause we didn't plan for y'all to tag along." Antonio said.

"Let's play a game." Leo chimed in.

"Let's play never have I ever." Noelle suggested.

Everybody agreed to play a game of never have I ever.

"Okay I'll start. Never have I ever smoked weed" Garrett smirked.

Everybody put their finger down.

"Damn so everybody in this room been high before?" Antonio laughed.

"I'm shocked Amiyah, I thought you were a goody goody" Evan smiled at me.

"There's a lot about me that you don't know." I smiled.

"Alright never have I ever sent nudes" Kristal said.

JT, Evan, Destiny, Imani, and Antonio all put a finger down.

"Can't say I'm surprised" Leo chuckled.

Evan and Destiny definitely sent each other some pictures when they were together. By the look on their faces, I can tell.

"Never have I ever cheated on a significant other?"

JT, Garrett, Imani, and Destiny all put a finger down.

"Damn, that's fucked up" Eric shook his head.

"Never have I ever had a crush on a teacher"

Leo, Taylor, Noelle, and I put a finger down.

"Garrett you betta put your finger down!" Taylor laughed.

"Taylor, Ms. Lexington isn't really a teacher though." Garrett smiled.

"Aren't principals considered teachers?"

"Fine! I'll admit it. I'm not ashamed." Garrett proudly put a finger down.

Evan shook his head and smiled.

"Amiyah what teacher you like?" Leo stared at me.

"His name was Mr. Neils. He was my fifth grade math teacher. I thought he was so fine. He was smart and well spoken. Every time he came around me I would just smile. He could cuss me out and I would still smile. I wanted him to think that I was smart, so I studied harder. He served as form of motivation for me." I smiled as I think back to my elementary school years.


"Wow. I need to see how fine this man is" Noelle chuckled.

"I'm telling you, the school system should be filled with fine teachers. More kids would go to school. Plus they way more convincing than some average looking teacher,"Eric said.

" Man, I almost applied for that scholarship just looking at Ms. Lexington" Garrett laughed.

Everybody laughed at Garrett.

"I was thinking about doing the scholarship." I said.

"Same." Noelle nodded her head.

"I'm just waiting for the email for more information." Taylor looked her phone.

"Damn it," Eric mumbled while looking at his phone.

"What happened?" Kristal asked.

"My parents bout to be home in 20 minutes."

"Oh shit,"

Everybody started packing their things.

"Alright, see ya later man" Leo dapped Eric up.

"Thanks for letting us tag along" I said.

"No problem" He smiled.

Leo, Evan, and I left Eric's house. 10 minutes into the drive they were already talking about basketball.

"You ready for Friday night's game?" Evan asked.

"Yeah, but if Coach puts in JT to start instead of me, imma be pissed for real" Leo shook his head.

"Yeah, he barely goes to practice"

"That's what I'm saying!" Leo yelled.

"You wanna be scouted by best, you gotta be the best. That means showing up to practice early morning like that rest of us." Leo said.

"True." Evan nodded his head.

After 15 minutes of basketball nonsense we finally pulled up to Evan's house.

"Alright man, See ya tomorrow" Evan dapped Leo up before getting out the car.

"Alright man"

"See ya Amiyah," Evan fluttered an eye at me.

That was so fucking weird. Why the fuck did his eye move like that? I mean I don't think he was winking at me. Was he? Maybe he got some dust in his eye or something.

"Bye Evan" I said in a flat tone.


After being in the car for almost an hour, we finally got back to the house.

"Hey Guys!, how was the movie?" My dad asked.

He got back from his work trip two hours ago. He was gone for two weeks.

"It was nice. I can't believe the Kim family just wormed their way into the Park family like that."

"Right, the whole family was really good at lying. Just shows that people would do anything for money" I said.

"Well kids, it's getting late I'm heading to bed" Larsa yawned.

"Me as well" Dad said as he and Larsa walked upstairs.

"Goodnight" Leo and I both said.

After they both left, Leo and I both headed to our rooms.

As I walked back to my room my phone lit up and I see that I received a notification from Instagram. Ev2Shiftyy started following you. I clicked on the profile and of course it no other than the man himself.


Weird. Why add me now? He knew me for two weeks and now he wants to add me on ig. What the hell is going on?.

He sent me a message two minutes later.

Wanted to get to know me more? As friends or more?

It's too late to be this confused. So I left him on read and decided to take a shower.


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