
We finally arrived at the house. Leo pulled up and parked in the driveway

"Home Sweet Home." Leo sighed.

"I'm so tired. It's been a long day." I sighed.

"For real."

We both got out of the car and entered the house.

"Ma! we're home!" Leo yelled.

"Hey, Larsa."

"Welcome home guys! How was school?" Larsa said

"Good" Leo and I said at the same time.

"Oh! Leo honey, before I forget, I need you to watch Mena. Aunt Tish is having her birthday dinner tonight."

"Ma, I'm doing something tonight. Why can't Mena's babysitter watch her?

"Chrissie is busy tonight. Besides what so important that you can't watch your baby sister?"

"I gotta score keep for tonights JV basketball game."

"Well bring your sister."

"Ma, I-"


"Never mind" Leo shook his head.

"Okay. I'm going to look for an outfit to wear tonight. I left you guys some ribs in the oven. Help yourselves" Larsa said while grabbing her keys

"Bye Ma"

"Bye Larsa"

"Bye kids"


It was 7:13 and I spent the last two hours talking to Taylor.

She sent me an Instagram post of JT.

As I was texting Taylor, I heard a small knock on the door.

"Come in!"

The door opened and it was Mena.

"Hi Mena," I said in my high pitched voice.

"Hi" she whispered.

Mena was literally the cutest thing I've ever seen. A complete angel.

"You look cute, where are you going?" I asked.

I knew exactly where she's going I just wanted to hear her talk. I get the vibe that because dad works a lot and Leo is never home, she probably feels lonely. Although Larsa is a stay at home mom, it can get boring for Mena when she's with her mom 24/7.


"To a basketball game," she smiled.

"Oh really?"

She nodded her head.

"Who's taking you there?"


"Can I go with you?" I smiled.


"Okay let me get dressed so I can look cute just like you"

"Okay" she giggled.

I nodded my head. Her little feet ran out of the room and yelled:

"Leo, Miyah's coming too!"

I put on a black champion hoodie with some light washed jeans and finished the look black huaraches. I put my curls in a low bun.

"Amiyah you ready?" Leo yelled.

"Yeah! I'm coming out" I yelled back.

Just as I left my room I got a text from Noelle saying that she's going to the game too.

"Alright let's go the game starts at 8:00" Leo said as he carried Mena in his arms.

"Leo you gotta car seat?"

"Yea, I keep a car seat for her in my trunk"

"Oh so you ready ready" I joked.

" I gotta be prepared. Living with them you never know"

"Want me to get the car seat from the trunk?"

"No it's fine. I'll do it. Here hold her for a minute" Leo said while giving me Mena to hold.

Leo opened the trunk with his keys and walked over to the car. He closed the trunk and in his hands was a blue booster seat. He opened the back door and placed Mena's booster seat. He gestured us over to the car. Once we reached the car Leo put Mena in her car seat.

"Mena you good?" Leo asked

Mena nodded her head.

"Okay good."

While Leo was driving and Mena started crying

"Mena what's wrong?" I asked.

"She always does this." He opened the center console.


"Can you check to see if there are any Oreos? "

"There's one more pack left."

"Can you give them to her? She loves them. Shuts her ass right on up"

"Sure" I chuckled.

I stretched my long arms over and opened my hand. She snatched the Oreos from my hand.

"What I say" Leo smirked.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yea, sure"

"What did you mean when you said "Living with them you never know?"

" Well.... your dad is always going on trips for work. With my mom she's going out every week. They aren't the most reliable people. So I gotta be prepared when it comes to Mena. I don't want her staying late at school wondering when she's getting picked up. Or if she's at her basketball game and she looks in the bleachers and doesn't see her mom or dad. I don't want her to feel like she has no one you know?"


Based on what I saw tonight it was clear that Leo was the parent. He didn't want that to happen to Mena because he never had that growing up. Neither did I. After my parents were divorced, my mom started working doubles, even though my dad pays child support for me and Eli. She claims that she worked more because wanted more for us, but the truth was that my dad was making money and doing well for himself and she didn't want to be a stereotype and live off the money he sent us. I always blamed her for that. As stupid as he is,Eli was the one taking me to school, giving me rides to the mall, and giving me lunch money. I completely understood why Leo wouldn't want Mena to go through that.

"Mena, we're here" Leo said

"Yay!" Mena giggled

Leo pulled up to the entrance of the school.

"Miyah, you should probably take Mena into the gym while I find a parking spot"

"Alright. Come on Mena!" I got down from the car and took Mena out of her car seat.

Leo rolled down his tinted windows and shouted "I'll see you guys inside the gym!"

Mena and I made our way to the gym. Once we got there it was PACKED. My eyes wandered endlessly looking for a place for me and Mena to sit. I was thinking about turning around and waiting for Leo. Just as I was about to turn I heard a familiar voice.

"Amiyah! There's an open seat next to me!"

I checked the filled gym for the person who said my name.

"Over here!" The person waved.

As I walked closer the person was becoming more clear to me.

It was Evan.

Evan Lexington.


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