
"Nice to meet you Amiyah. I should get back to basketball practice." He smiled.

"You too"

He hustled back to the end of the long hallway. He was sweet. He was fine as hell too. I'm not tryna get ahead of myself. I don't wanna lose focus here. Concentrate. I pulled out my phone to check the time—8:06. I closed my locker and headed straight to homeroom. There weren't a lot of people in the homeroom. I made my way over to the desk in the back. I checked my phone it was 8:10 I still had some time. I opened messages and started texting Saraya.

It was nice talking to Saraya before I started classes. She always made me laugh. I miss being with her. I realized more people started filling in the empty desk sits. I looked at the time-8:14. As people walked through the door they looked at me and then at each other.

"who is she?" many whispered.

"I don't know" many whispered back.

I pretended to be on my phone to distract from the looks and questions that were aimed at me. Leo was right. If I was overwhelmed with these questions, imagine the ones I'll be getting later.

"Is she new?"

"Is that the new girl?"

Obviously, I mean if that white boy from this morning could figure it out, I'm pretty sure the rest of you could. The time is finally 8:15. a huge brass sound came from the speakers.

"The bell has rung, which means all of you should be all be in your seats" a voice from the front of the class yelled.

My homeroom teacher is Mr.Carlson. The "chill" one. My first thought when I saw him? Damn, he's big. Now he's big, not fat, but he's big like The Rock big. He looks like he was a bodybuilder back in the day, but wanted to fulfill his dreams of teaching rich high school kids. When he sits in his chair at his desk it looks like one of those plastic toy chairs. He's not only big, but he's tall as well, I would say about 6'3.


"Is Mr. Fletcher here?" he asked.

Everyone looked around and shook their heads. I didn't even know if he was here or not. The last time I saw him was in the car this morning.

"Is Mr. Lexington here?" he asked again.

Lexington? I mean it sounds too good to be a coincidence. This person's family probably owns this school. Or maybe it's a stretch and he justs so happens to have the same name has the school he goes to.

Everyone looked around and shook their heads.

"How about Mr.Park? Has anybody seen Mr.Park?" he asked once more.

All of a sudden a boy sprinted through the door. The next boy sprinted and started panting. Everybody started laughing like it was the funniest thing they've seen in their life.

I guess it was another thing Leo talked about. Not finding basic shit funny.

"Evan, nice of you to finally join us" Mr. Carlson gave a fake smile.

My eyes opened wide. Evan, the boy from this morning is in my homeroom. What are the actual chances? I looked back at my phone to distract myself from him.

"My bad, we had basketball practice this morning it got us caught up" He apologized.

"Who's us?"

"Me......Evan.....and Leo" The boy wheezed.

"Eric are you okay?"

"yeah..... I just.... need to... catch... my breath." He panted.

Everybody started dying. If this boy doesn't get a drink of water, he will die.

Eric was definitely the class clown. Everything he did, the most basic ass shit, they laughed at. Especially the girls. I mean he wasn't ugly so it made sense. He's tall, which also made sense considering the fact he's on the basketball team. His wavy hair is parted in the middle and falls over his forehead. He has clear skin, like translucent. I don't know what his skincare routine is, but Imma need some of that.


"Okay, well then where's Leo?"

" In the bathroom," Evan and Eric said simultaneously.

"Alright, both of you go sit down"

While the two boys walked back to their seats.

"Is Ms.Hayes here?" He asked.

This time everybody looked confused and then they looked at me. I lifted my head from my phone for a brief moment.

"Yes, I'm here," I said.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Evan staring at me.

"Welcome to Lexington Acadamy"

"Thanks." I smiled.

"How do you pronounce your first name? I don't want to screw it up"


"Nice name. What school did you go to before you transferred?"

Here come the questions.

"I transferred from a school called Brooklyn Heights."

"Oh," he said.

I could tell he knew the school and I'm pretty sure everybody else knew too because it was hella quiet once I said it.

"Isn't that school like.... ghetto and broken down?" a whisper said.

"Yeah, I heard they have a child center because most of the girls are like knocked up," another whisper said.

" I hope you find everything to your liking, Amiyah"

"Thank you"

Leo strolls in class as if he not 6 minutes late.

"Welcome Mr.Fletcher, how was basketball practice"

"Oh, it was good" He sighed.

He looked at me while he walked toward Evan and Eric. He sat in the desk next to Eric.

"Amiyah, you're in my seat," he said.

Everybody looked at him and then at me.

"How you know her name?"

"Do you know her?"

People started asking him all sorts of questions regarding me. He was right again. They are annoying.

"How was I suppose to know this was your seat? I didn't even know you were in this homeroom." I smiled.

Everybody stared at me, especially Evan. Homeboy was staring hard like damn! Can I breathe?

" You right. I'm a lil upset that my sister stole my seat and now I gotta sit next to this ugly ass right here" He gestured to Eric.

Everybody was in shock.

"That's Leo's sister"

"I would've never guessed"

"Is he joking?"

"Why would he call her his sister if she wasn't"

I understand why he did that. He wanted people to know we were family. I thought I was gonna embarrass him just by being here. I guess this was his way of telling me that he got me.

He smiled at me and then turned around. He started talking to Evan and Eric

I went back to my phone.

The bell rang.


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