《Camille Lupin the Unicorn》Swimming with Sirius


Camille's POV

I had put my bathes on and clothes over the top. Then put on some sandals before grabbing my towel. Looking at the time I see it was time to meet Sirius in the common room. I smile remembering today how he was my servant until after dinner. He didn't complain once, even when I had him sing the school song in front of everyone in the great hall.

I reach the common room to see him alone aside from a few who were doing homework. "Where are the others?" I ask him.

"In our dorm, Remus is making them study" Sirius tells me.

"So what are we going to be doing?" I ask him.

"I am going to take you somewhere special, a place only I know about. I haven't even told the others" he states

"Than why are you telling me?" I ask confused. But he doesn't answer as he leads me out of the portrait hall. We soon walk through the seventh floor of the corridor and walk to the left side.

"Wait there and watch" he tells me. So I stand there and watch him pace while he was in deep thought. I watch as a pair of big doors appear in awe. "Welcome to the come and go room" Sirius says opening the door for me. When I enter I see the biggest bath tub I've ever seen with multiple taps.

"I've already had a shower today Sirius" I tell him confused.

"We aren't here to bath Majesty" he tells me. "You wanted to learn to swim and I thought this was the best way. As it's to cold to use the lake and I don't know where the prefects bathroom is. It'll be deep enough to swim, but shallow enough to stand" he explains.


"It's perfect then" I say smiling and peck him on the check. "So what is this room exactly?" I ask as he fills the tub and I take my clothes off. Leaving my bathes on of course.

"It is a room that a person can only enter when they have real need of it. Sometimes it is there, and sometimes it is not, but when it appears, it is always equipped for the seeker's needs" he explains. Then takes his shirt and shoes off living his shorts on.

"See if you needed a toilet" I say.

"Yeah, a cubicle will appear" Sirius finishes. "You look nice" he states seeing my blue and white bikini.

"Gift from Lily" I mumble avoiding his eyes. Sirius turns the taps off and gets into the water first. Then turns to be saying "sit at the edge and putt your feet in". I do so and he gently lowers me into the water before letting go of my hips. The water is up to my chest as I swing my arms gently over the water. "It's so nice and warm and it that vanilla I smell?" I ask.

"Yes, I know it's your favourite scent as you always smell like vanilla" he says blushing a little.

"So what do we first?" I ask.

"Well I've never taught someone to swim before" he says. "But move your arms like this" he states showing me. I do so and then he says "then you kick your feet". "But first you need to learn to float" he adds. So he has me on my back in the water with his arms under me. "Now move your arms and legs slowly" he tells me.

I do so and soon feel his hands disappear. "I'm floating" I cheer and right myself so I was standing again.


"Now you need to learn to hold your breath" he states. "Take a deep breath and put your face under water" he instructs.

"What if I drown?" I ask a little scared.

"I'd never let that happen Camille" he says grabbing my hands. "Do you trust me?" he asks looking into my eyes with his grey ones.

"With my life" I tell him smiling.

"We'll do it together" he states and we do so. "Now we put it all together" he tells me. It took several tries but I got it and was soon swimming around the large tub. Sirius joins me and we soon begin splashing each other laughing.

"Thanks Sirius, this means a lot to me" I tell him as we dry ourselves off.

"I'd do anything for you Camille, anything" he tells me looking into my eyes. "I am really sorry about what happened last summer with the pool" he adds looking down. I walk over to him and place two fingers under his chin lifting his head up.

"I forgive you Sirius, you didn't know I couldn't swim it was an accident" I tell him.

"I don't know what I'd do without you Camille" he says hugging me. I smile hugging him back.

"Can you carry me back? I'm tired" I tell him and he nods his head. I put my clothes back on after drying my bathes and towel with a spell. Sirius picks me up and I snuggle into his chest holding my dry towel. I fall asleep as we leave the room.

Sirius's POV

I managed to get us back to the common room undetected while Camille slept. I knew I couldn't take her to her dorm, so take her to mine. Remus gives me a tired smile as I placed Camille on his enlarged bed beside him. Camille stirs a little until Remus wrapped an arm around her. She sighs snuggling into his side falling back asleep.

"Thanks for looking after her Padfoot" he tells me.

"Anytime Moony" I tell him smiling and fall onto my bed. I fall asleep straight away dreaming about a beautiful woman with green eyes and light brown hair playing with a baby. The baby had the woman's light brown hair and my grey eyes.


Picture above Camille's bikini and picture on the external link of Sirius' bathing shorts.

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