《Camille Lupin the Unicorn》Back to School


Camille's POV

"James!" I yell tackling him into a hug when I see him at the station. "I missed you and the other two so much, Remi was driving me crazy" I pout. I let James up and smiles at me.

"I missed you too Camille, what did Remus do that drove you crazy?" he asks.

"All he did was read, he wouldn't play with me" I complain.

"Cami we have to study for school" Remus reminds me as he walks over with Peter and Sirius.

"But that's all you've talked about since the trip to the zoo" I remind him. "Sirius, James are we going to practice flying before tryouts?" I ask them.

"Yeah, we will" Sirius states smiling. "Where's my hug?" he asks holding his arms out for one.

"Still dreaming I see Black" I tell him smirking.

"Every day" he states smirking and I roll my eyes. "Come on, the trains leaving in five minutes" he adds grabbing my trunk. I sigh in annoyance and carry Axel's cage following the others. We found a compartment and sat down me leaning against Remus' shoulder.

"I'm tired Remi" I mumble closing my eyes.

"Then sleep Cami, I'll wake you when you need to change" he tells me. So I curl up more into his side after letting Axel out. I close my eyes and slip off into a peaceful sleep dreaming about a brown unicorn.

Remus' POV

"Not a morning person is she?" James asks.

"Unless a prank is involved no she isn't" I tell him. "Why so quite Peter?" I ask.

"Just so happy to be back with all of you" he states smiling. "So what positions are you trying out for again?" he asks James and Sirius. Who had just gotten out exploding snap cards.


"Beater and chaser, Camille says she was trying out for Seeker" Sirius replies.

"Put those away or you'll wake her" I tell him and James. They sighed putting them away and start to talk quidditch. When the trolley lady arrived I got myself and Camille some chocolate along with licorice wands. When we're about fifteen minutes away from Hogsmeade station I start to shake Camille.

Camille's POV

"Wake up Cami, wake up" Remus says as he gently shakes me awake. I sit up rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Here are your robes go change" he tells me. I take them nodding my head and leave with Axel on my shoulder.

"Lily, Alice, Marlene" I smile seeing my three dorm mates. "Did you have a nice summer Alice and Marlene?" I ask them as we begin to change.

"Mine was fine, but I think Alice's was better" Marlene states smirking.

"Oh really?" Lily asks as we look at Alice.

"Why is that Alice?" I ask smirking.

"She has a crush" Marlene says in a teasing tone.

"On who?" Lily and I ask.

"Frank Longbottom" Marlene tells us.

"You two would look great together" Lily tells Alice.

"Look it doesn't matter, besides we're to young for a relationship" Alice tells us.

"Not if it's love" Marlene tells her.

"She's right" I add.

"Fine, I'll date him if you date Sirius Black" Alice states looking at me.

"Why would I want to date that idiot?" I ask putting my robe on.

"Even I can tell you're falling for him Camille" Marlena states.

"Guys we're going back to school to learn not find life partners" Lily reminds them.

"Exactly and I was choosing a life partner, it'd never be a flirt" I tell them. I then left before they could talk more about the subject. "Girls are crazy" I state as I reenter my compartment.


"Amen to that" Peter states. I put Axel back into his cage and Remus puts his book away. We arrived at Hogsmeade station and James leads us over to a carriage. "Aren't we going on the boats?" Peter asks confused.

"No, we only go on them for our first year" Sirius states. "After you milady" he says holding the door open for me. Rolling my eyes I get into the carriage as it starts to rain. The boys all get in and James shuts the door before the carriage starts to move. "So does this mean your falling for me?" he asks smirking.

"Nope, just that I didn't want to get my hair wet" I tell him. "So James, think you can help me train some more before tryouts?" I ask. James nods his head saying he would as long as I helped him train as well. "We're back at school" I smile as the carriage stops in front of Hogwarts. I jump out and run inside quickly as it was pouring down with rain. I dried myself and the others off before we enter the great hall together.


Picture above of the carriages in the rain.

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