《Camille Lupin the Unicorn》Backyard Quidditch


Camille's POV

I woke up early the next morning and felt like doing a small prank on someone. I decided to do it on Peter. So I got my pack of fake spiders and snuck into his room. Peter was still sleeping peacefully as I put the fake spiders on him. Then I snuck out and into Remus' room.

"Remy wake up, I pranked Peter" I whisper shaking his shoulder gently.

"It's early Cami" he groans burying his into his pillow.

"Don't you want to see Peter's reaction to my prank?" I ask smirking.

"Fine, I'll wake Sirius and you get James" he states sitting up. Nodding my head I leave the room and go into James'. It's a pig stye clothes and paper thrown everywhere.

"James I need to show you something" I tell him.

"What are you doing in my room Camille?" he asks confused.

"I pranked Peter finally, come on Remus is getting Sirius" I tell him before leaving. Soon we were all waiting out side Peter's door to hear his reaction.

"So what is it you did exactly?" Sirius asks rubbing his eyes.

"Ahhh Spiders!" Peter squeals like a girl and I nearly die from laughter with the others.

"They're not real Peter, see you downstairs" I call and run for it with the other three behind me. Euphemia was preparing waffles as we sat at the table and I saw it was 8:45am. Remus and I were due home at 10:30am. Our parents had something special planned for today. Peter comes down looking embarrassed and upset.

"Sorry Peter, but come on it was nicer then what I did to James" I tell him gently.

"That's true and at least it wasn't at school" he says smiling.

"Good, now can you referee today for our quidditch match?" I ask him and he nods his head. We all finished our waffles and juice before getting our brooms. James lead us to a shed where he got out a quaffle along with two goal hops. Euphemia placed a spell on their yard son no one would see us playing. But it only went up 20 feet and the goal posts were ten feet high.


"Did you want to be keeper and beater or should I?" Sirius asks.

"I need to work on my seeker skills so you be beater and keeper. While I'll be Chaser and Seeker" I state. James only released one bludger and a gave Peter the snitch telling him to release it in fifteen minutes. Remus was his teams keeper/beater while James is the seeker/chaser. This year James, Sirius and I were trying out for the Gryffindor quidditch team.

James got the quaffle first, but Sirius blocked his goal and passed the quaffle to me. Then scored a goal through Remus and James' hop. "Ten points to Sirius and Camille" Peter calls as James grabs the quaffle. It went on like this for awhile until Peter released the snitch with James and Remus 30 points ahead.

I immediately stopped going for the quaffle and focused on finding the snitch. Sirius focused on defending the goals and bludger. James continued focusing on being chaser, but I knew he was keeping an eye out for the snitch. Remus just focused on his goal hop even though I wasn't trying to score.

As I hovered fifteen feet from the ground I spotted the snitch near Remus' hop. I look at James before diving for it. He notices I've seen the snitch and follows me two seconds later. He had scored twenty more points while I focused on the snitch. Just he leveled with me i closed my hand around the snitch.

"Sirius and Camille win 170 to 70" Peter announces as we all land.

"Good game guys" Remus states smiling.

"Yeah Camille and I make an unbeatable team" Sirius says putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Eww you stink, go away" I tell him pushing him away and walking other to Remus. "No hard feelings James?" I ask.

"None, besides this proves I'm the better chaser and you're the better seeker" he tells me shrugging. "You both need to leave in half an hour" he states looking at his watch.


"True, Remus go shower" I tell my twin.

"Why aren't you having one?" Peter asks confused.

"Yeah there's more then one in this house" Sirius says smirking.

"Why would I shower here? When there's a perv like you around" I snap lightly. Then storm into the manor and Axel jumps onto my shoulder. "Hey boy, let's go see Euphemia" I say patting him gently. "Do you want me to help?" I ask her as she sweeps the hall.

"If you want to help, you may" she states and conjures up another sweeping broom for me. Which I take and start sweeping the other end as I hum to myself. "So which boy do you like?" she asks and I stumble at the question.

"None, why do you ask?" I say laughing nervously.

"I see the way Sirius looks at you" she tells me.

"He's just a massive flirt that's all" I assure her. "Beside we're both to young for a real relationship and he diffidently isn't mature enough yet for one" I tell her.

"If he really likes you, he'll try to be better and the type of guy you deserve. Not to mention he'll ask Remus for permission before asking you out. He was raised to be a gentleman, no matter how immature he acts" she tells me.

"It would never work anyway, his family probably already have him engaged to an other pureblood" I state. For some reason the thought of him being with someone else saddens me. But I shake the feeling away and stop sweeping. "I need to go see if Remus is ready we leave in ten minutes" I tell her.

"You're right, don't worry about want we've discussed. It'll stay between us and focus on your studying" she tells me with a small. I reach my room and pack my night bag before slinging it over my shoulder. Fleamont sent our school supplies home this morning before he left for work.

"Remus, are you ready?" I ask knocking on his door. He opens it and I see his wet hair. He had his bag and we went downstairs into the lounge where the others were. James and Sirius were playing chess with Peter watching. "That's totally barbaric!" I exclaim as one of Sirius's bishops destroy on of James' pawns.

"That's wizards chess" Sirius states as James removes his broken pawn. "Let me guess you're leaving now" he adds looking at our bags and Axel on my shoulder.

"Yeah, our parents have a special day planned for us" Remus states smiling. "See you guys at school" he adds shaking their hands.

"Do I get a kiss goodbye princess?" Sirius asks.

"In your dreams" I tell him and hug James. "Thanks for the invite James, oh don't forget we have that thing to talk about" I remind him.

"Of course the thing, how could I forget" he adds smirking.

"What thing?" Sirius pouts at not being in the loop. "Do you two know what they're talking about?" he asks Peter and Remus. They both shake their heads just as confused.

"Well gotta go bye" I say jumping into the fire saying "the den" as I drop some floo power. I step out of my families fireplace and Remus joins me soon after. I the run upstairs to have a shower shouting a hello to both our parents.

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