《Camille Lupin the Unicorn》House Cup and Final Prank of 1st Year


Camille's POV

Remus and my first year went well we both made good friends. I became friends with Lily, Alice and Marlene in my dorm. Pulled pranks with James, Peter, Sirius and Remus. We were named the master pranksters of the school even though it was only our first year. Though we mainly pranked Slytherins with Severus Snape being James and Sirius' main target. Just because James likes Lily and she'd rather hang with Severus then James. We had also found a few secret passages even one that leads into Hogsmeade last week.

Ravenclaw when the Quidditch cup by thirty points while our house tied with Slytherin. The guys and I have one last prank planned for tonight when the winner of House Cup was announced. Remus and I got our results for our final exams along with the others. I got:

Astrology: E

Charms: E

Defense Against the Dark Arts: O

Herbology: A

History: D

Potions: O

Transfiguration: O

Remus got:

Peter got the worst grades out of the five of us even with our help studying. James and Sirius got about the same grades as the other. Lily, Alice and Marlene also passed their exams. Lily did not get s 'D' in anything. She told me Severus had passed his exams though I do not care. Also Sirius is still trying to ask me out, but I'm not interested. We are to young for serious relationship, no pun intended.

Axel has really enjoyed being at Hogwarts and was on my lap as Professor Dumbledore stood to award the house cup. James, Sirius, and I had our wands as Peter had yet to master the charm we were using. While Remus did not want to be caught doing a prank on the final day. We had all packed our trunks as we were leaving tomorrow morning on the Hogwarts Express back to Kings Cross Station.

Another thing I forgot to mention no one has found out about Remy's furry little problem. Though I have tried to convince him many times to tell James, Peter and Sirius. Remus has been taking a secret tunnel under the Whooping Willow to the Shrieking Shack. Everyone now thought it was haunted and Dumbledore encouraged the rumors. Now let's get back to the end of year feast and winner of the house cup. Not to forget our last prank of the year.


"A wonderful year we have had and many laughs" Dumbledore says chuckling looking at the our table. "Now the House Cup needs awarding" he states and everyone cheers. "Silence" he tells us and everything goes quiet. "Fourth place with 312 points Hufflepuff and in third place Ravenclaw with 346 points" he explains. There were claps after each place was announced.

"In second place with 452 points... Slytherin house" he states and there's an up roar from our table. "Silence" Dumbledore calls and we quieten down again. I give James and Sirius nod as I draw my wand. Sirius was aiming for Slytherin, James for Hufflepuff and I was aiming for Ravenclaw. "In first place with 472 points Gryffindor" he calls and everyone cheers as the Gryffindor banners appear.

"Colovaria" James, Sirius and I all whisper as Professor McGonagall receives the House Cup from Professor Flitwick. Suddenly all the other students were wearing Gryffindor robes. I stood up on the bench I was sitting on gaining everyones attention.

"My friends and I thought everyone deserved to be winners, so everyone is a Gryffindor tonight" I announce the other houses cheer. Though Slytherin cheered they still looked a little annoyed at the change in uniform. "Thank you now let the feast begin" I call and Dumbledore claps his hands making food appear. I sat back down and James ruffles my hair I shot him glare.

(Next Morning Train)

We didn't get in trouble for the prank and Dumbledore actually thanked us. Because after the prank everyone ate together changing tables. A few Slytherins even sat at our table and there were no fights or arguments. For one night the house difference did not matter and we were all equals.

Now we are on the train home we are already in our muggle clothes. James and Sirius were playing exploding snap while Peter watched. I was laying my head in Remy's lap as he read to me and I patted Axel gently. I had started to doze off when I felt someone moving my legs. But I was to tired to care who it was.


"Knew you'd warm up to me Princess" Sirius chuckled.

"Not a chance just to tired to care Black" I yawn and curled up more around Axel who'd fallen asleep. "Wake me when we get there Remy" I tell my brother.

"Sure thing Cami" he tells me as he strokes my hair. I fell into a peaceful sleep dreaming of the pass year. It was truly an amazing first year and I look forward to my second year with my brother & friends.

Remus' POV

I look down at my sleeping sister with a small smile as I placed my book down. "You know she'll never like you" James tells Sirius.

"Yeah like Lilly will never like you" Sirius states smirking as he rubs Camille's calf. "Besides she's warmed up to me" he tells James smiling. Axel wakes and hisses at Sirius who raise his hands in surrender.

"Let's get somethings straight Sirius when it comes to my little sister" I state looking at him. "One my sister will not date anyone unless I approve of them, two stop rubbing her leg, three you must also gain Axel's approval, four her needs always comes first and five be friends with her first before making a move" I tell him sternly. "Also you cannot distract her from her school work and no PDA in front of me" I state and he nods his head in agreement.

Just then we the driver announced we'd reach Kings Cross in ten minutes. I shook Cami awake and she sits up yawning. Stretching her arms and picks up Axel placing him in his cage. The train pulled into the station and I got our trunks down. We all left the train together and Peter left first.

"See you guys next year" James states hugging Cami and shaking mine & Sirius hands. "I'll write to let you know if you can come over" he tells us before leaving. He went over to his parents who greeted him with warm hugs. Sirius then spotted his father and a boy a year younger then us.

"See you around Remus" he says giving me a bro hug. "And see you next year my princess" he says bowing to my sister kissing her hand.

"Get out of here Black and keep dreaming" she tells him.

"Every night" Sirius tells her and leaves to join his father. Who grabbed his and the other boys shoulder before disapperating. I spotted our Dad and lead Camille through the crowd to him.

"How are you my children?" he asks smiling pulling us into a hug. Camille told him about the friends we had made and some of our pranks. "I thought I told you to stay out of trouble" Dad states chuckling.

"It didn't affect our grades Daddy" Cami assures him.

"How are we getting home? Where's mother?" I ask him.

"She's outside in the car waiting come along" Dad states pushing Camille's trolley. We reached the car and Mum greeted us with kisses and hugs. While Dad put our trunks in the boot and gave me Axel's cage before he put the trolleys in the trolley bay. Mum then drove us home as we told them our grades. They were both proud of want we got though Dad wants Cami to get an 'A' in History and me to get an 'A' Herebology. So it was agreed I'd help Cami study for History and she'd help me with Herebology.


Picture above of the end of year feast with Gryffindor banners.

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