《Camille Lupin the Unicorn》Diagon Alley


Camille's POV

It's Sunday and Dad was taking Remus & I to Diagon Alley. Mum was going to come, but she got called into work at the last minute. Dad had sent a letter to Hogwarts to say both Remus and I would be attending at the start of term. Mum and Dad said Remus & I could get a pet to share for when we go to Hogwarts.

Remus said I could pick the animal as long as it wasn't a toad. Dad lead us into an old pub called 'The Leaky Cauldron'. He said the first time we come here should be the Muggle way. So we had caught a taxi to the road the pub was on. He lead us to the back and into a small back alley where there was a brick wall.

"Watch closely" Dad tells us as he draws his wand before tapping the brick wall in three different places. The bricks moved to reveal a packed alley with stores everywhere. "First we'll go to the bank" he tells us putting his wand away.

"Dad will our wand be like yours?" I ask. His is the only wand we have ever seen.

"No every wand is different, even if they are made of the same core, wood and are the same length. Each wand is as unique as the possessor of the wand" he tells us. This intrigued me and I couldn't wait to get my own wand. We arrived at a big white building. "This is the wizarding bank Gringotts" Dad tells us as we enter the building.

There were goblins at every counter, but Dad lead us to the front counter. "My children wish to make a withdrawal" dad states. He handed the goblin a key and the goblin said 'very well, I'll have someone escort you down'. He then called an other goblin that took us on cart down to our vault.

I had hand putting my hands in the air while Remus gripped the handrail. We got money from the vault before heading back up. Dad took us to Madame Malkin's to get our robes. I was put in a separate section to Remus due to our genders. When I arrived to the girls section I saw a girl with red hair and green eyes already there.


"Hi I'm Camille Lupin and you are?" I ask while I step on the platform beside her.

"Lily Evans" she states smiling shaking my hand.

"Are you going to Hogwarts as well?" I ask noticing the black robes she was trying on.

"Yes, I only just heard about magic you see" she explains.

"You're muggle born, my Mum's muggle as well so I grew as a muggle. My Dad didn't do a lot of magic around the house as he likes doing things the muggle way" I tell her. "Maybe we'll be in the same house" I state as Madame Malkin places robes on me and begins measuring & pinning it in place.

"I hope so it'd be nice to know one girl before I go to Hogwarts" Lily states.

"So you already know a wizard?" I ask her.

"Yes, he's name is Severus and he lives down the road from me. We're best friends and he's the one who told me about magic" Lily explains. Madame Malkin then said we were both done and we hoped off the stoles.

"Who are you here with?" I ask her.

"Professor McGonagall" Lily states "I'll see you at school" she says before leaving. I waited with my dad in the front of the shop for Remus to be done. When he was Dad took us to get our potion equipment as he had got our books for us while we got measured for our robes. After that we got an ice-cream, Remus had chocolate as it always cheers him up. Especially after a full moon which was two nights ago. I had a honey-cone while Dad had a choc-mint.

"Now you just need wands and a pet" Dad tells us. "Have you thought of the type of pet you want to get Camille?" he asks as he leads us to Ollivander's to get our wands.

"Well I want it to be a male and name it 'Axel', but don't want an owl as we have the family owl Screech. I don't fancy a toad, so I may choose a cat" I state.


"I'm happy with want either you choose Cami" Remus tells me smiling as we enter Ollivander's. Mr Ollivander greeted us and did Remus' wand first while I looked at the shelves. There were probably hundreds or thousands of wands. I noticed a book and went to read it as Mr Ollivander announced it was my turn.

"Want wand did my brother get?" I ask as Ollivander measures my arm.

"Cypress, 10 and 1/4 inches long with unicorn hair core" Ollivander states. "Try this" he states handing me a wand to try. I waved it and destroyed a vase "apparently not" he says taking it back and picking an other wand I could try. After awhile I finally got the right one that filled me with warmth and blue sparks appeared.

"Rare that" Ollivander states "10 and 3/4 inches Phoenix feather core made of English Oak" he informs me. "I think we can expect great things from you my dear" he tells me as Dad pays for the wands. Dad then lead Remus and I out of the chop and to Magical Menagerie.

"Have a look around honey, Remus stay with her while I get some owl treats" Dad tells us. One thing caught my eye and that was a small furry long creature in a cage by it's self sleeping in a hammock. I walked over for a closer look and Remus followed me.

"That's a ferret" a voice says behind us and we turn to see a witch. "It's new to the store and I was seeing if it would sale. But so far no luck" the witch owner explains. "He can be aggressive and I think that's the problem" she states. The ferret woke up and looked at me intrigued.

"I've never seen him so still" the owner informs us.

"May I hold him?" I ask her.

"Ok but be careful he bites" she states opening the door. I stuck my hand into the cage and the ferret climbs up it onto my shoulder. Remus smiled at him and stroked it's head. "I've never seen him so calm" she tells us.

"Can we have him? Please, how much?" I ask her looking at the adorable ferret as it rubbed it's self against my neck. "Hey that tickles" I giggle stroking it's neck.

"Well I was going to sell him for seven galleons, but since he seems so happy you can have him for free. But you'll have to still buy his cage, play pin, toys, food bowls and food" she tells us.

"You found want you want kids?" Dad asks as he approaches us. "Is that a ferret?" he asks and goes to pat the ferret. But it hisses at him making Dad jump.

"There there Axel this is our dad, he won't hurt you" I assure the ferret and he calms down. "Dad the sales woman says we can have him for free, but still have to pay for everything needed to look after him" I tell Dad. He nods his head and the sales woman shows him want we need. We got everything at a discount as Axel is the first of his kind to be sold here.

We then went home with all our stuff through the floo network after dad sent our purchases ahead of us. Mum liked Axel, but he was unsure of her. It was decided Axel would sleep in my room as Remus' was full of books. Axel fell asleep in his hammock that is tied between my bed post and wall light. I fell asleep soon after dreaming of Hogwarts.


Picture above of Camille's wand and picture of Axel (the ferret) on the external link.

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