《Camille Lupin the Unicorn》Prologue: Remus Being Bitten


"Daddy I feel something terrible is going to happen" Camille tells her father crying. Lyall Lupin had just gotten home from work at the ministry. To see his five year old daughter upset. His wife Hope is with their other son Remus in the lounge.

"What do you mean sweetheart?" he asks kneeling down to her height.

"Someone is going to hurt Remus tonight" she tells him.

"I promise no one will hurt you or your brother" Lyall assures her. "Now why don't we go see your mummy and twin brother" he suggests. She nods her head smiling and he wipes her tears away. Before picking her up giving her a piggy back ride.

"Mummy, Daddy's home!" Camille shouts as they enter the lounge.

"I can see that honey" Hope tells her daughter chuckling.

"Cami get down before you get hurt" Remus tells his sister running towards her and their father. Camille sighed as her father placed her on the floor and Remus pulled her into a hug. "Daddy, what took you so long?" Remus asks their father.

"Someone bad escaped before he could be punished, I've been trying to find him. But no such luck" Lyall answers cryptically. Hope gave her husband a worried look, he gave her one that said they'd discuss it later.

"Mummy can I sleep in Remy's room tonight?" Camille asks giving her mum puppy dog eyes.

"I don't know want do think Lyall?" Hope asks her husband.

"You know she'll just sneak in there later anyway" Lyall reminds her and they chuckled. "How was the office today?" Lyall asks her.

"It was fine, but I had to go in today and no one could babysit" Hope tells him.

"Did you two behave for your mother?" Lyall asks they children.


"Yes Daddy" they replied together and then giggled. "Can we watch Lady and the Tramp/Aristocats?" Remus and Camille ask their parents.

"Tell you what we're going to do" Hope says gaining the attention of everyone. "We'll watch one now while we eat, then the other after dinner" she tells them. Remus and Camille look at each other before agreeing to the suggestion. They watched Lady and the Tramp as they had their spaghetti.

After dinner both Camille and Remus fell asleep. Lyall and Hope carried them to Remus' bedroom placing them in his twin bed. "Who escaped?" Hope asked as she tidied up the lounge with her husbands help.

"The werewolf Fenrir Greyback" Lyall tells her. "He turns children and I have been trying to give him the death sentence. But he escaped before the final verdict could be reached" he explains.

"Lyall it's a full moon tonight, what if he tries to hurt Camille and Remus?" Hope asks him sounding worried. She maybe a muggle, but even she knows how dangerous a full grown werewolf can be.

"I'm sure nothing will happen, thought Camille did have one of her feelings about tonight" Lyall tells Hope. Their daughter Camille is very attuned to the magic in the world as well as magical creatures. She gets feelings and most of the time they are bad ones. Which makes sense as a war has just began in the wizarding world. Lyall tries to keep his wife in the dark about it.

Suddenly they heard a scream from the children's room "Daddy!"

"Stay here" Lyall tells his wife and grabs his wand running up the stairs. When he entered Remus' room he sees a bite mark on his son and a werewolf closing in on his daughter. "Leave them alone!" he yells at the werewolf. Who turned to him growling and Lyall started shooting powerful spells at it. Before it finally run away.


He turned to his children to see Camille knelled beside her brother on the bed and them both in tears. "You promised no one would hurt him" Camille states crying. Lyall sighed in sadness as he approached them.

"I need to take your brother to hospital" Lyall tells her gently. Camille tried to protest but he cut her off. "No honey, you stay here with your mother. I promise in the morning after breakfast you'll see Remus" he assures her. "Now come on" he states as he picks up Remus and leads his daughter downstairs.

"What happened?" Hope asks seeing her son bleeding.

"Werewolf, I'm taking him to Saint Mungo's stay here with Camille" he tells her. "Don't worry I'm placing powerful protective spells around the house. Make sure all windows and doors are locked" he instructs. Hope nods her head and he uses the floo network to get to the hospital making sure the bite was covered.

"Mummy is Remy going to be ok?" Camille asks her mother.

"He'll be fine honey, he's strong remember" Hope assures her. "Tell you what we'll sleep in here tonight" she states. After making sure all the doors and windows were locked. Hope set out the blankets and pillows. Camille sat in her mum's lap as Hope began to hum a lullaby.

(Next morning)

Lyall took Hope and Camille to Saint Mungo's to see Remus. He was alive, but is now a werewolf. "Remy don't ever scare me like that again!" Camille shouts and then hugs her brother crying.

"I'm sorry Cami" Remus apologizes hugging her back.

"I love you big brother" Camille tells him.

"And I love you" Remus states kissing her temple. Hope and Lyall watched their children smiling happily. A few days later Remus was released from hospital and the basement of their family home was reinforced. As that is where Remus will spend his full moons.

The only thing Hope and Lyall worried about is if a wizarding school would teach their son magic. So Lyall decided to write letters to all wizarding schools to see if any would be willing to teach his son magic or not. The headmaster of Hogwarts Professor Dumbledore said he'd gladly accept Remus into his school. This made both parents happy to know their son will get a normal wizarding education.


Picture above of Fenrir Greyback.

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