《A Big Time Rush Logan and Camille Love story》Chapter 3 Love song


Logan's POV

me and the guys are talking into the pool when we see a beautiful girl we all stand up and started screaming she's mine we're about to run behind her but fright night carry us and bring us to rocque records when we get there Gustavo tells us to sing in the recording studio so we get in the studio and sing any kind of guy but in a slow tone

"Any kind of guy you want*sneeze* that's the guy I'll be held my head upside down*sneeze* yes I will yes I will" James keep sneezing by cause of the spray he uses to impress Jo

"Kelly bring him to the doctor and I'll Chang the music because ITS TERRIBLE" he screamed

"Okay c'mon James " Kelly said and walk outside

Gustavo let us get home then we're in the lobby watching Jo we need to pick leaves

"The one that get the shortest the first one" Kendall picked the biggest Carlos pick the smallest

After Carlos turn he came back

"Why'd you use mine" I said

"I'm sorry I became distracted on her smell I panicked" Carlos said

"My turn " I said I stand up and going to Jo's direction when Camille suddenly appear he slap me

"Camille not now" I said

"Of course I'll take you back" she said she kisses me all over my face and kiss my lips passionately I kissed back we pulled away

"I need to tell Rachelle we're back together and I'm gonna kill ANYONE...." She says and points to Jo but Jo shake her head no and Camille turn to me

"That come between us" she says and kiss me again and walk away

Camille's POV

I kissed him and walk away I touch my lips and see the guys in the bush

"Another audition?" Kendall asked

"Yeah let put that way" I said and walk away

Logan's POV

I came back to the guys

"Is Camille a great kisser" Carlos asked

"We'll she kinda is" I said touching my lips

We finish the song and we take a break

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