《Area Codes // dreamwastaken》sixty-three


There was a ding on the bell at the front desk, and Caoimhe bit her lip to keep from groaning as she threw down the rag she was cleaning with, to go help some more patrons. Her other coworkers were either on break or manning the floor.

"Hi! Welcome to Chuck E. Cheese! Are you ready to-" She stopped when she saw the lone teenage girl smirking at her. "What are you doing here?"

"Can I not come visit my brother's girlfriend at her place of work?" The fourteen year old smirked, tapping on the counter.

"I'm not his girlfriend." Caoimhe grumbled. "And I legally can't serve you without someone over eighteen coming to supervise."

"Oh relax, I'm not here to eat reused pizza. My mom's parked outside." She snorted. "I know your shift's over in ten minutes, cause that's about when Clay starts checking his phone obsessively again-"

"That's actually really sweet, aww." Caoimhe smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." She waved it off. "Point is, we're waiting outside for you when you're done. Clay doesn't know. He and Nick are having some bro bonding, or whatever, away from technology for the day."

"Okay?" Caoimhe was confused. "Thank you, I guess."

"See you in ten." The fourteen-year-old made finger guns and a little clicking noise.

Ten minutes later, Caoimhe waltzed out of the building, grateful to get away from the feet smell. She was still in the ugly, oversized, purple polo shirt they called a uniform, and her hair was pulled into two braids, looking like Pippi Longstocking, but she was free.

Sure enough, there was a minivan parked and waiting. Clay's sister poked her head out the window, gesturing for her to come on. Caoimhe quickly texted Katie that she didn't need a ride.

"So this is the famous minivan," Caoimhe smiled as she climbed in. "Gotta say, it lives up to its reputation."

Clay's mother looked up from her phone, grinning wildly when she saw the twenty-two year old. "Caoimhe, sweetie! Good to see you again!"

"Hi ma'am." Caoimhe paused to buckle up. "Thanks for picking me up. I'm still not over those latkes you made last week. Absolutely divine."

The woman snorted. "Oh, those? I just threw those together a whole twenty minutes before you arrived. I can make more next time you come over."

"I'd love that."

The conversation was interrupted with the beginning of a Harry Styles song as the car turned on. Kiwi. The younger girl began to sing along at the top of her lungs, hitting Caoimhe on the leg until she joined in too.



All three of them were laughing and smiling and singing along to every song by the time they pulled up to Clay's house. Even though Clay's mom was singing at a completely different rhythm (as moms do), Caoimhe was mumbling half the lyrics, and his little sister was off-key, they were all having fun.

This, Caoimhe thought, this is why I try to hit it off with all my friends' families. For moments like these.

"Have fun surprising Clay, you two." The minivan backed out of the driveway, the driver waving goodbye.

Caoimhe scrunched her eyebrows. "Surprise? We're surprising him?"

"In a way." The teenage girl marched up to the front porch, standing on her tiptoes to reach the spare key hidden in a light. She unlocked the front door, smiling mischievously at Caoimhe. "Not just Clay'll be surprised."

She'd come up with this plan when she was bored, apparently, to stream on her brother's computer. Only, she didn't want to do anything that might incriminate their privacy, so she was recruiting Caoimhe to stream on Nick's account, so she could just join the call and game without worrying about anything else.

"You do know his password right?" She asked as she watched Caoimhe sort through her brother's closet, trying to find something to wear besides the Chuck E Cheese polo.

"I do. And believe me, he's very predictable. He should probably change it." Caoimhe settled on some plain gray Nike sweatshirt, lifting it up over her head. She unbraided her hair, leaving it all wavy, and sat in Nick's chair. "Go log into Clay's. I have to figure out how to start a stream and make a call thing with you."

"Do you really not know how to game?"

"Nope! Can't wait to ruin Nick's rep!" Caoimhe hesitated putting on the headphones. "If I get lice from this, I'm gonna kick his face in."

"I'd pay to see that."

Caoimhe put the headphones on, praying that Nick actually kept up with hygiene. She powered up the computer, typing '21Savage!' and getting in. She powered up Minecraft, staring at the long list of servers in horror until she recognized Dream SMP, and clicked on it, opening it.

She then opened Discord, where she was immediately rung by 'Dream'.


"You got everything working?"

"Yeah, you?"

"I'm opening Minecraft now."

"Okay. Are you sure you want to stream this?" Caoimhe squinted at the screen like she was eighty-five, flinching when the twitch stuff appeared on a different monitor. She was clueless.


"I got nothing else going on in my life. I say chaos, I don't know."

"You want chaos? I'll bring chaos." Caoimhe found the Go Live button and clicked it.

Thousands of people joined instantly, the chat going crazy when they realized who it was.

She stared at the stream screen, only seeing herself stare back at it.

"Why is it only showing my face? How do I get it to show the computer?"

"I don't know, Dream's never had that problem." Caoimhe could practically hear the eye roll.

Chat went wild when they heard the second voice.

"Oh shit. Does this mean I have to call you Drista?! Ewwww." Caoimhe gagged.

"I guess. Am I calling you Number Girl or whatever?"

"Nah, that's too long. Maybe like Ginger or something, I don't know."

"Ginger it is."

Chat eventually helped Caoimhe figure out how to switch to game mode. The numbers had gone higher and higher once word got out just who was streaming. Caoimhe was mortified that 100,000 people were watching her have a mental breakdown over a computer while Drista laughed.

Clay's neon green character was standing right in front of her, Caoimhe staring at the keyboard as she tried to figure out which keys did what.

"Put me on creative." She demanded.

"No." Drista protested.

"Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please."

Drista set Sapnap to creative.

"Oh thank god! Now I can't die and Nick won't kill me in real life."

Drista set Sapnap to survival and teleported Caoimhe into the middle of the air, fall damage killing her almost instantly.

"YOU MOTHERF-" Caoimhe cut herself off before she swore, which took a lot of self control. "I hate you."

"Since Sapnap is gone, you're gonna have to take over the role of fighting me. Sorry not sorry, Ginger." A robotic lady's voice came out of nowhere, making Caoimhe shriek and flinch back.

"Drista! Drista! Drista! They're giving me money!"

"That's the whole point of streaming, really." Drista was the living embodiment of a snarky teenage girl. Caoimhe loved it. "I'd be worried if they weren't giving you money."

"I'm totally gonna make Nick pay me back what I earn in this stream. The only charity work I do is with boyfriends. And actual charity work." She added quickly, before people could get mad.

Caoimhe was still figuring out how to run and jump while Drista went on a hunting spree, killing JackManifold five times as he begged for mercy in the chat.

Caoimhe saw a cow and squinted at it suspiciously. The cow started walking closer to her. "Oh dear god they even hate me in video games. Kill me now."

"Your wish is my command." Drista laughed.

'Sapnap Fell Out of the World.'

"You fuckingn suck lol" Robot Lady told her. Caoimhe decided that her name was Sharon Smith. She didn't like Sharon Smith.

"I'm blocking all of you after this." Caoimhe informed Drista. "Definitely gonna ghost."

"You can't ghost Clay if he knows where you live."

"I can try."

"That'd make him cry."

"Good. He deserves it for saying KA-CHOW every time I get into a car with him."

Caoimhe looked down at her inventory to see she had two stacks of sand. She was nowhere near the beach. This perplexed her some more.

"Can you tell some embarrassing Clay stories?" Drista asked. "This JackManifold guy isn't putting up much of a fight. I even gave him a ten minute break."

"Stop torturing him."

"He's British." Drista knew the way to Caoimhe's heart. She had half a mind to kidnap the fourteen year old, and keep her as her own sister.

"Make it hurt extra bad."

Drista cackled maniacally.

Chat continued to bully Caoimhe for not knowing how to play and begging for the embarrassing Clay stories.

"Alright, alright." She pulled out her tackiest Transatlantic accent, ready to spin a web of bullshit. "So Clay and I actually met when I was negative ten months old. It was in our past lives. My name was Drusilla LaMue. I was crossing the street in rural Maine, when I saw him, Alexei Yahotov. I was so struck by his beauty, that I stopped and fell in love immediately. I was hit and killed by an eighteen wheeler thirty seconds later, since I stopped in the middle of the road. My dearest Alexei couldn't bear to be without me, and joined me in rebirth."


"The moral of the story is, everything works out."

"But you died."

"Pish posh. Twas a mere hurdle in my spiritual journey."

Caoimhe's phone lit up, and she checked the messages.

Caoimhe's eyes widened, and she looked up at the camera in fear, knowing they were watching.

"Drista! Mission abort! We have to go!"

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