《Area Codes // dreamwastaken》forty-seven


drew found a really cool rock on the sidewalk and we named him chuck

he's our new pet

he's gonna be an actor one day

i can't wait to watch him grow up


oOooOhhh cHuCKkkkkk

almost as bad as bartholomew

i don't think id want to moan either

i don't think clay is much better

actually i don't think any name is better

i will now have to stay silent for the rest of my life

no, it doesn't

in fact, this is my new main form of communication

buckle up, champ

but we've only just started

you can't escape me that easily

wouldn't want ME showing up at YOUR house

deal with it.


well if you insist :))))

he's the size of my fist and all lumpy and deformed

i love him so much

drew gave him a smiley face with sharpie

it looks stupid

but i still love him anyway

he consumes the souls of the innocent

its why he makes porn movies

so he doesn't kill any co workers

im very proud of him, yes

we instilled some morals

what are children if not little animals for you to train ?

leave it alone

ma'am ??? 😏😏😏

your majesty, queen of your heart

wow you really know how to woo a woman

how about your muse ?

hell, i'll even accept sexy thang

you're the worst

i just want to be loved

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