《Area Codes // dreamwastaken》forty-three


Caoimhe was going to kill Clay. It was official.

Had he not paid the delivery man ahead of time? How much did he even spend on them? She couldn't afford paying for it. Bartholomew was the one with the money. Maybe the man would just give up.

There was more knocking.

"Hello?" Caoimhe called out warily.


She opened the door as fast as possible. "How did you know my name?"

"?" The blond guy stared at her in disbelief.

Her brain short circuited. Every word she had on the tip of her tongue failed her. It was all she could do to shakily raise her hand and point at him dumbly. "It's you."

Caoimhe scanned him quickly, taking in every feature that she'd been deprived of. His hair was almost brown in the light and his green eyes even looked intelligent. He was wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt, the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. He smirked down at her triumphantly.


"IT'S YOU." She barely registered stepping aside to let him into her apartment.

Clay chuckled, digging his hands into his pockets as he entered. "It's me. I told you I was gonna meet you first."

"Oh Nick is gonna be so mad." Caoimhe managed, shutting the door and turning to face him.


She led him back into the kitchen where she continued to fuss with the flowers, adding more water and deciding where to put them where they wouldn't fall. Clay sat down and watched her amusedly.

"Do you want anything to drink? Like coffee or water? We haven't been to the store in a while, I don't know what else we have. God, Bartholomew, give a girl some warning next time. I'm entirely unprepared!" Caoimhe rambled, trying to keep herself busy so she wouldn't have to think about the mortification that came with shutting the door in his face.


"." Clay laughed again. Caoimhe glared at him.

"I look like a homeless person!"

"Clay, can you stand up real quick?" She asked, her voice dripping with fake sweetness.

Clay cautiously stood up, narrowing his eyes. "?"

Caoimhe walked over to him, gently gripping onto both of his shoulders. He peered at her suspiciously, so she tried to smile to appear more innocent. Her knee was brought up to his groin as hard and fast as she could, and she let go of his shoulders as he doubled over.

"I told you I'd make you see stars."

"!" Clay chorused in a high pitched voice, holding his crotch. Caoimhe brought her hand to her mouth to hide her grin. ""

"Down the hall." She bit down on her tongue as he limped away, locking the door behind him.

The telltale sounds of the front door unlocking, startled Caoimhe from her giggles.

Drew walked into the apartment, looking deadbeat tired. They dropped their backpack on the floor by the door and walked into the kitchen, immediately opening the fridge.

Caoimhe stood in the doorway, waving her arms around to get their attention.

Drew pulled out a soda, turning and closing the fridge with their hips. They put it down on the counter and popped the tab, closing their eyes and taking a big swig. Caoimhe continued to flap her arms like a crazy person.

They opened their eyes when they put the can back down, their eyes catching on the beautiful vase of flowers. They whirled around to see Caoimhe.

"Oh so we're broke enough to steal toilet paper from Publix, but you still ordered yourself flowers? Are you holding out on me?"

"No, no, no. I didn't buy those, I swear. It was-" Caoimhe tried to defend herself.


The bathroom door opened, Clay walking out and drying his hands on his pants. "'"

Drew looked from the strange man to Caoimhe to the flowers, their face lighting up. "Am I interrupting something?" Their tone was full of suggestion.

"Drew!" Caoimhe hit them on the arm, before turning to Clay. "Because it's a valid question, that's why. Clay, meet my roommate and best friend, Drew. Drew, meet your manhunt boy."

Drew was still snickering like a thirteen year old boy. Caoimhe hit them again. Clay nodded his head in greeting.

"I just remembered, Katie wanted to hang out with me! I should go. Caoimhe, walk me to the door."

The roommates left Clay alone as they walked to the door, Drew making kissy faces and crude gestures with their fingers. Caoimhe couldn't push them out fast enough.

"Don't get too loud, you crazy kids! Wouldn't want Mr Castillo hearing everything!" Drew yelled before Caoimhe slammed the door shut.

"I am so sorry about them."

"" He ran his hand through his hair. "."

"How's your dick?" Caoimhe threw herself onto the couch.

"Clay joked, sitting criss cross applesauce on the floor.

"Good, good. I mean I'm not sorry, but good."


"I look like hot trash."

"." He pulled out his phone. Caoimhe flipped off the camera. "."

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