《Area Codes // dreamwastaken》thirty-nine


Caoimhe groaned as her alarm clock started beeping from her nightstand, reaching out blindly to try to make it stop. But, because it was Monday, she kept missing. The alarm continued blaring.


She shrieked, her eyes flying open at the unexpected voice. Caoimhe had not expected to be greeted with Clay, much less his morning voice.

"Sorry," she apologized, shutting off the alarm. Her phone was plugged into the charger, lying on the bed next to her, the phone call from the previous night still showing on her screen. Nine hours and forty-eight minutes and counting. "You're lucky I have unlimited talk and text."

"" He mumbled. ""

"Why didn't you hang up when I fell asleep?" Caoimhe asked, stretching her entire body as she prepared to get out of bed and face the day.

"." Clay's voice sounded muffled, like he was talking into a pillow. "."

"That's how everyone breathes."

"." He sounded five seconds away from falling back asleep.

Caoimhe smiled at her phone. "Bye bye Clay." He started to snore a little.

She hung up and powered it off, changing out of the tank top and sweatpants she'd worn to bed. Drew was already bustling around the apartment too by the sounds of cabinets opening and closing. That or a burglar was trying to take one of their six plates or four cups. Caoimhe hoped whoever it was made coffee.

The clock on the table said seven am, but her heart and head said it was the end of the world. Another day of classes, and procrastination, and then of course, panicked studying. It was her "perfect" little schedule.

Drew had made coffee because they were the gods' gift to planet earth, and laughed when Caoimhe repeated that statement. They handed Caoimhe the 'World's Best Grandpa' mug she'd shoplifted from Hobby Lobby, filled to the brim with coffee, already done the way they knew she liked it. There was enough peppermint creamer in there to give the tooth fairy a cavity.


"I think I might be in love with you." Caoimhe hummed as she took a sip of the caffeine. "This is perfect."

"Let's run away to Iceland and live out our cottagecore dreams." Drew teased, adding three sugar packets and some milk to their own mug. "I'm down if you are."

"Can we have a sheep farm? I love sheep."

"You're gonna be the one shearing them then. I'll just throw corn for the chickens and sit there looking pretty," Drew smiled lovingly at Caoimhe.

Caoimhe sighed wistfully. "Wouldn't that be nice?"

"Yeah. It would."

"Do we have bagels? I'm hungry." She asked, putting down her coffee mug reluctantly to snoop around the kitchen.

"Yeah, they're sesame. We're all out of cream cheese though." Drew started to walk back to their bedroom with their cup, since they were still in their pajamas.

"We're ALWAYS out of cream cheese!" Caoimhe whined, stomping her foot like a child. Her only response was the shutting of a door. "Goddamn motherfucking bitch, never even buys it in the first place just to get on my nerves. Piece of shit."

Eventually she settled for putting a thin slice of ham and american cheese on it after more complaining, and the two best friends were on their way. Drew brushed their teeth like there was no tomorrow as Caoimhe threw elbows for sink space.

Caoimhe was walking out of her first lecture of the day when her phone started ringing. She hurriedly dug into her backpack for earbuds and got them plugged in in time to answer before her phone sent the call to voicemail.


"." God, she could practically hear his pout.

"Good morning, Clay." Caoimhe smiled even though he couldn't see it. "I'm sorry, I had class."



"I'm not made of money. These pockets are sewn shut."


"You think? Yeah, no shit Sherlock. How about you use your clout and put in a word for me about that at Kohls. I think they'd love to hear your opinion."

"?" He laughed. Caoimhe cursed herself as her heart rate fluttered.

"I honestly can't answer that question."


"Hey! Spider Monkey girl!"

"Oh fuck," she cursed quietly as the hot ta spotted her, and started making his way over.

"." Clay muttered through the earbuds. Caoimhe ignored him.

"Yo, what the fuck was that the other day? You just walked away like a piece of shit. You can't fucking do that to someone, that's fucking rude."

Caoimhe opened her mouth, preparing to defend herself and call him a massive dickhead, but unfortunately those words weren't the ones that came out.

"I'm on the phone with my boyfriend in the hospital right now. Sorry." She blurted, instantly clamping her jaw shut and flashing him her phone screen to show that she really was in a call. Clay burst out laughing in her ear.

The ta's face seemed to tense a little bit. "I'll talk to you after philosophy then." He turned and fled awkwardly.

"" Clay was practically howling. "Y"

"Shut up," She hissed.

He let out a wheeze that sounded like a real life keysmash and Caoimhe hung up once again.

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