《Area Codes // dreamwastaken》thirty-two


so, what are you thinking for our future children's names ?

i think mcclaireleigh is perfect for a girl

and ashxon for a boy

thoughts ?

shut up

what color are your hair and eyes

goddamnit neither of us have blue, we can't make merida

she's like THE most popular redhead


red hair + green eyes

i would have to fight off every dark haired boy in the neighborhood though, since i feel like i'd be the scarier parent out of the two of us

I'm just trying to save our daughter, for pete's sake

we'd make her the mother of the american wizarding world

ilvermorny will forever remember mcclaireleigh lily jenkins

sorry i'm trying to see a future with you

god, your father was right when he said your head wasn't in the game

you gotta getcha getcha getcha getcha getcha head in the game


first he steals alex, then he steals nick, and now he's stealing high school musical >:(


he's like a dog that peed on my favorite fire hydrant ten minutes before my owner finally took me for a walk

why your mouth

why your mouth

wouldn't the bleached brain do that

what are we gonna name our crusty white dog

i was thinking princess or stella

...clay sweetie

patches will always be with you in spirit no matter what...

sounds like a win-win to me

you're getting bullied !!!

now, since you're rich we can stay in the good part of florida, and i won't have to work

we'll have a country club membership, and i'll get a butt job, and we'll both get botox as we get older, and all of our kids' friends will know me as a hot milf when they come over

no white man ages well

i'm gonna need you to look as pretty as possible for your social media things so you can actually feed our family

you're the breadwinner, goddamnit, we're counting on you to survive


then you better start loving child support, bc this is the only way i know how to guarantee i'll make money off of you

is he rich ???

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