《Bleeding Ink》Chapter 33
Chapter 33
"How long has it been?"
Adeena stared at the male sitting in front of her. It had been several weeks since she'd seen him, since he remembered what his name in life had been. The only reason she'd managed to now was because she needed a place to sort through everything, to come up with a plan once she was back in Krahzara, to think of a lie convincing enough to tell Sophea whenever she was called to the empress's side, to get close enough to rip that godsforsaken necklace right off her neck.
"What do you mean?" she asked, folding her hands together in her lap.
Destan's russet eyes locked on hers, so much brighter and alive than she'd seen before. "Since I left my family."
She didn't want to sound harsh, but she had to tell him. "A little over twenty years ago. But you didn't leave, Destan. You died. You're still very much a part of their family, though. Trust me."
His voice dropped to a whisper. "Do you know them?"
"Only from books I've read. Books that have you in them as well. Have you been able to remember more about them?"
"No," he said, shaking his head, clearly frustrated with himself. "Nothing more than their names and faces. That's why I was waiting for you. To help me."
"Then I'm sorry it took me so long to come back."
"How long?"
"Three weeks."
He cracked a smile that was more like a sneer than anything else. "What's three weeks when it's been over two decades? I feel like I've been here for seconds and millennia at the same time."
Adeena didn't know what to say, not with the anger that laced through his tone. Not toward her, exactly, but just in general. She couldn't blame him, though, having lost so much time with those he loved. She knew from experience, though her time had been much, much longer. She planned on being with her sister and grandmother again one day soon. Destan didn't have that option.
"Why are you here then?" he asked then. "Why is it that you and I are the only ones ever here?"
"I can't answer for why you are, but I can for myself at least."
Her answer seemed to ease away his anger as curiosity and craving for interaction lit up.
"The reason I'm here," she began, "is because I was killed when I was four years old for something I had no control over, for something I was born with that others thought would one day bring their entire kingdoms to their knees. And it will. Soon, if I have anything to do with it."
Destan's head quirked to the side as one brow rose, a look Adeena knew would become one of her favorites of his. "But you're alive, aren't you?"
"I am, but only because of my magic. I was able to find my way back to the land of the living and bring my grandfather Evander back with me. In all honesty, I don't think the death gods of any world appreciated losing two souls, especially one as powerful as I am over the domain. One of those gods thought they needed to have me controlled, so he gave that power to the very person who sent the assassin to kill me. She's the one I'm trying to get away from, but my magic won't touch her because of it."
"You have...dark magic? How?"
"My mother...when my sister and I were conceived, both she had dark magic in her. While I don't think of it as my light and dark magic, the darker parts of me are what I have the most control over. Mainly, it's power over the mind and soul. I can kill someone without even touching them, make them see things that aren't there, feel things while nothing breaks skin with blades, liquify their minds with just a twitch of my finger. It's power I use for my work."
"So, you're an assassin?"
"Yes, and head of the Guild of Starlight in the kingdom of Krahzara."
"Do you enjoy killing people."
"Of course not, but it helps when they're people who deserve it after what they've done to others. Even after, though, my magic is usually chaotic, which is why I come here. Being here in the in-between...it calms me. Gets me back to having a level head when all I feel is rage. Talking to you seems to help the most, though."
"Is that what was going on the last time you were here? When you were crying?"
"No. I...I'd run into someone I hadn't seen in a very long time. Like you, I was taken away from some of the people I love most."
"Yet you can go back." The harsh, biting tone was back, one he recognized, then winced at. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be jealous."
Before Adeena could think, she reached over and took his hand in hers, squeezing it tight. "You have no reason to apologize. This isn't fair to you, being stuck here and not able to move on."
Destan sat in silence, eyes dropping to their interlaced fingers. Had he felt it, too, that surge of warmth, of glittering light in the darkness within them both at the simple, comforting touch?
"So, you said you still haven't remembered more about your family?" she questioned after a long pause. "Have you tried?"
He nodded, glancing up again. "I can't get anything more than what you helped sort through and weaved back together. Can you...can you help me again? Because when you're not here, at least I'll be in the company of good memories instead of an endless night."
Adeena's eyes stung with tears she had to blink away. "Of course, I will, Destan. You don't even have to ask."
Waking the following more, she was surprised to find herself in bed, though still in her clothes from the day before. Someone had come in with freshly cut flowers to replace the ones in her vase on the small table and place a tray filled with breakfast foods and a cup of tea beside it. She didn't mind the intrusion, having grown used to it here in Arloerin in the last few weeks she'd been there.
Today was her last day, though. She was going back to Krahzara and taking as much time as she possibly could in doing so.
With her balcony doors open, she first heard the grumbling growl before she even saw the face that was peeking in. Odanth, that sweet, lovable dragon of hers, barely left her alone even when she was in the city. People had taken notice, of course, but hadn't raised any alarm. But through her reconnaissance of those who worked closest to Cleo, there was no suspicion.
Adeena stood from the bed, stretching her arms above her head as she padded over to the balcony. Pulling back the gossamer curtains that hung over the doorway, her smile instantly stretched across her face as soon as she saw Odanth. Her dragon was curled up on the ground, still dozing in the hazy morning light. Even with the sounds of the village waking up around them, he didn't move.
After managing to bath, dress, pack up her things, and scarf down her breakfast, she made sure she didn't forget anything in the room she'd called home for those last few weeks. Even the history text she'd found of Cleo's was back in its place on the bookshelf, its spine creased more since Adeena devoured as much as she could of it several times over.
She met Tarra down in the kitchen. The early mornings were the quietest at the Copper Inn, so none of the children were running around and she didn't have the little one on her chest. Instead, she was packing up a satchel for Adeena's journey back east.
"Good morning," Adeena said with a smile when Tarra turned around.
"Oh, Lady Addie, I didn't know you were up! I hope breakfast was good? I brought it up first, made sure it wouldn't go cold, and..."
"It was perfect, like always. Thank you."
Tarra nodded again, handing off the satchel to her. "I hope this will help. I know it's a long journey back home for you and there aren't too many villages along the way."
"Again, thank you. Your hospitality has been appreciated more than you know. Please tell your husband and the children goodbye for me. I'll be sure to stop by whenever I'm in Arloerin again."
Her smile wavered then as she went in to hug her. "And you know you're welcome back as often as you'd like."
After spending a little longer with Tarra, Adeena fastened her cloak over her shoulders and carried both bags outside, fully intent on going to the stable to saddle her horse. Instead, she was met with Odanth's curious gaze, only for those silver eyes to narrow when he realized she was leaving.
Her dragon instantly poked his nose to her stomach.
"Good morning to you, too," she told him, leaning over to kiss his brow.
He huffed out a hot breath against her.
"I know. You're not happy its my last day here, huh?"
Another answering grumble.
"Me either."
Odanth curled his body around hers, shifting slightly in offer of having her climb on his back.
"You know I can't bring you with me, don't you? Once you're spotted, that will be the end of both me and you. I'll be back here in no time. Trust me."
He didn't.
She barely trusted herself with her plan, too, mostly because there was no way Sophea would let her go.
Still, Adeena had formulated a plan over those last few days in Arloerin. Well, she'd been playing with as soon as she caught sight of it. Of course, the first thing planned once she was back in Krahzara was to go to Sophea and tell her of all she'd learned, which was absolutely nothing. Just as she and Malik knew, just as everyone within Laria knew, there was absolutely no dissent against the Queen of Arloerin. There wasn't even a possibility of poisoning the minds of those loyal to her either through rumor or implanted doubt. What the empress would do when her favorite assassin told her of this...well, Adeena didn't know.
What she did know was that she was going to get the hell out of Krahzara as soon as she possibly could. The morning before, she'd already sent word to Warek and Selise to have all of her things packed and ready to go. Not only hers, though, but also her grandfather's. She'd gotten reports of his health and progress every few days from his healer and knew he was doing much, much better. He was talking with her more and, of course, painting as much as he could, too. Her last update included a letter from him also, letting Adeena know how much he missed her and asking when she would be back home. Less than two weeks, she'd written back, and then we'll be home.
Home. Their new home in Arloerin.
But as to what would happen when she finally made herself known to Cleo and her grandmother, she didn't know...and she couldn't wait.
As for the fate of her role in the Guild of Starlight, Adeena had quite a few thoughts on it. Sure, she could hand over the title to Warek or Selise, but she couldn't do that, not after everything she'd worked toward and finally attained. Instead, she wondered what Cleo would think about moving the Guild to Arloerin.
Gods, what would the rulers throughout Laria think then? The thought almost had her laughing.
Rubbing her hand along the underside of Odanth's jaw, Adeena stared into those bright, silvery eyes that were still pleading with her. "Oh, all right," she finally sighed. "You get your way."
He wiggled his shoulders and hummed low in his chest.
"We'll definitely get there faster than on horseback, but you're going to drop me off before we get there, and I'll walk the rest of the way. I can't risk you being seen."
And that was good enough for him.
Their journey back to Krahzara was way to quick for Adeena and made her want to have Odanth turn right back around and leave. What had taken her a few weeks on horseback only took four days on a dragon and that was after only spending a few hours flying in the morning and into midafternoon before they stopped to make camp. Adeena loved spending the cool desert nights cuddled up against Odanth's side, his wing a protective covering over her, while they both stared up at the clear, stary sky before falling asleep.
When the eastern kingdom appeared on the horizon early one morning just a few days later, glittering in the rising sun, she patted the dragon's side twice, signaling him to drop lower. She'd planned it to where she would be walking back through the city gates right at nightfall. Surely, once she changed into her Lady in White attire no one would dare stop her as she walked straight to the palace.
Jumping down from Odanth, Adeena lifted her bag from her shoulder, throwing it into the sand beside the dragon. He sniffed at it then looked back to her, silver eyes curious as she started on the fastens of her cloak.
"I'm going to ask nicely for you to look the other way," she told him as she dug out her white leather. "But I am going to use you as a dressing table, all right?"
Odanth grumbled but did as he was asked. He curled away from her, tucking his wings in tight to give her a perfect space for her to put her discarded clothes as she changed. He even bent his front leg for her so she could take a seat and pull on her boots, lacing them up and fastening the buckles across them. And when she was finished and stuffed all her other clothes back into her bag, Odanth finally turned, meeting her gaze once more.
And his instantly narrowed.
"Oh, so even you've heard of me before, huh?" she asked him, reaching forward to stroke his jaw.
Only to have him pull back and bare his teeth.
"I'm not going to hurt you, Odanth. I promise. I'm not going to hurt anyone anymore if I can help it."
Just by the look in his eyes, it wasn't himself he was worried about.
"You seriously think I would do anything to Cleo? I'm trying to leave Krahzara. And I'm going to. Both me and Evander are coming home to Arloerin. I promise."
Finally, her dragon settled and hummed, closing his eyes as he once again nudged against her stomach.
"Now, you head back home, all right? We can't have the Krahzaran patrols spotting you and thinking something's up. And me...well, it'll take me a few hours to get to the city. You'll probably be back before I even reach the gates."
One more hum from him and another kiss on the brow from her and Adeena stepped back as soon as Odanth vaulted into the air, flying off without her.
The evening rush of people parted before her as soon as everyone saw the white hood. Adeena's steps were light and sure as she walked down the main road through Krahzara, heading straight for the Krahzaran palace. Whispers and murmured prayers of safety followed her, but she could barely hear them over the pounding of her own heart in her ears.
She wasn't stopped at the palace gates, the doors opened for her without giving the command, and the palace staff quickly jumped out of her way as she headed for the double door entrance to Sophea's office where she knew the empress would be.
Who she wasn't expecting was Malik seated in one of the chairs positioned in front of her large, intricately carved desk.
Or his younger brother Kaveh lounging in another beside him, looking so much like his older brother she had to do a doubletake.
Thank the gods Adeena didn't lower her hood as soon as she entered the room.
Both males' eyes widened as they bolted up to stand while Sophea remained seated. Adeena silently strode forward, eyes on the young mage prince as he slowly backed away from her, even though she was heading to Malik's other side.
"What the fuck is going on?" Kaveh demanded.
"Is there really need for such language?" Sophea sighed, leaning back in her chair as she crossed one leg over the other. "The Lady is here to give a report of her last several weeks in Arloerin."
Kaveh balked, choking on air. "You can't be serious."
"Get out, Kav," Malik told him then, moving to block Adeena from his brother's view. When he did, he reached back to grip her fingers in greeting. "This doesn't concern you."
But the prince's eyes flashed as he bared his teeth at his brother. "When it involves Cleo like I highly suspect, it certainly fucking does."
The crown prince raised one brow. "Oh, really? Just because you like to annoy the hell out of her? I wouldn't think she'd think the same thing."
Kaveh sputtered, then clenched his jaw.
"Out, Kaveh," Sophea said coolly, fingers playing with the midnight blue stone of her necklace, which glittered and pulsed in the light of the room. "Now."
Unable to disobey his mother and empress, Kaveh threw one last glare in her direction, turned on his heels, and stalked out of the office, slamming the door behind him.
Almost instantly, Sophea lowered a ward over the room so the three of them wouldn't be disturbed and no one – suspectedly Kaveh – could listen in at the door.
"Hood down, girl."
Adeena kept it up, though she shifted it back enough for them to see her face.
She gave her best sickly sweet smile. "Nothing to report, I'm afraid. Just like I knew before you even sent me to Arloerin. My sister's rule will never be threatened by her own people. How could it when she's done nothing but love and protect them?"
Sophea's eyes narrowed at her calling Cleo sister.
And then she said something that almost had Adeena shredding her mind with just one thought.
"There are other ways to hurt her, you know. Her dragon, for one. Or should I say your dragon?"
Adeena's fingers flexed and curled, nails digging into her palms.
"Leave Odanth out of this. Ollyn, too."
Sophea smiled when she knew she had her. "Odanth, who disobeyed his bloodrite bond's orders to fly back to Arloerin? Who thought I wouldn't have my patrols watching his every move, even when he's on the border of Searis territory?"
"Don't you dare threaten him." Her voice came out dripping venom. "I swear to all the gods of every world, I will kill you if you ever touch Cleo or either one of the dragons."
The empress's smile tightened as she twisted the gold chain of her necklace around her fingers. "Please, you already have your plans of killing me, don't you? Isn't that why you sent that message to your assassins about moving the Guild to Arloerin just a few days ago?" The midnight blue stone pulsed darkly once more...and Adeena felt the spell that chained her own heart to it lock them together tight. "You can't do or go anywhere without my permission, my love. You can barely think without me knowing your every thought. Aren't you glad you have someone looking after you like I have for all these years?" She held up the stone for all three of them to see. "I've held you under lock and key with this for a very, very long time and I don't intend to let you go anytime soon. Now both of you...get out."
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