《Bleeding Ink》Chapter 24
Chapter 24
It took Adeena almost two weeks to reach the border lands of Arloerin, through the Krahzaran desert to the grasslands within Searis territory to the rolling green hills in the west. As soon as her horse crested those hills, though, all of Arloerin and its glory were stretched out for her to see.
And she immediately started tearing up at the sight.
The only descriptions she'd ever gotten were from books or Malik. Neither did the western kingdom justice.
It was absolutely breathtaking and nothing like her dim memories of when it was a city of ruins. The hillside flowed down into grasslands in the north and rose into mountains to the south. Lake Iris glittered in the distance. Small fishing boats bobbed on its surface and people enjoyed the spring day on its sandy banks. The Cagny Forest spread out beyond and those dim memories turned into a flood of her and Cleo's adventures with Kalla while her grandparents stayed behind.
Continuing on in her visual exploration from a distance, acres upon acres of the land were productive vineyards and olive groves. Colorful homes and small villages were dotted throughout. Then the dirt roads made way to a main sandstone road leading to the city. Those streets were lined with homes and shops and taverns, just as colorful as the ones in the countryside. And though she couldn't quite see the people who lived there, she knew they were just as colorful and joyous as the city itself seemed to be. How could they not be when they'd gone from being a city of ruin to the most prosperous one in all of Laria?
And all thanks to her beautiful sister.
Quickly swiping away her tears, Adeena urged her horse to continue down the road, guiding it along until she reached a small village bordering the lake.
Before she was close enough for people to get a good look at her, she pulled a glamour over her features, changing them slightly and just enough for people to look close enough without them seeing their queen's features looking back. Though she kept her silvery blond hair the same, her eyes changed to golden brown with one blink, her lips thinned slightly, and the shape of her face rounded just a bit.
Here, she was going to continue under the alias of Lady Addie Merlo. As far as she knew, not too many tales reached Arloerin about the lady. Whispers, sure, especially since she was close with Malik and his guardsmen liked to talk about just how often he visited her. Plus, when there were rumors of their courtship spreading, though it was nonexistent, those whispers had to have ended up there, too.
When she reached the stone archway that led into the heart of the village, Adeena jumped down from her horse and guided it by the reins. Though she was in simple riding attire, a new face in a small village was sure to draw attention. It made her nervous, made her shy. Laria's most deadly assassin and her face was flaming under the gazes of vineyard workers.
Leading her horse to the stable beside the three-story terracotta inn, she immediately went to work taking off the saddle and bridle, allowing for him to be comfortable while munching on hay inside the stall. She tossed a small sack filled with gold coins to the young stable boy who couldn't be older than ten, watching as his eyes grew wide as he peered inside.
"Thank you!" he somehow managed to choke out. "Thank you so much. Is there anything I can do for you, lady?"
Hitching her bag on her shoulder, Adeena gave him a bright smile. "Just tell me who to ask for so I can rent a room at the inn."
"My momma, actually. Her name's Tarra. She'll be the one with the baby in a sling on her chest and my two little brothers following her around."
She laughed at the description as he ran back into the stable just as another sliding door opened from the opposite side, hearing the boy's excitement.
"Look, Papa! Look what the pretty mage gave me!"
Adeena was already heading toward the open tavern doors before she heard the response.
The boy had been right. She did find his mother, the inn's owner, with two little boys on her heels and another baby girl asleep in a sling on her chest. Just watching her work made Adeena tire and wonder how she managed, especially with the bright smile she was met with.
"Welcome!" the human woman greeted cheerfully. "My name is Tarra and welcome to the Copper Inn. Are you here for food or rest?"
Adeena smiled back, hitching the strap of her bag higher up on her shoulder. "Both, actually. I've been traveling for a few weeks, so both would be appreciated."
Tarra made her way toward the check-in desk with the two little ones running off to play with wooden toys in the corner. With a flourish of her pen, she began writing down information in the registrar. "All by yourself?"
"And how long will you be staying?"
"A few weeks if you can manage," she smiled, then pulled another coin pouch from her bag. "I hope this will be enough to cover room and board."
When it landed on the table with an audible clink, the woman's eyes shot to it and widened. There was no need to see just how much was there.
"You can't possibly think..."
"...that this is more than enough? Of course, it is. But I have the means and you have four little ones to keep up with. I'm more than happy to part with it, especially when I have plenty more at home."
Tarra continued to stare at the pouch. "And, um, your name?"
"Addie Merlo."
Her eyes snapped up to her face. "Lady Addie Merlo?"
Adeena wanted to groan. So, those rumors had gotten to Arloerin. "Yes."
"From Krahzara."
"Not originally, but yes, that's where I've come from now. Hence why I'm tired and hungry. It was a long journey with not too many comfortable beds along the way."
"Yes, yes, of course!" A few more scratches of pen on parchment and then Tarra was reaching behind her for a room key on one of the hooks to hand to her. "My best room. Third floor, last door on the left. The only room with perfect balcony view of the lake. And no one else is staying in the rooms around it, so you'll have your privacy. Please, don't hesitate to ring for absolutely anything. Anything at all, Lady Addie."
She took the key in hand, noticing how warn it was for being key to the best room. "Who else stays here? Do you get quite a lot of travelers?"
Tarra nodded. "Of course. Many who live in the city come out just for some time away and just to relax. Even Queen Cleo herself! She comes every few months to get away. The room I've put you in is the one she always asks for."
Addie's eyes lifted to the innkeeper's face and widened. "You're not serious."
"Oh, I am. We always love having her stay and the children absolutely adore her. We make sure to keep the whole third floor empty to give her privacy. Gods know she doesn't get it in the city. We only use it for special guests, so we usually keep it ready for her. And now you, of course!"
She was going to stay in the room her sister did.
Heart jumping into her throat, Adeena's gaze lifted to the staircase down the hallway, following up it, and to the ceiling as if she could see right through the floors above.
"And the reason I'm staying in it now? How do you not know she won't come?"
"Queen Cleo went to visit her family in Dalcaine. Her grandmother Renna and her second Janan are keeping everything running while she's gone, just like they always do. She should be back within a few weeks, I believe. Depending on how long you plan on staying, you might get to see her and her dragon! Even Odanth since he stayed behind. He's usually seen flying close to Cagny Forest or on the other side of the lake but doesn't bother anyone whenever they're near him. He's usually the one to hang back and not cause such a ruckus like Ollyn. I think it's because he's not only lost one bloodrite bond but two."
Adeena's bloodrite bonded dragon. After all these years, if he saw her, would they still have that connection? A connection so rare, especially when it was made twice between the beast and his rider. He'd been her mother Corliss's before just as Ollyn had been her father Meron's and now Cleo's. She wondered if he'd changed since she saw him last, if those silver eyes would still twinkle as he watched her just as they did when she was little.
"Thank you for the hospitality," Adeena said to Tarra in a whisper, looking back at her with a pained smile. "I think I'll rest for the afternoon."
"Of course! I'll have one of the girls from the kitchen bring something up for you to eat in a little while and then later again for dinner. If there's anything else you'll be needing, don't hesitate to ask."
Adeena's steps were controlled and calculated, nearly silent as she ascended the staircase to the second floor and then the third. As soon as she reached the landing, the noises from the lower levels disappeared.
"Last door on the left," she murmured to herself, seeing there were only three more doorways along the hallway.
A plain door with brass accents and knob that she then turned to open.
A seemingly simple room in itself with a four-poster bed made with a fluffy white comforter and ivory silk sheets. Gossamer curtains covered the two windows and the glass doors leading to the balcony. A wingback chair sat in the corner between one window and a bookcase filled with texts. The only other piece of furniture was a large wardrobe with intricate carvings on the doors which stood in the corner between the bed and the doorway leading into the spacious bathing room.
Adeena's heart jumped into her throat as she closed and locked the door behind her, dropping her glamour so she could be herself again.
It wasn't that she could see elements of Cleo there in that room. There was nothing tying it to her. Rather, it was the knowledge that she'd been here just a few weeks before, that she probably stood where Adeena's was standing then, that they would sleep in the same bed, stand on the same balcony.
Gods, did she miss her even more than she ever had before in that moment.
"Hi, Cleo," she whispered to the room, and hoped that whisper would reach wherever her sister was.
Adeena was more tired than she realized she'd been. One of the girls from the kitchen, who couldn't have been more than fifteen, brought up a tray filled with fruit, small squares of cheese, and flaky crackers for her lunch, along with a house-made bottle of sweet wine. After eating, she took a quick shower, changed into a silk pajama set, and tied her damp hair up into a knot on top of her head. As she laid down against the pillows, she fell into a deep sleep.
And she dreamed of a life she could have had.
The following morning, after sleeping for much of the afternoon and all through the night, Adeena woke up to a soft knock on her door. Slipping into her silk robe and double checking she actually had her glamour over her, she padded over to the door and opened it.
The hallway was empty, but she found a breakfast tray of eggs, bacon, oatmeal, fruit, and steaming cup of tea had been left for her. Stomach grumbling, she went back in with tray in hand, placed it on the bed, and did a quick bathing room run before settling down to eat. Hungrier than she realized, she scarfed it down and almost had to stop herself from licking the plate clean. And though she'd already paid in advance, she still slipped three golden coins onto the now empty tray for whoever came to pick it up.
"What do I want to do today?" Adeena said to herself, loosening her robe as she walked into the bathing room and turned on the water in the clawfoot tub. "Nothing but relax and do things for myself for a change? Perfect."
Talking to herself. Geez, she needed to find a friend to show her around the kingdom and fast.
But for now, she was just going to relax in a warm bubble bath, maybe start reading one of the books from her room, and then dress in something comfortable before venturing into the city to explore.
Comfortable didn't mean it couldn't be fashionable, though. Even though summer was on its way, it was chillier outside than the previous day. Adeena opted to pull her hair half up into a braided crown, leaving the bottom to hang in loose curls. The outfit she chose was one she never got to wear in Krahzara since it was always so hot. The long sleeve dress was made of a dark plum cotton fabric and embroidered with silver and white thread along the hem and collar. Silver buttons went down in a row along the front, stopping at the waist. It was perfect for riding, especially with the split skirt that gave way to black leather pants and heeled boots beneath. The only other accessory she needed was a black leather belt that held a small coin purse and a sheath for her dagger.
By noon, Adeena was finally on her way down to the stables where her horse was already fed and watered and even saddled. The same boy from the day before was guiding him out for her, a bright smile on his face. Without even a word, she put a gold coin in his hand, pulled herself into the saddle, and rode off.
It wasn't hard to find the main road that led into the city. It was the only one paved in sandstone that wound through farmland dotted with large villas and smaller homes. So much had changed since she was last here. Adeena remembered how these lands looked before. Completely barren with only small areas worked into crop fields, homes that were almost falling down with several families living in them. Even with the way they lived and how little they had, everyone within Arloerin had always been so happy and gracious, more than willing to help and give whenever they could.
But now...now, they didn't have to worry about anything, not when their queen helped them achieve everything they ever wanted.
Adeena already knew this before even leaving Krahzara, but there was no way she would find any dissent within this kingdom, not when Cleo's people loved and protected her so fiercely.
She couldn't be any prouder of her sister as she was then, slowing her horse as they reached the city gates and sandstone turned to polished cobblestone. All eyes turned to her astride her horse and paused as they watched her go by.
Everything had changed. The city was no longer a ruin, but rather a prosperous kingdom built from those ruins into something so beautiful it had Adeena smiling. Every home and building had stucco siding and tiled roofs and were painted in both neutral and bright colors. Shops, cafes, and taverns were lively as people bought and sold their goods. Trees, shrubbery, and flowers were dotted throughout every visible street, with small parks and gardens nestled between buildings.
In the center of it all, overlooking every bit of the city below, stood the royal palace. It was nothing like it had been from Adeena's memories. Several stories tall, the current palace was built around the previous, with marble and golden columns and archways and sleek tiled roofing on both the main structure and the surrounding buildings and towers.
And the people...oh, the people. Humans, Fae, mages, orcs, naiads, and dryads. No longer were they on the brink of starvation and dressed in ragged clothes. Everyone she passed looked happy and healthy, with the females dressed in colorful fabrics of their gossamer gowns and cloaks and males in loose-fitting tunics or light-colored doublets, pants, and boots.
Just as everyone throughout Laria always described the youngest kingdom in the land, it looked straight out of a fairytale.
Of course, Adeena had absolutely no plans to do what Sophea wanted her to do through Arloerin. At least for those first few days. How could she when there was so much to look at, to buy, to just experience?
So, that's what she did.
On the first day, she mostly spent it roaming around the city, taking in the finer details she couldn't see from a distance. She looked around shops, tasted some of the food samples she was offered, and mostly kept to herself just to get a feel for the kingdom itself. It was just as wonderful as she imagined and with how Malik described it to her.
On the second day...well, that's when she brought just enough money to spend and set the merchants up to make a tidy profit. Just as she was in Krahzara, she overpaid by double, if not triple the asking price. How would Sophea like that if she knew the Arloerin citizens were profiting off her money? The thought had Adeena laughing to herself.
She made several new friends on that second day, though. Like Berringer, who owned a cozy little bookshop. Or Willa, who ran the most popular tavern in the kingdom and brought over her best bottle of wine for Adeena when she heard she ordered one of everything off the menu. And she couldn't forget Harran, the handsome mage guardsman who'd helped her when she not so accidentally dropped her canvas bags full of her purchases in front of him. If she decided she needed a male friend to keep her bed warm at night, she knew just where to find him after he slipped her his address scrawled on a slip of parchment.
But on the third day, one of her first stops was at an art supply shop in the east district, run by a dryad name Peony. The only reason she hadn't gone in the day before was because it was currently closed for a studio class up on the second floor. The windows above had been thrown open and the quiet music floated out, along with the conversations between budding artists working on their pieces.
As soon as Adeena stepped into the shop, she had to pause, marveling at everything. The merchant she usually bought her grandfather's supplies for was able to get her what she needed within a week or two if he didn't have it, but this shop...it had everything and more. Different size canvases were propped up along one wall. The opposite one was lined with shelves from floor to ceiling, holding every color of paint she could imagine and more, along with every type of brush, too.
Good thing this was her first stop of the day. And she hoped the shop owner could ship her purchases to Krahzara for her because she was going to buy everything for her grandfather.
"You're in luck," a voice said from behind her as she gazed up at the paint selections. Adeena turned to see a beautiful dryad, her dark brown hair pulled up into a bun on top of her head and green skin speckled with paint along her arms. "I just got everything restocked this morning after my usual customers bought everything to commemorate the occasion. Everyone's been abuzz with what happened." She smiled widely, brown eyes twinkling as she held out her hand. "My name is Peony, by the way."
Adeena took her hand and shook it with a matching smile. "Addie."
"Ah, so you're the Lady Addie Merlo everyone's been going on about. I heard you bought out several merchant's stock yesterday."
The comment had her smiling. "The one and only."
Peony motioned for her to follow, bringing her to the back stock room with even more supplies. "Come, let me show you where I keep the best. Do you paint yourself?"
She shook her head. "No, my grandfather does. I'm hoping you ship to Krahzara because I plan on buying him everything you have."
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