《Bleeding Ink》Chapter 13


Chapter 13

"Look at you," Dessa grinned as she fastened the last buckle of Lenora's boots. "Looking like a dragon rider already. Now, all you need is a dragon."

Len sighed wistfully, running her little hands over the smooth leather of her gear Dessa had made specially for her. "I want a dragon. Can I have one someday soon? A pixie and a dragon...I'll be just like Momma then!"

"I don't know when you'll get one, but I think you will," she told her, touching her nose with a finger. "Then you and I can go out riding together Do you know what you'd name it?"

"Would it be a girl dragon or a boy dragon?"

"Either. You have to have names for both since you won't know which one you'll have."

Len's eyebrows pulled together as she thought it over as Dessa made sure the two braided buns on top of her head were secure. It matched her own since Len always insisted they did when going out on the dragons and Dessa did anything Len asked of her. "I don't know yet. I'll pick it out later."

"Sounds like a plan," Dessa smiled as she stood, then held out her arms for her. "Now, are you ready to go? We'll have to run before Daddy finds us and sees what we're up to."

"Daddy always knows what we're up to."

"Because he's nosy."

"Definitely nosy," she giggled, then finally jumped into her arms. "I want breakfast, though!"

"Always thinking about food. You're definitely like me."

"And we're both like Momma!"

Securing her on her hip, Dessa and Len started down the hallway toward the main staircase of the palace.

Dessa hardly got any sleep after she and Elys went back upstairs, his hand still holding tight onto hers, and said their goodnights from their doorways. She didn't remember how many times she'd said it even as she walked backward, holding the skirts of her dress up so she wouldn't trip like she had before. That would have been a sight to see.

"Goodnight, Elys," she told him, reaching back for the door handle.

Elys gave her a sleepy smile. "Goodnight, Dessa Jai."

"What have I told you about calling me that?"

"Goodnight, Des."

"Better." She was opening the door behind her then. "Goodnight, Seer."

Elys was opening his own door, still facing her. "Now who's starting up with the nicknames, princess?"

She rolled her eyes, turning to go inside her darkened room. "I'll see you in the morning. Remember, we're going out flying with the dragons."

"Not too early, though."

"Not going to happen. We leave an hour after sunrise. If I need to, I'll send Lenora in to jump on you. Now, goodnight."

And she closed the door just as Elys disappeared inside his own room, a softer smile curling up one corner of his mouth as he shook his head.

Now, as soon as Dessa and Lenora were even remotely close to the kitchen, the sound of conversation and laughter made her walk faster. She was still going to play it up, though, hiding the both of them against the wall by the door. Len's giggle gave them away, of course, which had everyone looking their way. Not so stealthily, Dessa spun them across the doorway to the other side before quickly peeking inside and back out again.

Setting Len on her feet, Dessa not so quietly whispered, "Go scare someone."


And that someone...well, it was Elys, standing at the counter taking his first bite of buttered toast and jam. A canvas bag filled with more food sat on the counter beside him, dressed and ready to go in his own riding leathers that cut him way too well.

Len all but collided with his legs, making him rock a step to the side and look down at the little girl who was grinning up at him.

"Well, good morning to you, too, kid," he told her, then leaned down to pick her up with one arm after setting his breakfast down on his plate. His eyes were on her hair, seeing the braided buns, and then he looked over at Dessa and her identical style.

Dessa knew that look. It was different from when he was having a vision, but he was still sorting through past memories of his own. It didn't take her long to realize, to reach back into her own far back memories of Dessa herself at three and Elys ten, spinning around the kitchen as giggled and her parents watched the two of them before joining in themselves.

And before Lenora could even say her own greeting, Elys was doing the same with her as he did with Dessa at the same age all those years ago. Keeping one arm tight around her as he propped her on his hip and held her little hand in his, he started spinning the two of them around and around. In a whirlwind, they made their way around the kitchen island, Lenora's laughter ringing out, before they reached the doorway where Dessa was still standing. Elys was grinning and spinning and making his way toward her. Another look she knew, one of pure mischief, and she was pulled in to the dance with them.

Elys didn't take them too much farther, only bringing them back to where he was originally standing. Even after just the short few moments, Dessa was still out of breath and grinning and holding onto the back of Elys's jacket.

He let go of his hold on her, though didn't back away, and reached over to tickle Len's stomach, all three of them still dizzy from spinning. "You hungry?"

"Always," Len smiled at him. "And good mornin'!"

Setting her on the counter, Elys offered her his second slice of toast, which she happily started munching on. That gave Dessa the opportunity to sneak up on his other side, then plucked his slice of toast from his hand as he picked it up and took a bite.

"Excuse me," Elys said, raising a brow and sounding hurt as he stole it right back. "You want some, you make your own."

"Rude. You gave Len your other piece."

"Yeah, because she's cute and so far I like her more."

"Can't blame you there," Dessa laughed, leaning up against the counter beside her sister.

"Here, Dessa," Len said, offering her toast to her. Her mouth was covered in crumbs and jam as she smiled. "Have some!"

"Aw, thank you!" After taking a small bite, Dessa kissed her cheek and narrowed her eyes at Elys. "See, she's the sweet one, too."

"Out of the two of you, she definitely is." Elys eyed them both, noting the same riding leathers, the same hairstyle. He reached up and poked at one of her braided buns. "You match."

Sticking her tongue out at him, Dessa reached over and grabbed two pieces of toast no one else had claimed yet. She wasn't paying attention to anyone else as she reached past Len to grab for the jam, but then Elys feigned handing her the knife he'd used, instead holding it up high over their heads.


"You're such an ass," Dessa huffed out, trying to make a jump for it. "Gimme that!"

"Uh-oh, Len, your sister said a bad word," Elys crooned.

But the three-year-old just shrugged as she kicked her feet and continued eating her toast, licking her fingers when she finished. "Momma calls Daddy that all the time. So does Auntie Thia to Uncle Gideon. I know I can't say it myself, though."

At that, Elys couldn't help but laugh, finally letting Dessa grab hold of the knife. Though it wouldn't have done too much damage, she almost put it to his throat to threaten him, even covered in bright red jam.

Dessa paused as soon as she was just about to take her first bite, finally noticing all eyes at the table were on them and the happily humming Len. It was her mother and father, then Gideon, Thia, and Laurel. Milena and Eamon had already sent word they were heading to the Branvon estate to get the dragons ready while Archer had plans already for more training with his father and would join them later.

But it was the looks she was receiving from her family. Laurel was hiding her smile behind her teacup. Gideon leaned over and whispered, "And so it begins," in Thia's ear which had her smacking the back of his head. And her mother and father...

"So, that's why my cheesecake disappeared overnight," her mother stated, looking between the two of them.

Dessa hid her grin behind her toast. "It totally wasn't us..."

And Elys said at the same time, "Maybe..."

Dessa elbowed him in the ribs. "Shut up."

"Maybe she'll go easy on us like she used to."

"Please. Do you see the way she's glaring at us?"

"My whole plan I came up with last night won't work, will it?"


"Wanna make a run for it?"


"I'll grab the kid and you grab the snacks. Ready?"

"Let's do this."

"In three...two...one...go!"

Within seconds, Dessa grabbed the canvas bag while Elys pulled a screeching and laughing Lenora into his arms before all three of them bolted from the kitchen. Laughter followed from behind them, including Lyv's as she leaned out of the doorway to watch them run down the hallway.

"Look after Len, please!" her mother called out. "And you owe me two chocolate cheesecakes, young lady, since you ate mine!"

They didn't stop until they were out of the palace, down the front steps, and through the gates onto Penrose. Even with her breaths coming in gasps, Dessa still managed to let out a peal of laughter, which made everyone turn in their direction. Len hadn't stopped laughing either as she clutched onto Elys's neck, pressing her cheek against his.

"We escaped your momma's wrath!" Elys cheered, holding up both his and Len's hands in triumph.

"You ate Momma's cheesecake?" Len asked them both, grinning and yet wide-eyed. "You never do that!"

"Which is why we're going to not only get her two to make up for it, but three," Dessa winked at her baby sister, pulling her into her arms. "But first, Eria and Arsais are expecting us, aren't they?"

"And Eamon and Milena!"

"Oh, how can we forget about those two?"

Len wanted to walk between both Dessa and Elys, holding onto their hands, jumping around excitedly. She chatted with Elys all about the dragons and what she was learning with her tutor and how Uncle Gideon had promised to scare her momma and daddy by getting her a dagger like Dessa's for her fourth birthday a whole year before her sister got her own. What prompted that last topic was when she spotted Elys's own in its sheath on his leg, which he then took a few moments to kneel down and show her up close.

Len's eyes widened at the sparkling emerald and sapphire set in the pommel. "Pretty," she said in awe, touching one finger to the gems.

Dessa snorted. Just like their mother, both girls apparently inherited her love of pretty weapons.

Elys grinned up at Dessa, then turned his attention back to Len. "Your daddy got this for me when I was just about two years older than you. Your momma definitely didn't like that, though, but she let me keep it. Even stole it a few times herself because she thought it was pretty, too."

The closer they got to the Branvon estate, the fast Len wanted them to go, tugging them forward by the hands before she finally gave up and bolted ahead. She ran right past the large house that was owned by Thia's father and behind it toward where the dragon quarters were.

And if someone they hadn't known saw what they did when the two giant dragons went charging for the little girl...well, they would have probably keeled over and died of fright.

Eria and Arsais absolutely adored Len, being so careful and gentle with her even as she loved on them. Whenever Roshan, Erly, and Chesnan were there, too, they were the same. Dessa had a feeling that one day Len would kick their family friend, Commander of the Eld army, and lead dragon rider Donovan Beck out from all of his titles and she would be the one to take over.

But as soon as Eria caught sight of Dessa, her red and black dragon moved as fast as her large body would take her...before she practically flew the rest of the way when she saw Elys beside her.

Of course, Dessa had always been Eria's favorite, but having grown up with Elys always around, too, he was easily her second. The dragon was just as devastated as she was when he left those five years ago, but all was forgotten then as she raced forward, then collided into Elys so fast and hard she left him sprawled out on his back in the grass.

Eria hummed in excitement, even as she plopped her head down on Elys's stomach, her tail swishing back and forth.

"Hey there, Eria," he groaned out, though it came with a smile. "I'd say you missed me, huh?"

She hummed again, blowing a puff of smoke into his face.

"Eria, get off him," Dessa shouted, rushing over to try, unsuccessfully, to push her dragon away. "I swear, you are a bigger baby than Ro is!"

Eria finally moved after a few more minutes of Elys cuddles, though she still curled herself completely around him, nuzzling her snout against his stomach and practically glaring at Dessa for the interruption.

"And here I thought you wouldn't have minded if she crushed him to death," Milena grinned as she and Eamon approached, Arsais close behind. "Ooh, or maybe even roast him alive?"

"Never," Elys grinned at her.

"You two actually talking?" Eamon asked, raising a brow as he looked between them.

"Nothing like bonding over Momma's stolen cheesecake in the middle of the night," Dessa said, winking at Elys as he rubbed his hands along Eria's jaw, which had her humming louder. "We owe her two now...but I think we should splurge and give her three."

"And then steal that one?" Milena said with a hopeful glint in her eyes.

"Of course."

Len, who'd been watching and waiting for them all, finally had enough, crossed her arms, and stomped one boot on the ground. "I wanna go flying, so come on!" she whined, pointing to the dragons. "Can we go?"


Whatever the littlest Dalcaine princess wanted...well, she got it. And when she wanted to go flying, they went flying.

Eria easily carried Dessa, Len, and Elys, even with Len calling out for her to do midair flips and spins and dives. She was in front, of course, with Dessa's arms tight around her even though she as strapped into the saddle with them. And Elys...with him seated behind Dessa, his chest was pressed up against her back, hands circling her waist with the lightest of touches. Even though her leather, she could feel him.

Milena, Eamon, and Arsais were close behind, not doing as many aerial tricks since they didn't have Len to demand them. But when Dessa, Len, and Milena all shared a look as the dragons leveled out beside each other, still a thousand feet in the air, they knew of a trick that would give both males heart attacks since neither had seen them do it before and yet they had dozens of times when it was just the three of them. Their parents probably would have murdered them if they knew also.

"You ready, Len?" Dessa shouted over the wind, helping the fearless three-year-old unbuckle from the saddle. She held onto her waist with both hands as Len steadied herself to stand.

"Yep!" she grinned back at her.

Oh, did Dessa wish she could see Elys's face at that moment. Because Eamon's as he watched in horror was spectacular.

Elys didn't disappoint as he yelled in a panic, "What the hell are you doing?"

But Len was already jumping into the air, shrieking with laughter as she spun, before Milena easily caught her in her arms, pulling her close.

"Are you insane?" Elys asked her, watching as Milena strapped the giggling little girl into the saddle in front of her.

"How do you think we switch her off between the two of us midair?" Dessa grinned, patting his hands on her waist in reassurance. "She absolutely loves it and Eria and Arsais would never let her fall. They wouldn't let any of us, actually. And yes, both Milena and I have done it ourselves, too."

"Does Lyv or Jai know you do that with her? That you do it yourself? Because I hardly doubt they'd let you bring her along if they did."

"Of course, they don't. And you're not going to tell them or else I'm going to poke a few holes in you with my own pretty dagger."

Elys pinched Dessa's sides, making her laugh as she reached back to smack the side of his head.

Milena motioned at Dessa, letting her know they were going to break off and leave the two of them by themselves. The bright pink that colored Dessa's cheeks then wasn't just from the biting wind, especially when Elys's hands weren't just on her waist anymore but snaking around to hold her tighter against his chest. That had both Milena and Eamon giving her grins before they disappeared into the clouds above with Len's laughter floating all around them.

Good thing he was holding on tight, though.

Because with one pat on Eria's side, the dragon looked back and knew exactly what Dessa was thinking.

Then plunged toward the earth in a nose dive.

Elys's curse would have put Dessa's the night before to absolute shame.

It wasn't just because of the dive. No, Eria had to show off a little, spinning in one direction and then the other, making the world around them a blurring mess. Dessa was used to it, but obviously not Elys. His curses grew louder, but they were lost on the fierce wind. And then, just as Eria leveled out her dive, the ground beneath them rushed up far too fast...before she pulled up with just a few dozen feet before all three of them went splat.

Dessa's laughter bellowed out. Not because Elys was clutching onto her for dear life then, but because his curses were even more colorful than they had been.

"What the hell was that, Des?" he yelled after Eria landed gracefully in the grass and was already moving to jump down from the saddle.

She batted her lashes in the most innocent way, her smile matching. "Eria just wanted to show you something new. And what would Len say if she heard you say that? If she heard every single curse you flung out just a few moments ago?"

"I hope you never do that with her."

"Oh, I do. It's one of her favorites."

"That kid is fearless just like her sister and her mother. I'm surprised Jai's not gone fully gray."

"All the females in this family of ours are fearless. I thought you knew that already?"

But Elys just rolled his eyes at Dessa, then playfully narrowed them at Eria, who was still huffing out what almost sounded like a laugh.

After hours of flying, the three of them were...well, a little more wobbly than usual when they finally got to their feet. Eria almost immediately plopped down and rolled over on her side, gray eyes closing and almost immediately falling asleep, saddle and bags still on her.

Knowing they would have time to just rest as they waited for the others to meet up with them, Dessa dug around in the saddlebags for their bag of food, her stomach growling with just the thought. Elys was already getting comfortable against the warmth of Eria's side, taking off his leather jacket and pushing the sleeves of his white shirt up to his elbows. Dessa stared at the names tattooed on his forearm, knowing she would never get used to seeing them and yet loved them already.

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