《Bleeding Ink》Chapter 1


Chapter 1

The silence within the walls of the university library was only broken up by the flipping of pages in texts and scratching of pens on parchment, a lull that made it even harder for Dessa not to fall asleep with her face in her copy of History of Dalcaine and Escarral. It didn't help that the sun was finally peeking through the stained-glass windows, letting in more light than what was given off by the ones hanging on the walls and sitting at each of the tables. Even for being barely six in the morning, she wasn't the only one there working on assignments. Every table between the massive bookshelves and in the main study area in the library was occupied.

She was still attempting not to doze off as she read the lines on the pages in front of her, especially when she had to write about herself for her Recent Events elective and was critiquing every sentence written about her life.

She'd let out an audible groan in class as soon as she withdrew the small, folded-up piece of parchment and opened it up, only to see her full name, Princess Dessa Deverell Ayveri of Dalcaine, written in block letters.

"An autobiography then?" Professor Britheva had smiled at her. She'd already known how Dessa loathed their current chapter and found this especially funny. It didn't help that everyone else in the class did, too. Laughter at her expense, no doubt.

Why couldn't she have gotten someone like...oh, maybe her baby sister Lenora? That paper would be short and sweet just like she was. Well, when she wasn't running around causing chaos in the palace with her pixie Silas, that is.

All semester, Dessa had been glued to the class, learning about both lands in a different way she'd ever had before...until they'd gotten to the most recent chapter. She'd heard every one of the stories since birth from the people who experienced it all themselves. She was a part of that history and rolled her eyes at what the author had written about her, her birth, and the supposed curse inflicted on her, all because it snowed across all three lands the exact moment she came into the world.

Oh, and the fact that her magic absolutely refused to show itself in any form in all of her eighteen years.

Curse, Dessa snorted.

And yet...she couldn't help but think of it as one, too.

All right, she needed to just swallow her pride and get this paper over and done with, then all she would have to do is worry about her final thesis due in a few weeks at the end of the semester. Hell, she could knock that out in just a few days if she wanted and probably would just so she wouldn't have to worry about it.

The chair across from her scraped against the hardwood floor, making several heads turn in their direction at the sound. When Dessa looked up, she found her friend Fin grinning guiltily, mouthing sorry to the others nearby who gave him annoyed looks.

"No wonder everyone's so grumpy. It's too early to be here, you know," Fin whispered to her, lifting his messenger bag onto the table to dig out his own books, parchment, and ink pen.

"And it's a good thing Dewridge isn't here yet or else she'd be dragging you out of here by your earlobe," Dessa smiled back at him. "Again."

He reached up and rubbed the ear in question, remembering what happened just the week before. "My week-long banishment is over. I'm allowed back in here."


"And hopefully you've learned how to be quieter in that time."

"Maybe. That was your fault, and you know it."

She snorted out a laugh, then looked around to give her own guilty smile at the break in silence from the sound.

She and Fin hadn't known each other long, just since the beginning of the spring semester. He was human, just year older than herself, but his family had actually lived in Dalcaine a few generations back before they moved to western lands Dessa's human side of her family ruled over. He was studying for a year in Ayveri, having been at the university over in the capital of Escarral. He'd been the first to say hello to her in their Recent Events class since he was the only one to beat her there on the first day. They'd been close ever since, even going out a few times with friends and once as a date. A date that ended with a kiss Dessa hadn't been too impressed by and decided it was best they just remain friends.

"Are you working on your autobiography?" Fin asked her then, peeking over at the few pieces of parchment she's already managed to fill with paragraphs.

Dessa stuck her tongue out at him. "I'm almost done, actually."

"Good, because I want your help on mine."

"Who'd you get? You never told me."

"Your father."

This time, her laughter echoed off the stacks around them before she could even stop it from coming out. She slapped a hand over her mouth. "Have fun with that one," she grinned. "But if you need some insider information on the Crown Prince of Dalcaine, you're looking at her. He's annoying and way too overprotective and still doesn't like that I started training with weapons at five and tells me every single time we're in the training courtyard. That then allows me to take him down because he's too busy complaining or staring at Momma to even see my advances. Then he cusses up a storm when Momma and I try and help him up."

"You know I've met him, right?"

"Yeah, but that was only briefly. You haven't seen what he's like when he's relaxed and not glaring at you as you take his daughter out on a date."


"Just let me know when you finish. I really want to read it. And I'll try not to laugh."


It wasn't just laughter and talks of their papers Fin brought with him, but also her favorite breakfast sandwich and steaming cup of tea from Sherine's bakery. If he'd brought cheesecake in that bag of his even so early in the morning, she probably would have kissed him. As they both bit into their flaky sandwiches, though, the crunch of the bagel and Dessa's groan of approval at the taste made even more people look their way. Too bad she couldn't do as much as put up a ward of silence around them just so they would be free to talk and eat and discuss their classes.

Nope. Her magic was...well, she didn't have any. Not that she could tell, anyway. She'd never felt that first spark inside as her mother described her own whenever she first experienced it when she was Len's age. There was something there, though, something that lurked in the corners of her, waiting and watching and waiting some more. For what, though, she didn't know.

With a full stomach making her even more awake, both Dessa and Fin were able to finish their papers in record time. She was trying to reach for his to read when the main doors of the library flew open, and a female strode inside. Her golden blonde hair was twisted up in a bun on top of her head as her riding leathers creaked with her every movement. But it was her smile that had everyone staring. That, and because she was the mate of youngest Dalcaine prince, which still had Dessa rolling her eyes at and trying not to vomit at the though.


But to Dessa, Milena Kersey was still her best friend since they were born, and only five months apart. With the two of them, they'd caused enough chaos to make a few gray hairs appear on their fathers' heads. Payback, Dessa's grandfather Emmeric grinned at his eldest son.

As soon as she saw the look on Milena's face, though, Dessa groaned. She knew that look. Had received it far too many times. And had seen it on Gideon's face when he had something to tell Lyv or Jai.

"There you are," she sighed dramatically as if she had crossed land and sea to find her. "I should have known you'd be here." She turned that smile on Fin then, winking at him to make him blush. "Hi, Fin."

"Hi, Milena," he answered back before dropping his head toward his parchment.

"What's going on?" Dessa asked her, leaning back in her chair. "You're never up this early."

"I'm up this early because we have somewhere to be, you know. You promised. And not only me, but Eria as well. And when you promise me and Eria something, you promise it to Arsais, too."

"And she knows I have work to do."

She leaned over and peeked at her finished paper. "Looks like you're done to me. Just sign your name at the bottom with a flourish and hand it in. You know you'll get top marks on it and not only because it's about yourself. Britheva adores you, just like every professor does at this university. It's no wonder you're going to graduate at the top of the class."

"Which means I'm now going home to take a well-deserved nap."

Poking out her bottom lip in a pout, she turned those ocean blue eyes on her, sparkling like the sun hitting the waters of Shoal's Crossing. "Please? For your Auntie Milena?"

Dessa gave her a deadpan look, trying not to gage. "You know I absolutely loathe it when you call yourself that. It's only been two months since you and Eamon...ugh, I don't even want to think about it."

This time, her grin turned wicked. "I do. All the time."

"It's only been two weeks since he left."

"Two weeks too long. And I'm going to jump him the moment he comes back."


This time, Milena was the one to be on the receiving end of the annoyed looks as she burst into laughter. "Oh, come on, Des. Please? You promised we'd go flying yesterday. And the day before. And then again the day before that. We haven't. You've been too busy working on class assignments."

"And you? You're in the same classes as I am!"

"I'm already finished."

She doubted that. "Milena."

"Dessa, please?" she begged, poking out her bottom lip again. "I'll love you forever. And then I'll buy you as many chocolate cheesecakes as I can manage without working Sherine into the ground or making Daddy go broke."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine...but you'll only own me one cheesecake. And I'll even be nice and share it with you if you want."

"Yes!" she cheered, jumping up from her chair fast enough for it to scrap loudly against the floor. She paid no mind to the shushing around them. "Let's go! You've got your gear, right? We don't have to head back home first?"

Of course, she had it. How could she ask such a thing? When Dessa shoved all of her books and papers inside her magically extended bag her mother gave her at the start of school, she dug around for the supple leather hidden in its own compartment inside, then her boots that were a little more awkward to get.

"Hide me from view as I change?" she asked her best friend.

Milena grinned back. "Of course!" she told her, then headed in the direction of the back of the library.

Dessa jumped up with her, scoping up her bag and her gear before rounding the table to kiss Fin's cheek. "I'll see you later, all right?"

He made a show of wiping his cheek, though the annoyed look was played down by his smile. "Of course."


Eria was pouting as soon as Dessa and Milena stepped into the dragon quarters of the Branvon Estate, which was dimly lit by the torches along the stone walls and the fire blazing in the center of the cavernous room.

What took you so long? those gray eyes blazed as her dragon looked at her.

"It hasn't been that long since we've been out, you big baby," Dessa told her as she went over to where Eria was stretched out. "Come here and let me love on you, huh?"

Eria poked her nose right into Dessa's stomach and hummed happily as she rubbed between her eyes, then leaned down to kiss her brow. Her gray eyes were exactly the same color as Roshan's, Dessa's mother's dragon, though she was the same deep red as her momma dragon, Kova. But instead of the same bright red underbelly, Eria's was black. Such a strange combination and so beautiful.

Dessa had been bonded with Eria since she was two years old. Even though she couldn't remember much, she remembered the exact moment when it happened, even before her dragon had come out of her egg. Mostly, she remembered Kova and her bloodrite bond Donovan coming to visit...and Donovan totting along with them an egg. The moment Dessa's mother saw it, she knew, since Roshan and Kova had been sweet on one another.

And then Kova herself nudged the glittering black egg in two-year-old Dessa's direction just as those first cracks formed along it. They'd been inseparable ever since.

Now, though, it seemed Dessa was going to have to be extra sweet to her dragon and give her extra loving than usual. Fine, she'll admit it had been a few days longer than she intended. She'd have to make it up to her by spending a little while longer with just the two of them.

"Where's Ro and Erly?" Dessa asked as Eria nudged her toward where the saddles were kept.

Milena was still loving on Arsais, her own Tarver Red dragon who was just a year younger than Eria. "I think Momma, Lyv, and Allel went out this morning."

They did that sometimes, just to get away from their mates and spend some time together. Allel, though, didn't need a dragon of her own. No, she was a human turned shapeshifter and shifted into her own dragon form to fly right along side them. Usually, the three of them and the dragons would fly up to Asturia, or over the grasslands east of Ayveri, or even sometimes to Blackloch to visit with Kalla, the Pirate Queen of the island just west of Asturia.

As Dessa slung the saddle over Eria's back, she went to work on fastening each and every buckle just like she always did. The saddle had grown with both Dessa and Eria and, now that both of them were full grown, would be lasting for many more years to come. No matter how many times she'd seen it, Dessa still marveled at the intricate details in the dark brown leather, the swirling pattern embossed along it. It had been a gift from her parents for her eighteenth birthday, along with matching saddlebags for those longer journeys. Longer journeys she hadn't been able to take in a few months with her final year of university taking up all of her time.

But as of right now, she wouldn't be needing them. All she needed then was herself, her dragon, and the wind whipping around them as they took off from the estate grounds, Milena and Arsais close behind.

Milena's laughter made Dessa let out her own, throwing her arms out to either side as Eria climbed and climbed toward the puffy white clouds above them. After all her focus being solely on her classes and assignments, she was glad she let Milena talk her into this. Now she understood why her mother, Thia, and Allel did this. She needed time with her best friend and their dragons, too.

Especially when she knew what...no, who was coming home later that afternoon.

Just the thought of him made her stomach turn in knots.

Five years.

Five years and still she could still see those mismatched blue eyes staring back at her as he left Ayveri.

How much had he changed in that time away after he joined the Dalcaine army at twenty? She didn't know what she would think or do whenever she finally lay eyes on him again.

And what would he think of her, having grown up from the thirteen-year-old who was in tears when he left?

Lost in thought, Dessa barely heard Milena whistling, drawing her attention downward toward the grasslands below. They were right at the boarder with the Dalcaine territory Aarden and could see the wild Raldune horses running across the hillside. They weren't what Milena was drawing Dessa's attention to, but rather the small group of guardsmen riding practically at full speed in the direction of the capital.

She recognized the few at the head of the group, the Dalcaine banner flying above them.

Recognized her uncle Eamon and her cousin Archer even in their full leather and armor.

And recognized the third male riding alongside them, especially those unmistakable eyes staring up at her and Eria flying up above.

Before she could even change her mind, Dessa pulled Eria back in the direction of Ayveri, Milena and Arsais confused yet still following her lead, urging her dragon to fly as fast as she could away from the group below.

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