
"Hate to admit but it might be true

Hate to admit but I think you knew

Hate to be lame but I might love you

It's always on the tip of my tongue

But I stop myself from saying it

Tell myself it's not the right time or something dumb

But then you kiss me like you do

And we're right back where we started from"

Luke Hemmings was pretty sure he'd died and somehow made it to heaven.

Firstly, he'd woken up to the girl he loved for the second day in a row. Even if they hadn't spent the night in his apartment, he didn't care. They'd taken advantage of the unlimited room service and shitty rom-coms' playing on the TV, staying in bed all day. And although, the shower of her hotel room was smaller than his, he still had more than enough room to do what he pleased- which was pleasing her.

The way they spent the day made Luke fantasize about the rest of his life with her. He didn't think about it as much when they were kids, but now he can't help but think about how perfect it would be to wake up next to her every morning.

He knew he was probably getting ahead of himself and that they still had things to talk about and work out, but he couldn't imagine himself being with anyone else. Arlo was it for him- if he didn't end up with her he'd settle with being alone.

Luke could only hope that she was on the same page.

Secondly, Arlo Abbott- his girl- was standing in front of him in nothing but unbuttoned leather pants and a black lace bra that he'd never seen before. Her hair is messy from the hour she'd spent trying on clothes and although her lips are pouted in frustration it only makes her look all the more tempting to him.

"I liked the last one." Luke says gently from his place on the end of the bed. In a completely unbiased way, the bed of her hotel room was nothing compared to the bed in his apartment.

Arlo huffs, a frustrated breath leaving her lips as she runs her hands through her messy hair. "I didn't." She mumbles, trying her best not to get too worked up. But, the poor girl was stressed beyond belief and she only had a few more minutes to resolve her crisis.

"Does it always take you this long to pick out something to wear to a concert?" Luke asks, though his words aren't in a condescending way. Like they'd talked about, some things about her had changed and the Arlo he used to know usually got ready before even he did.

Arlo shrugs, chewing nervously on her bottom lip. She refuses to face him, not wanting him to see just how stressed she was. It was a stupid thing to work herself up over, but suddenly none of the clothes in her suitcase seemed right and she could think of about a dozen better options just sitting in her closet back home.

She knew there were a million other things in the world more important than what she was getting upset over, but she tried not to dwell on that. Beckham always told her not to invalidate her own feelings and well, Arlo was tired from the little sleep she'd gotten- considering Luke can't keep his hands to himself- she had a blister from the heels she wore the night before, and she was pretty sure the zipper on her pants was stuck.


"Well, it's different this time." Arlo explains vaguely in a dejected voice, only causing Luke even more confusion.

But, the longer he went without hearing her laugh, the more convinced he was that Arlo was truly upset. He reaches out, fingertips brushing the back of her thighs as a smile tugs at his lips. "Why? Because the lead singer is your boyfriend?"

Luke expects a giggle or at least for her cheeks to flush, but all she does is flash those vulnerable brown eyes at him. The blonde's smile drops instantly, panic suddenly filling his veins because Arlo was actually upset.

"Oh, shit you're serious." Luke blurts before he can help himself.

Although, once the words leave his lips he immediately regrets them. Luke practically watches her own negative emotions consume her as she lets the fabric of the t-shirt she was holding slip from her fingers and fall to the floor with the other voided options.

Luke was at a loss. He didn't know what the hell to do but he did know that if he saw Arlo without a smile on her face for any longer he might just go insane.

The only problem was that Luke Hemmings hadn't taken on the role of the supportive, understanding boyfriend in quite a while. For the last three years, Luke Hemmings had been the womanizing player who didn't give a fuck about anyone but himself.

So, it was safe to say this was the very definition of knocking off the rust around his heart.

"Here, lemme help." Luke snaps himself out of his daze and scrambles up from his sitting position on the edge of the bed. His blue eyes wander over her suitcase and he makes a show out of placing his hands on his hips and furrowing his brows in thought.

This causes the slightest smile to tug at Arlo's lips, for the sight of Luke holding up a flowery dress and a glittery top was enough for her to look past what she was upset about. Luke picks up a light pink top with lace detailing and holds it up to her body, his lips twisted to the side in thought.

Luke mumbles something under his breath to himself as if he were actually thinking it through. "Well, the pants are a big fucking yes in my opinion." He says, a slight smirk on his face as he looks at the way the leather material hugs her thighs.

Arlo nods in agreement, taking her bottom lip between her teeth. Just as she prepares to respond, Luke's eyes suddenly catch on something behind her and he leans in, grabbing something off of the desk next to her.

Before Arlo even knows he has it in his hand, Luke drapes his familiar leather jacket over her shoulders, not bothering to zip it. She watches as his blue eyes go wide, his pupils dilating as they scan her body, lingering on her chest.

Luke swallows thickly, for the sight of her in his leather jacket with nothing but black lace peeking out from underneath was mind-fucking. "Fuck, I was just messing around but that's really fucking hot."

A genuine laugh leaves Arlo's lips at the shock in Luke's tone, every ounce of insecurity that had been flooding her veins suddenly nowhere to be found. She can't help herself from linking her arms around his waist and pulling him close, her head on his chest listening to the rapid beating of his heart.

"I don't think I can go out without a shirt on." Arlo muses and Luke's entire body sags in relief at the smile tugging at her lips.


"Yeah, probably not." Luke hums with a small smile. He didn't really know what exactly he did to flip her mood, but he chose to pretend as though he did it on purpose as he loops his arms around her small frame. He slips his hands under the leather jacket, placing them on her bare skin.

He places his lips to her own, swallowing the small gasp that leaves her lips as he uses the way his palms are pressed to her skin to urge her closer. Luke had already been scolded multiple times for his wandering hands by Arlo but he couldn't help it.

Luke had gone three years without having her this way, who could blame him for becoming addicted to the way she tasted and how her skin felt against his own?

"Luke?" She mumbles against his lips, her fingertips toying with the curls at the bottom of his neck.

"Yes, baby?" He answers with heavy-lidded eyes, fighting the urge to let a low groan leaves his lips as her touch sends a shiver down his spine.

"You have to get ready for the show soon." She reminds him, playfully rolling her eyes as a noise of dissatisfaction falls from Luke's lips. He pouts, his blue eyes practically pleading with her. "And you still have to cover up your neck."

A wicked smirk flashes across Luke's features as he's reminded of the dark marks on his neck. "Do I?" He asks teasingly. "Think you should make some more actually." Truthfully, Luke didn't give a fuck about the marks on his skin or the chaos they would cause within management.

A round of knocks on the door snaps both of them out of their slight daze. Arlo's brows furrow considering she didn't know who would be knocking on the door of her hotel room. She didn't have any plans with Beck for the day, after all.

Just as Arlo goes to make her way towards the door, Luke hastily zips up the front of the leather jacket, giving her a smile before sitting back down on the bed. She shakes her head at his antics with a small smile on her face, rolling up the sleeves of the jacket to expose her hands as she reaches the door.

"Arlo!" No other than Calum Hood greets her as soon as he opens the door. "Where were you last night? I was waiting to do a shot with you like old times."

Just as Arlo opens her mouth to respond, both Michael and Ashton squeeze their way past Arlo into the hotel room. She can't help but notice the slight set of Ashton's jaw and instantly her mind begins trying to figure out why he looked so upset

Little did Arlo know, Ashton Irwin was pissed because their lead singer hadn't returned to his hotel room the night before, to his knowledge at least. Luke had a habit of doing that on tour and often times he was late for the show the next day because he was off hungover or fucking some random.

Although, as soon as Ashton registers the familiar leather jacket on Arlo's body, his jaw drops in shock. He looks to Arlo, a skeptical brow raised "Is that-"

"Luke?!" Calum's shocked voice rings loudly through the air as he walks further into the hotel room to find no other than Luke Hemmings sitting comfortably in Arlo's bed. Judging by his things littered around the room and his comfy clothes, he hadn't just gotten there either.

"Yeah?" Luke isn't phased in the slightest, not even glancing up from his phone until Arlo walks by. When she does, he reaches out his hand for her like he always did, wrapping an arm around her waist and tugging her to sit down beside him.

"What the fuck?" Michael looks between the two, his mind reeling. "I thought you guys... what happened to-"

"You're back together?" Ashton gapes, wide hazel eyes darting between the two. "How...? When?"

The way Luke tugs her closer and Arlo's cheeks flush is the only answer the three of them need. They felt like they were living in a time warp, being transported all the way back to their teenage years. It felt so... weird to see this version of Luke gently holding Arlo but it also felt so right.

Luke was smiling genuinely- not drunkenly from too many tequila shots. He looked good too, his cheeks holding more color and his eyes brighter. All three of his bandmates, especially Ashton, could see just how different he looked already.

Seeing them together again was like watching a Disney movie after three fucking years of a horror movie marathon.

Michael takes his black beanie off of his head and runs his hands through his blonde hair before replacing it again. "Thank, fuck." The boy exhales in relief as he slumps down into the chair in the corner of the room. "All of the pining and sexual tension was making me stressed."

"I'm a fucking genius." Calum scoffs, throwing his hands in the air. "I knew that all it would take was locking you guys in a tour bus-"

"You locked me in a fucking tour bus?!"

Arlo knows without a doubt in her mind that as she stands in the VIP box of the venue, she's the happiest she's been in years.

Beckham's set had ended a while ago and he was in the box with her, a drink in his hand as they danced around to Youngblood. His drink is lapping over the edge of the cup and spilling on the floor as he spins them around, but neither of them quite cared.

The feeling of the stadium is electric.

Tonight's show is sold out and the stadium certainly sounded like it with how the floor was practically bouncing and the cheers of fans is so loud Arlo has to speak directly into Beck's ear in order to be heard.

As Luke stands on stage playing his heart out, he isn't even ashamed of how many times he looks up to the VIP box. His girl's smile can be seen all the way from where he stands and it makes him smile too.

The rest of the band could feel a change in energy of the entire set and so could the audience. He'd already heard people whispering during soundcheck about how happy he looked and Luke couldn't even deny that they were right.

Arlo's heart races as Youngblood ends and Luke steps up to the mic, that stomach-turning smile on his face. "This is an old one." He says, his eyes directly on her. "We haven't played it in a few years, but it's about time we brought it back."

Her brows furrow as she waits in anticipation for the next song to play. This certainly isn't planned and Arlo had no idea what it could be. Either way, she knew the song was most likely one she had written with the band and that made her heart swell.

"This is one of my favorites." Luke smiles, his lips against the mic. "It's called Waste the Night."

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