
"Taste in your tongue, the smoke in your lungs

And I need your love, and I need your love

The salt on your skin is pulling me in

And I need your love, and I need your love"

"C'mon, Cal." Arlo whines, a slight headache pounding in the back of her head. She was almost positive she had a concussion from where that guy's camera had hit her earlier in the day, but that was the least of her worries.

Calum sits on a leather couch in the backstage area holding his stomach. He doubles over and shakes his head, a look plastered on his face so sickly he might as well be green. "I can't, Abbs. I'd rather pass out than puke on stage."

The rest of the boys had already eaten and were off getting changed in the dressing room for the show but Calum had refused to eat due to his nerves. Despite Luke's neediness for someone to do his hair, Arlo refused to do anything else until Calum had a full stomach.

As she sits on the edge of the wooden coffee table in front of the couch, their knees brushing, she can't help but let her eyes fall to the bright pink bandages on his knuckles. She already felt so, so guilty that he hurt himself defending her in the first place, and when he ripped the skin open wider while playing during soundcheck, Arlo couldn't feel worse.

The bright pink bandages on his knuckles match the one above her eyebrow, covering the small cut. It didn't even really need a bandaid, but she could tell Calum was feeling out of place and she hoped that it would make him feel less alone if she had one too.

Calum's meal sits on her lap- it's some sort of rice and chicken bowl that Calum would usually have no problem clearing. "Here." Arlo sighs, picking up the fork sitting in the bowl. She takes a bite for herself before scooping up another piece of chicken. "Look, we'll do it together."

To her relief, Calum takes the fork warily, slipping it past his lips. He chews hesitantly as if the bite might jump right out of his mouth, but he swallows it. "'S not too bad, I guess." He shrugs, handing the fork back to her.

Arlo and Calum take turns eating bites until the entire bowl is empty and Calum even asks for some of the chips and salsa that the group had ordered earlier. Arlo exhales in relief even as Calum begins scolding her for eating a piece of chicken that he was "saving for last"- at least he wasn't panicking any longer.

The two of them finish up eating just as Ashton and Michael walk in, giddy expressions on their faces. They're fully dressed in their stage outfits, their hair is done perfectly as well. "Guys, there's a shit ton of people out there." Michael gushes excitably.

Ashton plops down on the couch beside Calum, wrapping his arm around the boy. "I'm telling you, Cal, all Mikey and I did was peek out of the curtain but the view is amazing."

Calum's eyes widen, all of his nervousness being replaced with excitement. "Really?"

"You've got the best seat in the house, Arlo." Michael nods toward the girl. "The VIP box is right in the center, just high enough that you're above the crowd but it's a perfect view."

Arlo finds herself slightly stunned. It still hadn't quite processed in her brain just how famous her best friends really were, for they were still the same four boys from back home. All four of them still goofed off and found themselves in random pizza joints at four in the morning- they simply didn't feel like the biggest band in the world.


Regardless, she had assumed she'd just be standing backstage off to the side like she had for every other performance. "VIP box?" She furrows her brows.

Calum scoffs, rolling his eyes at how utterly clueless the girl was. Did she really think that Luke would have her anywhere but right in his line of sight with a full security detail at her side, especially after what happened earlier? Hell, not even he would let Arlo be anywhere else if Calum knew he couldn't get to her immediately.

Ashton knew exactly what Calum was about to say as soon as he opens his mouth. The shaggy-haired boy nudges his tanner friend, narrowing his eyes in a signal for him to can it. Ashton knew Arlo well enough to know that the last thing she wanted was to be reminded of what happened earlier.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you." Ashton interjects smoothly, tapping Also's knee with his pointer finger. "Luke's waiting for you in the dressing room. Something about his hair not looking right."

Arlo jumps up from the coffee table immediately, making sure to pull the material of her skirt down her thighs from where it had ridden up. Considering she hadn't planned on attending her rockstar boyfriend's concert during the trip, she had to make do with what she packed. Which so happened to be a short vintage-looking denim skirt and one of Luke's faded graphic t-shirts that she'd stolen and tucked the hem up into the band of her bra to make it cropped.

She turns down the hall of the backstage area, her all-access pass with her name on it bouncing against her chest as it hangs from her neck. The girl nearly giggles as she remembers Luke's distaste for having to wear one himself.

"How the fuck are they going to confuse me for a fan? My name and face are plastered all over the fucking building." He'd grumbled, reluctantly sliding the pass into his back pocket.

Arlo finds a sign that points to the dressing rooms, knocking lightly on the door and waiting for Luke's voice to answer. Once she hears a particularly quiet sounding "Come in" worry fills her veins and she gently opens the door.

Luke is bracing his arms against the vanity table in front of a large mirror, his head hung low as his foot taps rapidly against the ground. Hell, his body was practically shaking with nerves. Although, once he catches the sight of Arlo timidly stepping inside the room, his demeanor changes.

"C'mere, Lo." His blue eyes are dilated as they find her, his hand reaching out for her.

Arlo swallows thickly, tension suddenly swallowing the room as she makes her way over to him. Luke looks unfairly intimidating in the best way with the black skinny jeans and faded-looking red flannel on his body. Half of the buttons of the flannel are undone, exposing his chest and he looks to be clinging to his lip ring with his teeth for dear life.

As soon as she's in reach, Luke's hands find her waist, his fingertips digging into the soft flesh of her hips where her skirt doesn't quite meet her top. In one swift movement, he has her sitting on the vanity table, smoothly slotting himself between her parted legs.

Arlo frowns, pushing aside the racing of her heart as she takes in the pure distress on his face. "What's wrong, Luke?" She reaches a dainty hand up, cradling his jaw as her thumb strokes his cheek.

Luke's eyes flutter shut at the comfort the action brings. He inhales sharply, his hands tightening their grip on her hips enough to elicit a gasp from Arlo's lips. "Honestly-" He gulps, allowing himself to be vulnerable. "I'm freaking the fuck out."


"Why?" Arlo asks, not an ounce of judgment in her tone. She looks genuinely confused, her brown eyes searching his features for answers.

"I don't know if I'm cut out for this." Luke blows out a breath, his own thumbs copying the circular motion she draws on his cheeks, only his hands are on her hips. "That's a lot of fucking people out there and I didn't even know this type of career was an option for me but a few months ago and after what happened today I just want to be home where I know nobody can fucking touch you-"

Arlo can sense the way Luke's working himself up, his chest beginning to heave with panic. She takes matters into her own hands, cutting him off swiftly as she hooks her pointer finger under the chain that hangs from his neck. Using her grip on his chain, she brings his lips to her own.

Luke groans against her lips, his hands instantly tugging Arlo to the edge of the table until her lower half connects harshly with her own. Relief floods his body instantly, the remedy of her lips being just what he needed.

Luke wasn't perfect, not by any means- he sure as hell had been trying to be better for his girl though. Considering all things, Luke decides to allow himself to let loose just this once.

He knew the ways in which he coped with his emotions weren't particularly healthy. He didn't want to use Arlo either, but Luke decides that the antidote her touch brings is euphoric enough to tempt him.

Luke rips his lips away from her own, smirking against the skin of her neck as a gasp leaves her lips, her hips drawing instinctively forward and rutting against his own in a way that drives him fucking mad.

A reminder that they have limited time flashes through Luke's mind and although he hates to rush things, especially with her, Luke knows he needs to hurry. Although, just as his hands reach for the hem of her skirt, she pulls away.

Luke's heart drops instantly, his hands drawing back from her as if he'd been burned. "What's wrong-"

"I want to help you." Arlo's voice is breathy, her brown eyes wide as she gazes up at him innocently. Even with Luke standing between her parted legs and his hand traveling up her skirt, she still manages to look like a fucking angel.

Luke's heartbeat pounds in his ears, his mouth going dry as he struggles to process her words. "What do you mean, Lo?" He asks, for there was no way his innocent, wide-eyed girl could be suggesting what he thought she was- backstage only moments before their concert of all places.

Arlo's teeth sink into her bottom lip and she shrugs, her cheeks flushing as she shyly reaches for the waistband of his jeans. She doesn't move them any further, but her hands skimming the lower skin of his abdomen is enough to make Luke light-headed.

"Fuck." Luke blows out a breath, pinching his eyes shut. "Baby, you don't-" Luke's voice catches in his throat as Arlo suddenly presses her lips to his neck.

"Okay, fuck, okay." Luke is practically panting, his head spinning, for this was not what he anticipated. He feels like he's dreaming, the scene in front of him being something so fucking intoxicating that not even fantasizing about this moment would be enough.

His hand suddenly finds her hair, his fingers tangling in the loose curls his girl had spent so long perfecting earlier. Luke almost feels bad for messing up her hair, but the sight of his hand tangled in the dark strands is worth it as he uses his grip to tilt her head back.

Arlo's lips part in surprise, a gasp leaving her lips as Luke looks at her with dark, heavy-lidded eyes. "I don't want to rush you sweetheart, but if you want to have time to wipe my cum off your lips you're gonna have to hurry."

A near whimper leaves Arlo's lips at Luke's words and her hands cling to the waistband of Luke's jeans for dear life. Her knuckles unintentionally brush against the bulge in the front of his jeans and cause him to jerk his hips forward, a sound leaving Luke's lips so utterly needy that it sends a wave of heat straight to her stomach.

Just as Arlo opens her mouth to ask him for a bit of guidance considering her inexperience, the dressing room door flies open. Michael tumbles in, completely disregarding them as the couple jerk away from each other, their eyes wide.

"Arlo, I've been looking for you everywhere!" Michael groans, running a hand through his messy black hair. "The stylist lady said eyeliner would look all edgy 'n shit but I tried to do it myself and now I look like I have a fucking black eye." The boy grumbles.

Luke curses under his breath, his hands white-knuckling the edge of the table as Arlo sends him a shy smile before sliding of off the table to assist their best friend.

As Arlo takes the eyeliner from Michael's hand and instructs him to sit down, the boy catches Luke's eye. "Why the fuck do you look so mad?"

The energy in the venue was unlike anything the four boys on stage had ever felt before. None of them quite feel like they're living in real life, more like they're floating around in their wildest dreams.

Arlo can feel it too, even from where she stands in the VIP box. She'd been pressed up against the railing all night, everything from excitement to nervousness to pure pride filling her veins as she watches.

"I love this one!" The blonde girl in the box next to Arlo says. She has long hair and kind green eyes that instantly made Arlo feel comfortable in her presence. Paige, the girl's name is, is a concert photographer.

Arlo grins at the girl beside her, their hands intertwined as they spin each other around as they had been all night. "I do too!" Arlo yells over the loud guitar riff Michael shreds out.

Calum steps up to the mic, a smirk on his face that causes a round of screams to echo through the stadium. "Late night, passed out in Tokyo." Calum sings, the rasp in his voice favoring him without a doubt. "New York, LA, Chicago."

As Michael prances around the stage, his fingertips flying expertly across the guitar, Arlo has a hard time not smiling like an idiot. The crowd was reacting so, so, well. They knew all of the words and the boys looked like they were born to play together.

Originally, Arlo was nervous about being in the VIP box all alone, hundreds of feet away from the boys with no one but a group of huge, muscled security guards to keep her company. Although, as she was being escorted to the box, she stumbled across Paige and the two hit it off instantly.

Considering the band would be touring in a matter of a few months, they desperately needed a tour photographer. Of course, the boys wanted to be involved in picking their tour photographer, so they invited a few of the best candidates and allowed them to take turns, giving them each a specific song to photograph during.

When Arlo and Paige found each other in the hallway backstage, Arlo was adamant about not distracting the girl from her job, but Paige assured her that she was slotted to photograph the very last song anyway.

Almost as if it were fate, Luke had specifically instructed Arlo to be escorted to the front of the stage, for the last song. It made the girl beyond nervous to have to stand with a crowd of fans behind her where she would clearly be in sight, but it was worth it to see Luke play up close.

Paige and Arlo were having the absolute time of their lives, smiles on their faces so wide that it almost hurt as they danced around in the spacious VIP box together.

The boys opened with She's Kinda Hot and transitioned into Hey Everybody! before moving on to Money. As Ashton takes the time to talk to the crowd and intro the next song, Paige and Arlo take a breather.

"Who knew being a rockstar's girlfriend was a workout, huh?" Paige smirks, nudging her newfound friend playfully.

Arlo rolls her eyes, her cheeks burning as the girls are presented with cold drinks. Arlo felt rather out of place having people tending to her in such a way, but apparently going to order on her own was out of the question according to one of the large security guards.

"I think I'm just out of shape in general." Arlo pants, quickly tying her curled hair back into a low bun. She fans her face before taking a sip of water. "I need to like... run or something."

Paige scrunches up her nose in distaste as a somber guitar riff gills the venue. "I don't have the lungs for it."

Arlo merely giggles despite the song beginning to play. The Girl Who Cried Wolf is already a fan favorite, but as Luke's passionate voice fills the stadium as he sings every lyric as if he were telling a story, it only hits even harder.

Paige looks to be in awe of the song herself, having done a little bit of research on the band but she had no idea they were so talented. "This song is so fucking sad." The blonde wipes her eyes, thankful now more than ever for the invention of waterproof makeup.

Arlo takes her lip between her teeth, knowing for a fact what the song is about. "Tell me about it." She muses, propping her head up on her chin as her eyes never leave the lead singer.

The mood is uplifted once more as Michael introduces a new song that he'd written with Ashton and Calum only a few days before called Permanent Vacation. Arlo had yet to hear most of the song considering while it was being written, she and Luke were busy.

Halfway through the song, Paige and Arlo are escorted down towards the front of the stage. It takes longer than expected considering Arlo was recognized by a few fans who were thankfully angels and asked for a picture and genuinely wanted to talk rather than being mean to her. Arlo didn't feel as though she deserved their attention, but it made her night nonetheless that the group of girls talked to her as if they were friends.

Arlo reaches her place in front of the barricade just as the guitar riff that serves as the transition from Permanent Vacation into the last song begins. Luke's eyes find his girl instantly, a wide smile mirroring the one on her own pink lips.

While she could see him from the box, the lights were certainly too bright for him to be able to see her and he'd missed her face. Her cheeks are flushed adorably and his leather jacket that he'd given her before the show hangs off of her shoulders, the sleeves balled in her fists.

Ignoring the screaming fans, Luke continues playing the guitar riff. Michael takes the lead with the riff for a few chords before allowing Luke to have his turn. He takes her, and quite literally everyone else in the stadium, by surprise when Luke waltzes smugly over to the side of the stage where she stands.

Luke crouches down, his smooth white guitar resting on his knee as he stares right into Arlo's eyes, lips parted and his tongue swiping across his bottom lip as he keeps burning eye contact with her all while continuing to play.

Arlo's knees are utterly weak at the sight, from the way his flannel is sticking to his skin, his chest halfway exposed as beads of sweat run down his face to the wild mess of his blonde curls and the way he clamps his teeth down on his lip ring as he hits a particularly difficult part of the riff.

As if Arlo wasn't already in the palm of his hand, Luke keeps burning eye contact with his girl as he leans down, blue eyes wild. Arlo isn't even sure if she's living real life as Luke brings his tongue to the guitar strings, beginning to play the riff with his mouth.

Her jaw drops and Arlo's sure she looks ridiculous with her mouth wide open in shock but Luke seems to revel in it, a smirk crossing his face as he jumps up quickly, his lips pouting to blow a chaste kiss in her direction before he makes his way back to the center of the stage.

Luke makes his way to the mic, a devilish smirk on his face. "This is a new one. It's called Waste the Night."

Arlo is in awe as the song begins playing. When Luke had told her in the shower earlier that day that he'd written a song for her, she knew it would be good, but she didn't know that he'd managed to write the best song she'd ever heard.

"Taste in your tongue, the smoke in your lungs, And I need your love, and I need your love"

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