《Stealing The Bad Boy's Heart》I waited him, but it was in vain


I went home not wanting to do anything else anymore. I usually put snickers in my refrigerator, as I love it most when it's cold, so I took it out, made some tea and sat on the sofa looking out of the window.

If anyone asked me what I was looking for or what I was thinking about, I would say that, again, everything was about him. I was hoping that he would come, he would apologize and everything would go back to normal.

Even though he hurt me, really, I wanted him to come to me right now. How crazy is that?

I heard a knock on the door and immediately ran towards it. I had a smile on my face, but it turned into a sad expression the moment I saw that it was Meggy and Matt.

Don't get me wrong, I love them a loot, but at this moment I only wanted him. But at the same time I understood that I was too hurt by that, in his viewpoint marginal and unimportant kiss and I wouldn't want to talk to him. He didn't want to understand that he was wrong. We would just fight incessantly.

I finally opened the door.

"Hey guys," I said in a low voice.

"Hello dear. How are you?" asked Meggy and without hearing the answer she approached me and hugged tightly.

"Come in guys," I said gesturing to the inside of the house.

"How are you Matty? Are you okay? Well, I suppose that's a stupid question considering we're in the same situation."

"I'm good, I'm real good actually. We made up. We're good," Matt said smiling and I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Are you serious?" I said trying to stop myself from spilling all of my anger on him too.


"Really Matt? Really?" asked Meggy, even she couldn't keep it inside.

"Let's not talk about it right now. I forgave her and I don't want any of you to try to change my decision. I won't change it. The opposite, I even want to tell you to forgive Damon too."

"What the hell? Why are you being like this?"

"Bailey, I'm sure you love him, but are you ready to lose him for something this stupid? Okay, they kissed, maybe they even lost control. But do you want to lose him over a kiss?"

"Matt, it's not like I want to lose him. I don't, obviously, but I also don't want him to know that it's always going to be like that. He can kiss any other girl and know that I'll still forgive him and let it go. It hurt me. I'm sure you're hurt just like me. Maybe in your case the pain is less than the love, but in my case I don't know."

"I heard both of the sides and I think that you have points, you just have to decide what's important for you. Losing time being hurt, in pain, but without the people you love or forgiving them, again maybe hurting, but at least being with them together," said Meggy smiling sadly at us.

"I chose to forgive her and even if she deceives me in the future, then that's going to be my mistake. I'll know that I made a decision and it turned out to be wrong. We can't always avoid mistakes," said Matt looking into my eyes.

"I don't know," I said looking out of the window, again.

"Okay, let's watch a movie."

"I have a better suggestion. Let's watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S," exclaimed Matt.


And then we started watching Friends, while I shared my snickers with my friends. An episode was going after another one and then I realized that I was the only one awake. I continued watching the episode alone, when I heard the doorbell and ran as fast as I could. I didn't want it to wake them up.

"What are you doing here? Please go. Today I really don't have the mood and the nerves to talk to you."

"Wait princess, I just need someone to talk to," said Lucas coming closer.

"Fine," I said sitting at the porch.

He sat beside and for the upcoming 5 minutes we didn't say anything. Ad it was getting more awkward and I decided to break the silence.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"I can't forget you Bailey. I-"

"Lucas don't. I don't want you to continue that sentence. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever."

"Wait princess, don't go please. Let me just get that off my chest. Maybe I will be able to get over you if I tell you what I feel."

I didn't say anything. I didn't want him to say what he felt, but I hoped that if he did, he might finally leave me alone.

"I can't forget you princess. You are constantly on my mind, I can't stand it when you're with another guy, that is killing me. I know how wrong I was to do whatever I did to you. I didn't have the right to play with your feelings, but I have changed. I value people's feelings now. I know how it feels to be left and trust me, I won't ever leave you."

I wasn't saying anything, because I didn't know how I felt about these words. I have wished to hear those words so many times that I didn't know what they made me feel now.

He came closer to me looking me straight into the eyes.

"I won't ever let you go. I will always be by your side and I'll only look at you. You will be the one for me princess," he said coming closer and his lips were so close to mine, "the one."

I needed to hear those last words at the moment so much...


I'm finally back and I am so happy about that😅I'm sorry for not being active for the past week or weeks, I just didn't feel inspired/motivated to write😬Nothing was coming to my mind😓the good thing is that I'm finally back😜for now

I hope you enjoy this chapter, coz for me it's a little different from the previous ones in a way😄

Is there anyone who ships Lucas and Bailey?😃

Until next time 👋🏻😄

I just opened a new account where I'll post news about my next book and schedule😄❤️

Follow me on Instagram @loveorrunaway_wattpad

Also, please follow my quotes account @loveorrunaway on Instagram


Published on 23.02.20

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