《The Platinum Tales #TheWattys2018》Nirvana's Tale


A Bag of Happiness

It was a "very typical" morning here in Warsaw. The sun shines brightly, the birds sing as they fly along the blue firmament, and the leaves fall numerously like fall would end soon. I ocassionally stroll around the park with my friends. I normally want to be alone and be myself...

And I'll show you what a normal day for me really is...

Monday morning, the sky is very cloudy, the wind blows rapidly towards the west, how low temperature it is.

"Winter's coming," I said

"It's always winter"

It was very cold, but I didn't mind it. The atmosphere is very humid, and all I hear are people's murmur and car noises.

"Very peaceful," I said

"Very peaceful indeed"

I looked out in the window and saw that many cars were going to the left. Curiously, I took my bag and followed to where the cars were going. It took me merely 15 minutes and 15 left turns to get there. To my eyes I see the carnival and the park at its left. The carnival looks very amusing, red and yellow, lots of fun, and tons of happy people.

", your carnival is nothing compared to mine."

I walked to the park without making any emotion. There were a couple of chairs and still many people stroll around these places. I sat down to look around and see what people typically do in the park. Time went by when I saw a familiar face walking towards me.

"Hey Nirvana, are you alright?," said Joy


"Is there a problem?," she asked

I smiled at her histerically, and I saw annoyance on her face as joy walks away. I looked to the left and saw nothing, while on the right were friends having fun and some people walking around. I can hear many people talking about how normal I am. I ignored them and bowed down my head.


I couldn't bear the temperature anymore, so I opened my bag to look for something I could use. I saw chocolates, a syringe, my cellphone, and a knife.

"Oh! My bag is full of happiness. Nothing unusual." I said.

The temperature is getting hotter and the sky is becoming brighter.

"Very normal," I grinned and walked home.

"Going left will never turn right"


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