《TRAGEDY || R. BLACK ✓》twenty | graduation of 1979


with Regulus Black was easier than falling asleep after a Quidditch match. Florence came to realize that she had been falling in love with Regulus Black ever since the day she punched him in the face the first time their fifth year after a Quidditch match - the look on his face still made her laugh.

As their time at Hogwarts ran out, the two spent every last second preparing to end You Know Who once and for all. They aced their N.E.W.T.S., both finished in the top five of their class, and spent whatever time they could together falling more and more in love with each other.

Regulus finally had a purpose: to destroy the Horcrux and stay alive for Florence, the girl who loves him despite his flaws and mistakes. The girl who believed in him and stayed with him even after he sent a bludger flying her way out of spite.

Graduation rolled around, the area beside the Great Lake filled with family and friends to watch Hogwarts' class of 1979 graduate. Flo easily spotted her Gryffindor gang towards the front of the crowd, sending her bright smiles. They cheered the loudest when she was called up, and she sent them a wink in response, Sirius pretending to pass out afterwards.

Flo clapped loudly when Regulus was called up, noticing that Sirius did as well.

And just like that, it was all over. Flo was dragged into pictures with her parents and friends and Regulus was surrounded by his parents and 'friends' who could care less about him. Flo wished nothing more than to rip him away from his fake life and bring him into hers.

But she couldn't - not yet, at least.

Florence, Lizzie, and two others climbed into a boat and sailed back to the Hogwarts Express. Flo broke away from the small group, entering a compartment by herself.


She was happy, of course. No more school work and learning about the Goblin Rebellions. At the same time, however, Flo saw Hogwarts as her safe haven. She no longer had the school to protect her, especially not when her and Regulus put their plan into action.

Regulus then swung open the compartment door and quickly shut it behind him, before laughing and wrapping Florence into a large hug and crashing his lips onto hers.

Pure joy. That is all Flo felt when she was with Regulus and in his arms. The ring on her finger was warm, and she hoped and prayed that it would remain that way. She and Regulus would get their happily ever after soon enough.

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