《TRAGEDY || R. BLACK ✓》nineteen | looking good, looking older


18 in the middle of April, just as Gryffindor beat Ravenclaw in the last Quidditch match of the season, securing them the Quidditch Cup. That entire week, Flo was swept up in parties in the Gryffindor common room, lots of congratulatory presents, and fire whiskey. She was barely able to slip away Saturday night to meet Regulus in the kitchens, though she finally shook Lizzie off her tail and ran off.

Regulus was already in the kitchens, a pencil tucked behind his ear as he sat reading and drinking pumpkin juice.

"Looking good, Black." Flo teases, before plopping down next to him and pouring herself a glass of water.

"Looking older, Crown." Regulus taunts.

"I feel wiser... and my back is aching a bit. Is this how you felt when you turned 18?" Flo questions, earning a genuine laugh from Regulus.

"Very funny. Fun is over, though. I found these highly complicated spells that could possibly destroy the Horcrux, and I think we should begin practicing them tonight." Regulus suggests. Flo frowns, understanding that her birthday fun was now over and her prime focus was destroying You Know Who's Horcrux. She wondered if Muggle's ever had to worry about things like this.

For the remainder of the night, the two seventh years practiced spells that would even be challenging for someone as talented as Dumbledore, and drank far too much pumpkin juice while doing so.

Flo noticed the determination on Regulus' face as he shot spell after spell towards a fake locket he had made over holiday. She could tell how badly he wanted all of this to work... how badly he wanted to be free of You Know Who's grasp.

Part of her wishes she could grab a hold of Regulus' hand and run away. Far, far away from Hogwarts, grabbing her friends along the way and getting as far away from You Know Who as she possibly could. They could start over. Live their lives with no fear of a killing curse getting shot at them at any given moment.


But that wasn't realistic. Flo knew it wasn't possible, escaping You Know Who would never happen. He needed to be defeated, to be killed, then they would all be free. Regulus would be free.

"Can we call it a night?" Flo begs, the clock above the small fireplace reading half past three in the morning.

Regulus, surprisingly, nods with no hesitation. The two pack up their things, thank the house elves for supplying them with pumpkin juice and snacks, and leave the kitchens.

Unlike every other night, Regulus continues straight instead of turning left towards the Slytherin dormitories.

"Where are you going?" Flo whispers, not wanting to get caught wandering the halls this late at night.

"I've got you a present, I figured I'd give it to you in your common room, since it'll be empty by now."

Flo is thankful that the hallways are dark, as she already knew her cheeks would be flushed red.

Once they reach the Gryffindor tower, the two sneak inside quietly and take a seat next to the fireplace. Flo watches as Regulus carefully takes out a very small box from his bag full of books, before handing it to her.

The box is velvet black and can fit in the palm of her hand. It's secured with a small, white bow that looks as if Regulus made it himself. The smile wouldn't wipe off of Flo's face.

"Open it." Regulus urges, his voice barely above a whisper.

Flo did not wait another second before carefully opening the box to reveal a thin, silver ring. It was very simple, though very beautiful, and resembled one that Regulus had on at this very moment. Flo looked up towards Regulus - he was already staring back at her.

"I... don't know what to say," Flo breathes out. "Thank you."


Regulus smiles, before taking the ring out of the box and motioning for Flo to give him one of her hands. She chooses her left hand, and Regulus slides the ring onto her middle finger. With a wave of his wand, the ring transfigures to fit Flo's finger perfectly.

The ring has a very small warm feeling to it, as if it was sending off puffs of heat every few seconds. Flo looked away from her hand and back to Regulus - once again, he was already staring at her.

"It can track your heart beat, I've got one too," Regulus says, lifting up his left hand and pointing to this ring on his middle finger. "As long as the ring is warm, it means the other is alive and safe."

Flo was unsure what to say, so she said nothing. Instead, she softly grabbed a hold of Regulus' face and brought her lips to meet his, and it was as if everything fell into place.

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