《TRAGEDY || R. BLACK ✓》eleven | following me already


Flo stayed true to their words - they were together nearly all the time and it was as if nothing changed. Flo sat with Pete every Sunday and chatted over tea, spent her Tuesdays shopping with Sirius, spent way too much time at Remus and Pete's apartment listening to music, and talking Quidditch with James while freaking out about the team this school year.

But all of that had to come to an end as September approached. The boys and Lily had accompanied Flo to the train station, wanting to see her one last time before her first Hogsmeade trip.

"Write to me everyday or else." Sirius jokingly threatens as he engulfs Flo in a hug.

"I'll be sending you at least two new books every month!" Pete pipes up from behind Sirius.

"Sunday tea just won't be the same without you." Flo frowns.

"Hogsmeade weekend'll be here before you know it!" Lily chimes in, earning a bright smile from Flo.

The group says their final goodbye's to Flo before she hops onto the Hogwarts express, dragging her luggage into an empty compartment and getting comfortable for the long trip to Hogwarts.

She wondered just how different this year would be. No Marauders, no Lily, or Mary or Marlene or Dorcas. But everything good wasn't gone. She still had Lizzie, and Quidditch, and she could still go to the kitchens and eat as much pudding as she wanted when sleep wouldn't overcome her.

Florence still had Regulus.

As if on cue, her compartment door slides open, revealing the youngest Black brother. Flo tilts her head at him in a confused manor.

"Following me already?" Flo teases.

Regulus looks both ways before sneaking into the compartment, shutting the door behind him.

"I know something." Regulus states.

"Are you going to share it with me, or are you just here to brag about it?"

Regulus leans forward, his voice growing quiet.

"I know how to put a stop to the Dark Lord."

For the first time in her seven years of knowing Regulus Black, Flo can finally think of him as a friend.

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