《TRAGEDY || R. BLACK ✓》ten | graduation of 1978


you'll never see us again, Flo. You couldn't get rid of me even if you tried." Sirius states, as he packs away his belongings into his trunk.

"And you already agreed to tea every Sunday while we discuss our current reads." Pete points out, Flo nodding her head.

"I know," Flo sighs, covering her face with Sirius' pillow. "But I'm gonna be all by myself next year! You goons'll be out fighting against You Know Who and I'll be writing about the Goblin Rebellion."

"Which means it's exactly how it should be." James teases, earning a roll of the eyes from Flo.

Remus played The Beatles until he eventually had to pack up his record player and vinyl's. Flo bid the boys a goodbye, heading over to her own room before changing into her outfit for their graduation, making sure all of her own stuff was packed away, and then began down to the ceremony.

Nearly all of her friends were graduating, though she still had Lizzie, who she had gotten closer to the past few months.

Florence also still had Regulus, though their relationship confused her. Were they friends? Were they enemies? What would Regulus do this summer that may leave some of Flo's friends dead? She hated to think about it... she wished Regulus wasn't so complicated and they could have a conversation without insulting each other.

Graduation took place beside the Great Lake. Flo was sat beside Lizzie, the two of them cheering loudly every time one of their friends was called up to the stage. From the corner of her eye, Flo could see Regulus cheer for Sirius when he was called up.

Just as quickly at the ceremony started, it ended. Flo laughed and cried with her small, Gryffindor gang as they took photos and hugged each other as if they wouldn't be seeing each other later that week. She and Lizzie waved them goodbye as they set off towards the Hogwarts express on boats.

"They are such idiots." Lizzie laughs, watching as the boys rocked their boat and nearly fell in.

"What on earth is this school gonna do without them?"

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